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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by superdog

  1. wow , tires so coooooool, it seems you prepared instruction or 3d model? 大佬~
  2. it looks like a city theme...with technical parts looks ugly..
  3. front suspension is really cooool...
  4. Dear Goldstein, ONE question, I used CADA 4 channel battery try to re-build this model, but I found it is need 5 control channel TWO drive channel must separate and must reverse, otherwise this model can not work run... Does SB have more channel?
  5. HUGE MOC,really want pay for instruction of this model.. MY 42055 A model almost DEAD in my room..
  6. WOW, great works, I thought i must rebuild 42056 with latest version in this post.
  7. I think LEGO company always keep pieces larger and larger but function still very poor. Erik Leppen you proved it can made more cool function by use less parts. GREAT WORK! Lego's designers really should take a look at this post. maybe official designer spend 40% time on outshape build, 50% time to do AD. 10% time to design mechanical work.
  8. To be honest, lepin new generation motor is much much stronger than lego and other fake brands. CADA's servo motor is a week point, and quality is not so good. The best Plastic parts in fake brand is SY(shengyuan), a old fake brand with crazy high quality, but they Rarely launched technical parts.
  9. No, it's a drive axle through small turnable, I thinke meybe the servo motor can be erected installation.
  10. Hello doggo, I am so busy try to find a photo store website what we can use. I post some picture:
  11. Up date my photo, sorry not clear because of attach size limited.
  12. Hi DOGGO, SORRY , I forgot take a front picture, let me make a explanation first, any update new picture later. maybe 8 hours later. the front ALEX based on 5x7 frame, left and right is wheel, front and back install small turnable, and middle is Differential. my problem is how to arrange the servo motor? the best way I thought is put the motor on 5x7 frame, so it can swing with front alex. But with 1x7 gear rack , I really can fix the Z12 at two side, so the z12 gear and rack always separate each other. maybe it is possible install the motor on truck upper fame? use universal joint connect. because the upper fame have space.
  13. Dear all, Sorry post first SOS topic, i try to building my first MOC truck, it is 6x6 with 20unit WIDE ,62.4x20 wheel. I meet a strong problem about the truck suspension: I did not know it's basic rule My front alex is pendular suspension, the alex with two small turnable,but how to arrange the steering motor is really painful question. My back alex as picture showed, it looks really stupid and strange..I have a lego 42043, but i really didn't just get a new copy.. I read ALEX connection topic, but there is not many truck suspension. Could any body give me some suggestion? many many thanks!
  14. Limited parts unlimited idea.you are right,lego official set is so expensive and so big, but just with several functions. It seems to they prefer to use many cheap components make it bigger , but stingy with PF parts. WHY PF parts so expensive? it is just a 130 motor with a plastic casing.
  15. No one thinks it looks strange? like 42054 base with 42009 up parts.... so strange in front.
  16. Very nice idea,seeking your new rebuild model.
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