Everything posted by Balrogofmorgoth
Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion
Ok so here’s a thought and it’s kind of my last hope. All we’ve seen are the nanofigures. We know it comes with them. But I’ve built both of the other system scale Hogwarts sets on LDD by looking at the pictures put on nanofigures to test it out. They look fantastic at that scale! They would look amazing displayed all over the castle while the castle is on display. So what I’m hoping is that the D2C is actually what it was originally rumored to be: to scale with the other sets, connects to the other sets, includes lots of minifigures, but also includes these nanofigures for the purpose of displaying the castle with more scale accurate figures. I think that would look great and I’m really hoping it’s true.
Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion
I am highly disappointed by this microscale news. I’ll reserve total judgment until I see it though. It might still be buyable, although if it doesn’t come with any actual minifigures I think I’ll pass. But I’m sure there will be more system scale Hogwarts sets in future waves, plus I should be grateful Harry Potter is back in the first place! so I suppose I can’t be too harsh on Lego. Wrong. It would be entirely different from the Echo Base set. Hogwarts Castle would be much more interesting than an ice cave and the figures would also be much better. You can’t even compare the two. Work Village did fine. Both Death Stars did fine. One big play set failed. One. And there can always be more to add. Hogwarts is massive. There are plenty of other sets they could make and attach to the rest. Plenty. So no, my disappointment is completely warranted. As are most people’s.
- Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion
Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion
Look, if it ends up being microscale then I’m happy for those who wanted that. I really am, there’s nothing better than LEGO exceeding our expectations and giving us exactly what we want. I honestly think the vast majority of people, including myself, don’t want that though. If it comes with minifigures as well, especially exclusive ones, I’ll get it. If it’s just a tiny scale Hogwarts with nothing but nanofigs for $300 or more, I will definitely pass. Good for those of you who won’t, if it’s what you want. I, personally, was hoping for something much better, and will be thoroughly disappointed if this new rumor is true. I don’t understand why we haven’t gotten any leaks yet, and I hope LEGO reveals it soon so we can all know for sure. I’m very sick of all the speculation, guesswork, and rumors. I want concrete evidence on what this is and I hope it comes soon.
Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion
I don’t care about playing with it but looks the Star Wars UCS sets. The Death Star for example, isn’t minifig scale, but still has an interior and comes with a ton of minifigures. I would love a full, detailed Hogwarts, but not at the cost of size and minifigures. If the scale is any smaller than the other two system scale sets, it’s not really worth it, it’s like a mini build.
Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion
Honestly, I’m angry with LEGO for making fans wait so long for any information. If you’re releasing an expensive set like this, you have to give people time to save for it instead of revealing it a week before the release. There’s no reason we don’t have any factual information on this supposed D2C set. It’s infuriating. We all want to know what we’re saving for!
Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion
I don’t think anyone was expecting a minifig scale Hogwarts. What we want is a Hogwarts to scale with the other two Hogwarts sets being released. If that’s what is meant by “micro scale” then great! If micro scale means it’s really small and doesn’t connect to the other sets then screw that. It’s a total waste. I can’t believe LEGO would be that stupid though. I’ve been monitoring most sites that get leaks and I’ve seen nothing to confirm this. What I want is a Hogwarts set with the rumored $500-$600 price that connects to the other two sets and comes with about as many minifigs as the Death Star. That’s what we should get, that’s what 99 out of 100 people want, it would make no sense for LEGO to release a smaller scale that doesn’t relate to the other sets or even come with a nice range of minifigs. Nanofigs are utterly useless except for ant man. This would be an insane disappointment and LEGO would lose a lot of sales. Maybe 1 out of 100 people would want that.
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