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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Balrogofmorgoth

  1. I was bored so I took apart my Great Hall and Whomping Willow sets and built them again. Fantastic builds, I love them, I’m so excited for a big Hogwarts Castle build with the D2C, microscale or not
  2. Right but the D2C will most likely be revealed right before SDCC which is in a week. I expect it’ll be revealed the day before, kinda like the Great Hall with New York Toy Fair, and then it’ll be on display at SDCC. That’s just my prediction Even if the D2C Hogwarts is released in September with an August early access to VIP’s, I’m thinking I’ll wait a little while until there are double VIP points and then get that and Cloud City in one fell swoop. It’ll give me more time to save anyway so win/win. I just hope those two sets aren’t sold out for a long period of time
  3. It looks like the reveal of the Lego Movie 2 sets indicates the start of the pre-SDCC reveals. I’m expecting the D2C to be revealed anytime now...
  4. I feel like the D2C should be revealed in the next week...I’m tired of waiting. SDCC is coming up in about that time so we’ll see
  5. Yeah they don’t have them at my Target. Oh well, they will probably become more widely available in August and the months following
  6. Does anyone know when the Harry’s Journey To Hogwarts polybag will be available? I’m assuming August with the CMF and FB sets but I really have no idea. It’ll probably be a GWP for something, the question is what?
  7. Yes, my worst fear for this theme is the LOTR effect. My heart is still broken by that. But that’s why I’m glad so much was included in the first wave of this theme! And we’ll at least get a second because those would already be designed at this point, maybe even produced already, waiting for release. That’s where LOTR died. After the second wave. That’s why I wanted the D2C to be more of the system scale Hogwarts Castle that connects to the others and not microscale, because other sections of the castle are not promised
  8. How did you get it up? I seriously tried everything although I suppose I’m not the most tech savvy person. Thanks though!
  9. I feel like Cedric’s hair piece will work a lot better for the eleventh Doctor than the Anakin hair piece he currently has. Anyone else?
  10. http://imgur.com/uANXqFI couldnt get the pictures but I got them up somewhere else and a link is the best I can do
  11. Got it! I’ve tried several times now but it says I can’t upload it. I think the iPhone camera takes pictures that are too big to post? I don’t know how else to get the pic up
  12. I made a first year Neville and Dean out of the two extra Hermione figures with the Gryffindor sweater (I would rather have those two unique figures than three of the same Hermione) and they look quite nice. It won’t let me upload the picture but for Neville I used Frodo’s face from Gandalf Arrives and the 2010-11 Professor Flitwick hair piece. For Dean I used one of the Jurassic World guards’ head and hands (a lighter brown skin tone, the same color as the Dean in the CMF series). The face is a little too serious for my liking but it still works very well. And then I used the hair piece from the CMF gladiator from one of the recent series (the same hairpiece as Dean from the upcoming CMF). Both look great and I can’t wait to make more when the CMF come out!
  13. Fair enough, I’m not even sure how it escalated, I already fixed the hands! It really isn’t that big of a deal, easy fix. At least I have the last version
  14. Yes, Mom. Look, there’s nothing wrong with a little friendly debating on a passionate and beloved topic. I have nothing against the people I’m arguing with. We all just love Lego Harry Potter and have different visions for it. Nothing personal going on here, nothing is getting out of hand, no one is being nasty. People are going to disagree, it’s life.
  15. Thank you, agreed The one where it’s opening the door looks dark gray to me. Light reflecting off of it makes it look lighter than it is. This argument obviously isn’t going anywhere, I don’t think we’re going to agree on this so I say we drop it. I’m not convinced by the new minifigure
  16. That image is not taken from the film. Approved or not, it’s only art.
  17. Uhhh...yeah it is. Watch the films, not art from them.
  18. Still inaccurate to the films. I wouldn’t really look to funko for accuracy A dementor’s skin is not light gray. It’s dark gray, almost black
  19. Agreed, except probably dark brown
  20. Their skin is a dark gray (almost black) but Lego made the head and body black with light gray hands which makes no sense and looks terrible. I’m not sure how I feel about the new design. I like the ghost “legs” and the actual minifig torso but the printing makes no sense. It’s just bare skin with a hood and tattered cape. The only exposed areas should be the face and hands. They should have at least had some kind of cloak or cloth printed on the torso instead of that weird belly
  21. I know but it’s definitely not light gray. But Lego made the body and face black with randomly light gray hands. The combination looks terrible
  22. After having built the Hogwarts Express set, my only complaint is the dementor’s hands. Why are they light gray??? Why aren’t they black like on the box?? I am switching out those awful light gray hands for black ones right away. Even dark gray would have been ok but light gray?? Awful looking
  23. My Hogwarts Express just arrived via FedEx, now I have all the new system HP sets. Looking forward to the two FB sets and the D2C as well as the CMF series!
  24. Anyone else excited to use Flitwick’s hair piece for a custom Dwight Schrute? Light brown would be better but you work with what you have
  25. I agree about Hermione, I’ll probably do the same thing. And yeah I know there’s some chub on Kowalski but I still think it’s the closest match. I’m just so glad we’re getting several different uniforms so we can mix and match at will, it’s fantastic
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