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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Balrogofmorgoth

  1. Lol what idiot wanted Barad-dûr in scale with Orthanc???
  2. My 2013 Mouth of Sauron helmet is loose now. Didn’t start that way. But rubber wears very quickly There have been plenty of hard molds with sharp edges. No excuse I agree. Sauron should have been the ultimate leak minifigure. Only one new mold for him is not a good look. Should have had a new helmet, new shoulder armor (separate piece), and new mace. Long arms and long legs. Again, no excuse. This was the one chance to make the ultimate Sauron figure. I do really like what we got. But it could have been better for sure.
  3. Very disappointed to find out that the Mouth’s helmet is rubber again. Same with Sauron’s helmet apparently. I will personally lead a march of Ents on lego HQ if either of mine are bent or damaged in any way whatsoever
  4. I’m not saying they would do every single one, or that there shouldn’t be other sets to go with them
  5. I mean even the simplest things that only involve reading at a basic level lol how does anyone with a brain cell pronounce Rivendell as Riverdale??
  6. I still say battle packs are the absolute perfect sets for LOTR Just imagine: Gondorian BP Rohirrim BP Mordor Orc BP Uruk-hai BP Helm’s Deep Rohan BP Helm’s Deep Elves BP Last Alliance Elves BP Last Alliance Númenorean BP Moria Orc BP Dead Men of Dunharrow BP Easterling BP Haradrim BP Ithilien Rangers BP Lorien Wood Elves BP Dunlending Wildmen BP
  7. And now we’ve got all these reviews coming out by people who know absolutely nothing about LOTR and can’t pronounce anything to save their lives because lego gave them a free set. Lol
  8. Yeah I’ll definitely be giving the bandana Orc a helmet
  9. The inclusion of the Orc helmets for Frodo and Sam is an excellent touch. They still 100% should have made Mordor versions of them and still done the helmets. But still. After seeing more pics I love the build more and more. Still not a huge fan of the glow effect using the brown pieces. I’ll have to get used to that. The top spires especially look really weird not being black. All the references inside are great too
  10. Can’t do it. The Tolkien Estate holds exclusive rights to the First Age material. WB has no access to it whatsoever Ok. So here are my thoughts. I LOVE the tower. It’s almost perfect although I’m really still unsure about the brown prices for the glowing effect. The figures are where a lot of my disappointment comes from. Only one new mold for Sauron is frustrating. This is a figure that should gotten full attention and detail. Having the shoulder armor and helmet being one piece is fine but they should have done it without making the neck look too thick. And no mace SUCKS. No Ringwraiths in the actual set is also a big L, with the only one being locked behind the GWP. Gollum looks great but he should have had pupils, the blind looking Star Wars eyes don’t look great. However, my biggest disappointment is Frodo and Sam. Reusing the Fellowship versions is cheap AF. These absolutely should have been new Mordor versions of them, no excuse. I like the Orc helmet and shield but no new weapons at all for this set really sucks
  11. People keep talking like there are multiple Gollum movies happening. As far as I’m aware, Hunt for Gollum (working title) is just one movie, while others are in the works but not necessarily the same story. I highly doubt the Gollum film will be more than one movie
  12. I still think the best way to do Minas Tirith is splitting it into several playsets instead of just one D2C, unless it’s $700-$800. Maybe a set with the lower levels and main gates with Grond and a siege tower or two. Maybe a mid level set more focused on the city and people rather than the battle. A set with the top level with the citadel and White Tree. A beacon set. And a battle pack with a section of wall to expand it anywhere you want. All of them able to be combined obviously.
  13. Honestly it’s probably just generally Mordor-based Honestly I’d be thrilled if they did a $700 Minas Tirith. I’ll pay anything for it to be done real justice
  14. On the contrary, I think there’s plenty of variation in designs throughout the films. The Hobbits alone have several options. Party attire, travel attire, jacketless, vestless, Gondor for Pippin, Rohan for Merry, Sammath Naur versions for Frodo and Sam (which I hope we’re about to get), as well as Orc disguises, coronation attire, outfits they wear as they re-enter the Shire, and Grey Havens outfits. Aragorn has his ranger attire, Rivendell attire (done), Ranger attire without the coat, Helm’s Deep chain mail attire, Black Gate outfit, coronation armor. Arwen and Elrond have a ton of beautiful outfits. Éowyn has a handful. Legolas has a few. Théoden has a few. Faramir has a few. Bilbo has a few. You get the idea. There are also plenty of soldier type characters they could do that might not fit in sets. Not to mention the sheer number of named characters that could take up several CMFs without any repeats with different outfits.
  15. Agreed I think it had a lot to do with it, especially with the way The Hobbit films were received. Unfortunately that means it’s unlikely we’ll get anything from The Hobbit. While I would absolutely prioritize LOTR, it would be nice to get some things we never got from The Hobbit movies
  16. I do genuinely believe there’s more demand and popularity around a LOTR theme than a lot of people understand. There are a lot of reasons why it failed last time. I strongly feel that it would be different this time. One thing last time was that there was a lot of repetition in minifigs. While some characters would repeat, I think they would focus more on exact outfits characters are wearing during different scenes, something they didn’t really do as much as they could have last time. They excel at this with Harry Potter, and judging by Aragorn’s Rivendell-specific attire in the D2C last year, I think they would do well with it here too, which could be a big draw to certain sets
  17. I think the Harry Potter reboot theme was initially approached perfectly. Then the team became obsessed with revisiting all the same old things over and over and over again. There’s so much they just refuse to cover for some reason, always going back to the same stuff, with only one or two new things per year. A LOTR reboot would have to avoid that trap in order to succeed. I think there’s definitely enough material to cover and plenty of characters and variations of characters to keep it going long enough to cover everything important. A handful of solid years of good full waves of sets and D2Cs is all it would need with very little repetition. Throw in a CMF or two and it’s pretty much all covered
  18. I do want to see the really big sets continue. But they’re very popular, I don’t see Rivendell retiring in the usual time frame. So it doesn’t make sense to have four or five $500 LOTR D2C sets on shelves at once if they do one every year. They’ll have to start skipping a year if they want to keep making those sets, which is fine with me as long as we have other LOTR sets in the meantime. I’m banking on a regular theme at this point. Playsets, dioramas, and definitely battle packs are all on the table. All I can say is I hope they do it
  19. I’m not sure it makes much sense to compare it to two of legos most popular and successful themes ever. It hasn’t really gotten off the ground yet.
  20. Everybody seems so convinced Minas Tirith would be next year’s D2C. I think Helm’s Deep would be much more likely considering it will be coming back to the screen with War of the Rohirrim at the end of this year
  21. Oversaturating the LOTR D2C market would be a bad move for the theme’s survival. I agree that after this year we need playsets, and then do more large scale D2Cs in a couple years
  22. Would be a dream come true
  23. I think LOTR would be perfect for playsets, but would also have great diorama opportunities
  24. To be clear, it’s going to be a day one purchase either way and I’m sure I will be extremely happy with it overall. I’m already very pleased with the shaping of the top section and the Eye! I just don’t think using brown pieces on a structure that should be straight black will look good for a set this size. I don’t think it will quite achieve the right effect. But we’ll see.
  25. In the survey pic it was too blurry to see whether the actual pieces were those colors or if it was some render effect. And the Weta statues are different from lego models, I don’t think it will translate well in the actual model. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think I’m going to like what that looks like
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