Everything posted by Balrogofmorgoth
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
But the quality on those figures is horrendous and they look abysmal in person A) that was ten years ago. I think the fan base has grown exponentially since then, and the younger fans have grown up and had kids that they indoctrinate B) no one knows for sure what happened last time. The poor reception of The Hobbit coming out and most of the sets being based on that probably had a lot to do with it and lego said “well I guess middle-earth doesn’t sell” not taking into consideration that maybe it’s just The Hobbit that doesn’t sell. And even that I think has grown a little more positive in people’s minds in general than when it came out C) RoP coming out and being largely received poorly gives people a lot of nostalgia for the Jackson trilogy. Note the difference between this, and the previous argument. Now there wouldn’t be three waves of RoP sets taking priority in the LOTR line the way The Hobbit sets did back then. I know for a fact that my kids would crazy over LOTR sets. And I know a lot of other families whose kids would do the same I don’t think it’s too late at all. I think now is a better time for it than it was then. The fanbase is so much bigger now
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Why do people have to drop random vague clues and give us hope. “They have plans” could mean literally anything, let’s not get ahead of ourselves AS MUCH AS I WANT TO One of the most popular IPs in the world though, it’s not terribly far-fetched. I still think full waves of playsets would do very well right now. And I’ll say it again. Battlepacks. Were. Made. For. LOTR. It’s a perfect fit
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Technically it’s not a remake since it’s based on the first design of Hagrid’s Hut whereas the 2019 set is based on the second design from PoA onwards. So I guess you could get around your rule?
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Yup. And of everything was actual minifig scale, it would just be outrageously expensive (more than it already is) and most things would be outrageously big. Scaling down is just part of lego, which also means not having 100% screen accuracy. However, going back to grey roofs is a great start!!
Marvel Superheroes 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Yikes! That Rocket set is horrifying
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Sorry but are you new to lego? How often are sets scaled to have exactly the amount of characters in a specific space? Do you think we can fit as many minifigs in lego Hogwarts as you can in the movies with real people? Everything is scaled down by the nature of the toy. That’s how it has literally always been.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That battle pack is exquisite
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Owlery certainly does look Juniory. Ha! Got around the censorship of the word. What a strange thing to censor
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Finally the Grey Hogwarts roofs are back!!!!! About time!!!
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I hope so eventually I did not mean this to be as insulting as it sounds. I just mean people that care very deeply about every aspect of this story inside and out, book, film, etc. really don’t consider variations of characters or even extremely minor characters as boring at all. It would actually be really nice to see some minor characters or even generic Hobbits, just as an example, to populate our lego Middle-earth
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
As long as it’s reasonably taller than Orthanc I’ll be happy. I believe it is supposed to be a few inches taller Exactly. Plus there are so many variants of these characters that they never used before. I’m hoping for Sammath Naur versions of Frodo and Sam with dirty faces and clothes. I honestly think I would even prefer that to the Orc disguise versions. It’s just iconic, and having the versions of those two characters specifically from the climax of the film would be really awesome
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Great list. Lothlorien as a large scale set would look great. I would add Bag End to the list to round it out and that really would be the meat of large scale sets I want to see. After that it would be things like an Orthanc remake and Helm’s Deep D2C. And that’s not even mentioning the untapped wealth of potential for all kinds of play scale sets and battle packs
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
All of the above are EXCELLENT D2C options. Bag End could include things like party tents and banners and tables and things of that sort (if LOTR based), Moria could easily have different areas based on different scenes (Hollin Gate with Watcher, Chamber of Mazarbul with Cave Troll, Bridge of Khazad-Dûm with Balrog, etc. and the golden hall of Meduseld is my most wanted D2C after Barad-Dûr and Minas Tirith
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I think a new and bigger Bag End set would be phenomenal. However, I also disagree that it should be made before Barad-Dûr. Barad-Dûr is definitely a set that will mostly attract hardcore fans and not the casual collector as much, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be made. Rivendell was always going to be the most attractive looking LOTR set they could make, and it was very smart to start there. But if they only ever make sets with bright colors and all good guys, then they will only ever scratch the surface of LOTR. Barad-Dûr always needed to be done as well, being the fortress of the story’s main antagonist, and more personally, as always been at the top of my most wanted list alongside Meduseld
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Yeah they’re really not even comparable. Which makes sense considering the book title is not referring to Barad-Dûr and Orthanc, even though the movie ran with that idea. The “Two Towers” actually refer to Orthanc and Minas Morgul, which is certainly more comparable considering in the book, one set of the heroes are dealing with Isengard while the other set of heroes are traveling through Morgul Vale Yeah the size difference is pretty significant even though it’s kind of hard to tell in the films. Barad-Dûr’s actual height is not explicitly told, but we can guess pretty close based on information we have. The base of Mount Doom is 3,000ft above the plain of Gorgoroth, with the upper cone rising another 1,500ft. The Sammath Naur (the doorway into Mount Doom) is located in the lower half of the upper cone. We also know that the Sammath Naur has a direct line of sight almost level to the Window of the Eye at the top of Barad-Dûr, making Barad-Dûr most likely around 3,500ft tall or so. Orthanc is only 500ft tall.
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
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