Hello, long time lurker but I just wanted to add to the pattern speculation. I bought a box and my first row was:
Cedric Diggory
Luna Lovegood
Tina Goldstein
Mad Eye Moody
Jacob Kowalski
Jacob Kowalski
Percival Graves
Harry Potter
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Dean Thomas
Cho Chang
The box was sealed when I bought it and it didn't look like anything had moved around. But what I found really interesting was when I got to the second and third row I found the same Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Draco, Dean, Cho pattern repeated. Instead of starting with Graves they both had Credence behind Harry.
I checked this against pictures other people had posted and they seemed to have the same pattern. The only difference is for a lot of people the pattern seems to start further toward the back of the box.
So I was out shopping yesterday morning and noticed a fresh looking box out so decided to have a feel and test my theory. I pulled Ron out first, so I worked back - Hermione, Harry and there he was - Graves. Only difference to my box is he was 3rd from the back, rather than 13th. I then checked the other rows for the trio and worked back to find Credence in both of those.
So my theory is I think the pattern can start anywhere in the row but the figures should be in that order when you find it. Good luck!