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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Balrogofmorgoth

  1. Dang, dude. Why don’t you show us all the Hogwarts Castle you designed and we’ll compare? No? That’s what I thought. Don’t throw a tantrum because you didn’t get your way. There are sets all of us have looked forward to for a long time that have disappointed us but we accept that it’s as close as we’re going to get, and we keep building on
  2. I agree 100%. I was so disappointed by the microscale news but after thinking more about it I realized it makes a lot of sense. And then after seeing it? Wow! I’m blown away by the detail. It really is beautiful, I can’t fathom anyone thinking it’s ugly. And I’ll still get other pieces of Hogwarts at system scale with a lot more minifigures so it’s absolutely a win/win. It is truly a masterpiece and I for one can not wait to get my hands on it
  3. I don’t notice anything blurry or unclear about the printing, but you’re right that it is a different style. Lego goes through different phases of minifigure printing styles. Honestly, my gut says there will be a smaller winter/spring wave and then a bigger, full sized summer/fall wave. But that is pure speculation based on nothing but hope and also the popularity of the theme
  4. Sorry, I posted before I saw this. My bad
  5. Actually the one other thing I would change other than IG-88 is Leia. I love the new CC variant but a new hair piece would have been very nice. But again, not a big deal. It just would have been the icing on the very long awaited and delicious looking cake
  6. Also, any way to get Galen Erso, Saw Gerera, Mon Mothma, and Baal Organa would be very welcome. But Baal would be best in a ROTS set with his red speeder at the Jedi temple with a few 501st clones and Zet Jukassa
  7. The only thing I would change is to replace IG-88 with another stormtrooper or something. He doesn’t really belong and more troopers are always welcome. But even that isn’t a big deal at all
  8. I really don’t understand why so many people are complaining about this. I even saw someone say the exclusive figures are a slap in the face. Come on people. Why would there not be exclusive figures in this set??? Sets like this are the exact kind of set that should come with a bunch of exclusive figures! The set looks fantastic, it’s exactly what everyone has been asking for forever, literally what is there to complain about? It has all the major scenes and all the characters, even different versions of some. This set really lacks nothing
  9. MandRproductions has a video up on YouTube with a description of Cloud City including minifigures for anyone interested in hearing it before the big reveal tomorrow
  10. Yes but it’s also rumored to include Plo Koon, whose unit commander is Wolffe. Basically I would just love as many clones as possible, especially some main commanders
  11. Idk I’m seeing IG posts that it has a $19.99 price which definitely would mean Juniors
  12. Look, no one is saying you’re absolutely wrong. We all know there’s a chance you might be right. But you you also have to accept the fact that you may be wrong. This isn’t even a serious rumor yet, it’s pure speculation. It seems unlikely and illogical to almost everyone but you but that’s fine, no one is saying you can’t believe it’s going to happen. You just can’t say with 100% certainty that it will just as we can’t say with 100% certainty that it won’t. Just accept that it’s only speculation.
  13. Anyone else really want more Rogue One sets?
  14. Most likely there would be some interior play features and Easter eggs. Probably not to the extent most people, myself included, would want if it is actually scaled down. But I’m sure they would have open backs with some interior details
  15. You say “triggered” too much. There is nothing realistic about a microscale Diagon Alley. It doesn’t make sense. Maybe they are planning on doing it that way. But if they did it would look awful and it still wouldn’t make sense. Also, nobody’s is “triggered” by your microscale talk. But nobody likes a know-it-all. If you think they’re going to do a microscale Diagon Alley, that’s fine, everybody here is open to theories and discussion. But without more information, you don’t “know” anything. You believe it will happen. Great. More power to you. But you don’t know for sure. That is what rubs people the wrong way
  16. Very true, it wouldn’t be the first time
  17. Yes, we’ve been talking about it for a little bit, it seems to be legit. Idk why they are choosing to reveal it earlier than the last two. I like early reveals though, so I’m not complaining. Keep an eye out tomorrow, if it’s true, you should find out pretty quickly
  18. They would never show the final design for a future set in a designer video. It was a hint of what’s to come if anything. That’s all. I agree that his Easter egg reference was dedicated to the build in the background as well as things in the Hogwarts Castle set. But it would not have been a final product, they can’t show that yet. It looked more like a MOC than anything, but I do think it’s a hint. That’s all.
  19. Unless you have inside information that nobody else does, a micro scale Diagon Alley just wouldn’t make sense. Microscale Hogwarts makes sense because of the sheer size of the castle but Diagon Alley in microscale would be a big mistake on the part of Lego. And unless your information comes from a reliable source, no one will believe you. A lot of your predictions about Hogwarts were wrong anyway
  20. Same here, I hope Cloud City lives up to the hype, especially since we’ve all been crying out for this set for over a decade It’s a great design and a very nice set, but I have the UCS version so this set is kinda useless to me. I love exclusive droids though so I might grab those on eBay. Pity it didn’t come with Aunt Beru this time around
  21. Agreed. Hogwarts in microscale makes sense. Diagon Alley in micro scale would never make sense at any level.
  22. I’m hearing rumors about Cloud City potentially being revealed tomorrow, apparently hinted at on a Dutch Facebook page. Can anyone confirm this?
  23. Oh, and is anyone else really really hoping the new Han Solo in carbonite has the new hair molded into it? That would be amazing. I really want to update all versions of Han with the new hair piece, that’s why I really liked the sound of another Endor Han in that original leaked list, because he would have the new hair piece
  24. I would absolutely love a big podracing set to commemorate the 20th anniversary of The Phantom Menace You guys do realize that Lego has been producing about four waves of Star Wars sets per year lately. Let’s just say theoretically that this list is 100% legit (it may or may not be). There will still be plenty of Star Wars to go around all year. The winter wave is always the weakest. Always. Usually with one or two really desirable minifigures thrown in. I wouldn’t fret quite yet. I understand concern when it comes to a theme like Harry Potter, which we all fear may encounter the LOTR effect before we get everything we want out of it. But Star Wars isn’t going anywhere, there will always be plenty of opportunity to get everything we all want. I don’t love all the remakes either (except the UCS ones as they are far superior to the old versions and I missed out on a lot of the old versions anyway) but updated minifigs always make them worth it, and we know there is a full year of Star Wars sets ahead of us
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