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Everything posted by Balrogofmorgoth

  1. I’d be shocked if it didn’t sell really well. The price is very high, but I have a feeling enough people will want this that they’ll pay it no matter what I can’t believe people are actually saying dark orange is more accurate for Gimli’s beard than reddish brown. Have you actually seen the films? I mean sure in some lights it can have a tiny orange tint but it’s clearly brown
  2. Looks like it’s supposed to be Aragorn’s other sword he uses in the films
  3. It might look cool but it’s not accurate. Neither of them are which is a bummer. But that still doesn’t change the fact that this might be the best looking set ever released
  4. Greatest lego set of all time, hands down. My only complaint WHY DID THEY MAKE GIMLI A GINGER
  5. Same, I bought a bunch of customs LOTR figures from Nicebricks
  6. 6. Frodo left Bag End on September 23 3018, the day after his 50th birthday. The Ring was destroyed in Mount Doom on March 25 3019. 6 months. Although to be fair he spent two months in Rivendell and one month in Lothlorien
  7. I found the tall tree in the image. It’s right behind the small section of building on the left. It’s super distorted like everything else and is kind of lost behind some of the leaves of the big tree. But it’s there
  8. After looking at the image every chance I got today. I’m pretty convinced it actually is the same as the leaked image or at least VERY close. Part of the bottom of the set is hidden by the table and the distortion really is hiding aspects of it and making it look much more different than it actually is
  9. Like I said, I’ll be perfectly happy if this image is just hiding the bridge. But there are two bridges in the prelim, both beautiful. I would hate to lose them
  10. It does look like it’s possible the table is partially obstructing part of the set. It’s possible. That’s what I’m hoping. Would hate for the final design to be a downgrade from that leaked prelim. Fingers crossed for all the figures
  11. There’s no bridge visible. If it’s there, it’s hidden somehow. But theyre not in the teaser picture
  12. I don’t think it’s fake, but it was a preliminary image, and the final design may have some differences. I personally hope those differences are mostly due to distortion and partial obstruction though
  13. I don’t see any bridges. Maybe they moved them to the other side?
  14. It looks like they cut out the bridges, the waterfall, and some trees. That’s disappointing. I desperately hope they didn’t cut out any figures
  15. I need clearer pics dang it!!! I wanna see that new axe mold and I wanna see minifig prints! We needs them
  16. I don’t count Comic Con exclusives or in-store build promos but I do count polybags and Brickheadz as far as my own collection goes. I also don’t count the Dimensions sets
  17. I don’t generally like Brickheadz but I had to get the LOTR ones
  18. Honestly I don’t see why it shouldn’t go under licensed themes if it actually returns. If it doesn’t there’s no point
  19. I would also add that displayability shouldn’t be the only factor in releasing LOTR sets. There should also be a huge focus on minifigures, and if that means some sets focus more on figures while others focus more on builds, that’s fine with me. I love both
  20. In my opinion LOTR is fantastic for many different styles and scales. It fits everything. Architecture style sets would look great, system scale playsets would look great, large scale and highly detailed D2C sets would look great, display helmets would look great, CMFs would look great, battle packs would look great, mosaics would look great. It fits everything. I think what most people (myself included) want most are system scale play sets, since they appeal to the widest range of people and are accessible to more people. I think that plus a D2C here and there is a great place to start. I think only having a D2C and nothing else is unwise for lego and could eventually backfire, causing the theme to die again. Rivendell has the advantage of being the first LOTR set in ten years. Three or four D2Cs from now people might get tired of forking out the money. I think regular playsets are the way to go, with a D2C here and there. Whether lego realizes that in time, who knows
  21. I’m sure we would have already heard about a GWP if there was one.
  22. It’s not terrible but a fell beast definitely deserves a new head mold
  23. I really hope not, it doesn’t look anything like LOTR Orcs. WoW Orcs sure but that’s a totally different take. That jaw piece on LOTR Orcs just doesn’t work. Orc mouths are supposed to be disgusting not cartoony
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