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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Balrogofmorgoth

  1. If those tans and browns are in the final model I’m switching them out immediately. Dont like that at all. I don’t think it’ll look good at all without all the extra fire effects
  2. Top of Barad-Dûr looks excellent!! The Eye looks really good too. My only concern is it looks like they may have used brown prices to make it look like the flames from the Eye are reflected in the top of the tower. Could just be for this teaser but I really hope it’s all just black in the actual set Not gonna happen
  3. Not sure where you heard that. It’s only been stated that a Ringwraith is included, no one said it has the Witch King Also, don’t hold your breath for three new figures in the GWP. It’s most likely identical Ringwraiths or Orcs
  4. Not a fan of Brickheadz but I’ve gotten all the LOTR ones and I’ll get these as well. Legolas looks pretty decent for a BH but Gimli looks a little rough. Oh well. I’m still determined to get every LOTR product they put out
  5. The May SW sets are all reveled but we will still probably see the June SW sets before Barad-Dûr. Which I think is just the pilot Luke Mech, and the two Mando S3 sets. But yes, hopefully we will get either leaks or a teaser soon
  6. I would honestly hate this. Don’t waste the parts on a midi scale Fell Beast. Use them for a bigger tower. That would serve no purpose at all. If they don’t do it right and do it justice, I’d rather they just didn’t do it I would be very happy if Gorbag and Shagrat are two of the Orcs, but there’s really nothing to base that hope on. They’re probably just random Orcs. Also, the gear for Frodo and Sam would need new molds that probably just won’t happen considering how many new molds are already going to be required for the set
  7. Doesn’t mean it still won’t happen. I hope it does. The time is right
  8. You guys are really putting stock in an April Fools post?? Yikes
  9. Orthanc was 500ft tall, the text tells us as much. We don’t get an actual measurement for Barad-Dûr but we get enough textual clues to place it most likely around 3500ft tall, give or take.
  10. If the GWP is something that goes with Barad-Dûr, then I could see another Ringwraith or more Orcs (all repeats from the set itself), which I would also be perfectly fine with. Something new would be nice but I know better than to expect it
  11. I would be just as happy with a little set of Tolkien at his desk or something honestly.
  12. Welp. LOTR GWP confirmed by BC, not the Legolas and Gimli Brickheadz
  13. Yeah, I think a horse for the Mouth is a given, but I don’t want it to be a Nazgûl horse, I would rather get a screen accurate horse for him because that horse was really cool looking
  14. I just have the one and it’s one of my favorite figures I own, easily top 5 at least. But the helmet piece has gotten pretty loose on the head and falls off easily. Hopefully the new one will be dual molded hard plastic and not rubber like the old one. Also, I would not advise anyone to sell their old Mouth of Sauron figures until we see concrete evidence of his inclusion.
  15. Finally someone who gets it! If they include every figure everyone wants in this set then it’s a sure sign that they have no future plans for them. Saving some really desirable ones for later is a good thing
  16. Let’s goooooooooo!!! Minifig lineup is solid, except one or two additional Nazgûl would have helped a lot. I disagree that it should have been the Witch King. There are already two highly desirable bad guy figures in the set that each require new helmet molds, it’s just not realistic. Also, it’s good that they’re saving some desirable characters for future sets. Last Alliance figures would have been optimal but I never had much hope in that. Hopefully someday. I’ll definitely be lining up on release day
  17. It’s almost a guarantee that they will build the Eye so that it can be lit be a light brick. So probably made of trans orange/yellow/red parts with a light brick underneath
  18. I wouldn’t expect a helmed Witch King, they’ll save that one if they actually do have plans with the theme. But I don’t see the other side builds being any less realistic than a fell beast. Each option would be about the same size. It’s like the Ent that came with Orthanc. Or the Leviathan that came with Avengers Tower. It happens all the time, those aren’t micro builds. I could see any of them happening honestly, especially with the inclusion of Frodo and Sam. Since they never go near the tower itself, I can see them giving those characters something to interact with
  19. I’ve been thinking lately about whether Barad-Dûr will have a side build of some sort. If that’s the case, I think the likeliest possibilities are a Fell Beast, Shelob, or the entrance to the Sammath Naur.
  20. “All save one. There waiting, silent and still in the space before the Gate, sat Gandalf upon Shadowfax: Shadowfax who alone among the free horses of the earth endured the terror, unmoving, steadfast as a graven image in Rath Dínen.”
  21. I highly doubt it. If that’s a possibility at all then they were probably waiting to see how the other sets they released sell before they designed playsets. We’ve seen small rushed waves of sets in the past but it doesn’t seem like that’s happening or we likely would have heard something. I think we will have to wait until 2025 to see whether the theme sticks around I agree, it sounds like they have plans for the theme just based on comments from several different people. I still really hope for a full blown theme with playsets and dioramas and battle packs and such. But I think 2025 is the earliest we would see anything like that
  22. You would think, and so would I, but clearly they thought differently. BH in general must sell well enough since they keep doing them. But they also probably haven’t had time to plan and design playsets for this year just going off of sales of last year’s BH and Rivendell. Barad-Dûr had to have been planned at least tentatively long before because they don’t just design and release huge D2Cs in a matter of months
  23. We were always going to get more Brickheadz…between the BH and Rivendell people have shown lego that we simply want more LOTR products. Getting another BH pack doesn’t mean we won’t get anything else. It won’t be this year because they hadn't gotten a chance to see how the license sells yet. The BH didn’t even sell THAT well. Rivendell did. There will be more, especially if Barad-Dûr does well. I’ll be very surprised if 2025 doesn’t yield even more
  24. Legolas and Gimli Brickheadz confirmed!
  25. Reinventing the wheel does seem to be a trend with this theme though
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