Everything posted by Balrogofmorgoth
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I would even say the Eiffel Tower falls into that category too. I know people who see it as a dream come true. That’s one reason I’ll always vouch for the same setting being released as a massive D2C and also as a smaller scale playset later on. Some people are in love with the massive scale sets and some prefer smaller sets (I love both). So for example, if they start making LOTR playsets, and we eventually get a much smaller Rivendell set, I wouldn’t complain at all, I welcome that. Plenty of people can’t afford or can’t fit the big one so make a small one available. Works for me, I’ll get both. I would never want them not to make massive scale sets like this just because some people don’t have space. But I also think making smaller versions of them down the line would be good for those people.
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I’ve always wanted a D2C Barad-Dûr to focus on the prologue. I don’t even care that the timeline of the Eye wouldn’t make sense. The Eye from the films already breaks book canon so who cares. For all I care, make it represent multiple films. I’d love specific versions of Frodo and Sam from the destruction of the Ring scene. And maybe include a Ringwraith or two and fell beast to represent the ending shot of Two Towers. But I primarily want Sauron, Elendil, Isildur, Gil-Galad, and I guess an updated Elrond, although the old one is perfectly fine. Gil-Galad probably wouldn’t happen though, he’s only seen for a second or two on screen. Noldorin Elven warriors and Second Age Gondorian soldiers would be awesome too, although those would be better suited to battle packs
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I definitely agree that there are way too many massive expensive sets being released. It’s way too much. I usually keep up with Star Wars UCS sets but I didn’t get the Razor Crest because I’ve had to get pickier since there are too many options. Also didn’t get Hogwarts Express. Wasn’t worth it to me. But I would buy any large scale LOTR D2C sets, even if it means skipping other themes I like
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I don’t think it’s up to any of us to tell people why they should or shouldn’t buy a lego set. Lego looks at numbers, so naturally, the more people buy it, the better it looks to the company. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to continually keep the message going that we want LOTR sets. Especially if you’re like me and will buy any LOTR products they put out anyway, so you’re getting the set you want and you’re keeping the message going strong
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Yeah I hate the black void of death. This set could have had remarkable box art but nope. Instead they chose the Timeless Void where Morgoth dwells until the end of days. I’m torn on this. Mid legs are definitely too tall for Dwarves, it makes them way too tall compared to Men and Elves. But they should be taller than Hobbits. But I do think it would best if Dwarves and Hobbits all just had short legs. The Dwarves with mid legs are just way too tall
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I typically don’t feel the need to buy a set “day one”. There are some exceptions though. This is the strongest desire I’ve ever had to own a lego set on day one since the original LOTR line. It’s more about Tolkien’s works and Peter Jackson’s films having such a huge impact on who I am as a person than anything else. To have those things honored with such a gorgeous lego set makes it a definite day one purchase for me. I just want to have it as soon as physically possible
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Yes, I agree, stickers are a necessary evil sometimes. It’s not like they would all be replaced with prints. There would just be less detail. I don’t love stickers but I also understand that they’re necessary to capture things that can’t be done with bricks and won’t be done with prints Why can’t both apply? I love this set and will buy it day one. But at the same time, by spending this much money on this set I’m telling lego I want more. That’s perfectly realistic
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
$500 is a lot of money, there’s no denying that. However, as lego fans and collectors, it’s been clear for a very long time that this is an expensive hobby, especially for those who collect bigger sets. With all that in mind, Rivendell looks like it will be worth every penny of that $500, and I’ll pay it happily for the chance to have LOTR back in such a perfect way. And it’s important to keep in mind that the $500 is going towards a “lego, look, we clearly want more of this theme” fund.
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I have the Hogwarts set and plan on getting Rivendell (which might actually end up taking Hogwarts’ spot on the shelf unfortunately). Hogwarts is beautiful, and I love HP. It was worth full price to me. But I love LOTR a lot more than I love HP and I do think Rivendell is a better set, and still worth full price. Both have the open back. But when it comes down to it, I prefer playscale to nanoscale. Hogwarts is perfect for display, but definitely lacks in the minifig department and in the minute details that can’t be captured at nanoscale. Rivendell excels at minifigs and detail. Both are excellent sets. Both worth full price to me. But it’s comparing apples to oranges really, they’re two completely different style sets
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I agree about Elrond. It’s not terrible but it looks too young and expressions are a little off for sure. But as far as reused face prints the worst offender has to be Legolas. That Solo face looks absolutely nothing like him. At least the Wheatley face can pass as Gandalf behind the beard piece. Legolas just doesn’t look like himself. I’ll definitely replace his face first, probably with the old Legolas face. Then I’ll use the Aberforth head for Gandalf eventually, once it’s available. I’ll replace Sam’s hair with nougat. Might try to find a better face for Arwen too. I wish I could replace Bilbo’s hair with a white hobbit hair piece. I actually might have a custom dyed one from a Third Doctor custom minifig, maybe I’ll use that. I think I’m fine with everything else except for Gimli’s beard, but I’m torn on that. I hate the inaccurate color but I love the new mold and I’m not sure the new helmet will even fit over the old beard mold. So I’ll probably keep it but I hope they go back to reddish brown for any possible future Gimli minifigs
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Minas Tirith could be done several different ways. You’ll never get the full city with an accurate shape and scale without it being a huge D2C with a very high price tag, which I’m fine with and would buy for sure. It can also be done with a couple different play scale sets, each depicting different scenes. One for the gates and outer wall with Grond or something, with some city interior, one with the upper levels and the courtyard, tree, and citadel. Maybe another set could focus more on the interior of the city. Maybe there could be a Gondorian soldier battle pack with a section of wall that you could add on, and make it bigger. There are a lot of possibilities and I’m sure lego is clever enough to come up with a way to do it that works
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
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