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Everything posted by BenderBrau

  1. tell that to Wreck-it Ralph 2 Anyone else fear that if we were to get Bella and Beast in the D2C castle, it will be Beast's human, prince Adam form? Obviously Beast is much more iconic, but human version would fit thematically (if the theme really is princess and her prince)
  2. My quick thoughts (quick to read that is, but ages to write down) now that the series has been officially revealed: Incredibly Baymax doesn't look as bad on the high-res pictures. Still the weakest in this series, but I actually wouldn't mind him on display. Ernesto, what a fabulous figure! The printing detail all around is incredible, honestly this might be my favourite minifig out of all 3 Disney Series Miguel, really well done, Dante not so much. A bit of a shame they didn't include his normal head, but there's probably one in Lego's catalogue that resembles Miguel's face, and the very common hair 62810 will work just fine Sorcerer Mickey, finally! Kind of a relief it's not an exclusive in a D2C, even though I wouldn't miss a minifigure scale Disney D2C. The figure looks great but I really wish they would've made an exclusive piece for the broom resembling the iconic walking pose. Maybe in next series with Yensid? (yeah, wishful thinking ) Oswald, another good looking fig. I'm not really that familiar with the character, I don't think I've ever seen a full cartoon with him, but I certainly get why he's included and I do not mind that inclusion. Aurora - looks properly princess-y but it is just her stock image, I would've preferred her on-screen appearance. Pocahontas - my thoughts haven't changed, Lego has not conveyed the cartoon style in the slightest and it's bothering me a bit. Still need her as it's likely the only chance we will ever get her in Lego form Mulan - looks pretty good, maybe they could've added that single hair that's almost always on her face? Small detail It really seems to complete her look, but I'm aware Lego has stopped adding hair detail on heads long ago. Last time was what, Speed Racer? But I'm thinking of the 2007 Snape where it looked great, and it would've worked well on Mulan, too. Tiana - In general I'm not really a fan of this dress - what, because she was a frog for a while and wandered around a swamp the dress needs to be leaf themed? Again on-screen appearance would make more sense - and I'm talking about her blue dress she wore when kissing frog Naveen. Also a new frog mould would be nice. Facilier - same, inevitable issue as Skellington, part of the character is lost when squashed down to minifigure dimensions. Also I think the outfit should be dark red, not reddish brown. Overall a bit of a letdown, but at least the face is properly expressive. Pinocchio - almost perfect, but I really think they should've given him the large cartoony eyes like Jiminy's, especially since it's the depiction of his puppet form. Jiminy - again, since he's not humanoid, the head should've been a custom mould. It doesn't look bad as it is, but it could've been better. I do like the inclusion of the collar, though, really useful piece. Robin Hood - simply delightful, wonderful rendition. Really great to see the tail piece with printed sides, a detail which was sorely missed on Speedy. Prince John - another great one, slightly worse than Robin because it could use some whiskers, but I understand if printing on the sides on the snout was not possible. Stitch - now that I'm OK with Baymax, I wish it was Lilo instead, especially since Lego didn't bother to make a new mould for the head with antennas. Not a deal breaker, as a big fan of the film I do want it, but Lilo is much more needed. Queen of Hearts - zero complaints here, one of the best of this series. And is that a red heart tile I see? About bloody time! It's such an obvious colour for this piece, but weirdly it hasn't been made yet. Evil Queen - pretty good, but she doesn't look evil enough. Another instance of Lego style head not working very well for a cartoon character. The mirror is excellent, though Cruella de Vil - great face and hair, but similarly to dr Facilier, part of the character is lost when the fur lays flatly on a minifigure body, and the collar doesn't really help much. I'm still really glad we can have her in minifigure form
  3. Oooooh, I did not expect the figures to leak so early. Most of those look amazing, really the only weak one is Baymax - his upper body really should be done with a large mould. Or just don't do it at all and include Lilo to go with now two Stitches, smh. Other minor nitpicks: Dante - ugh, this standard dog mould does not fit at all, what's more Lego did make a fitting piece once - Santa's Little Helper is very close in shape with only a bit too big eyes. Jiminy as a non human character should have a custom moulded head, but nonetheless looks OK. Love the new hat piece Cruella is a bit underwhelming, but I'm aware her magnificent fur coat must've been difficult to recreate on a minifigure. Also the dalmatian could've been done a bit better Pocahontas, as much as I'm amazed Lego actually went there, her face is too cutesy. I don't understand why some characters can have a face resembling the original cartoon style like Queen of Hearts here or Hades in series 2, while others have normal Lego faces. Dear Lego designers, please be more consistent!
  4. Again we are being robbed of a full Visitor Center building, with that piece count I doubt we'll even see a facade. At least taking into account price per piece ratio it's quite possible we'll get the t-rex and both raptors from the finale. Still a must have for me but I fear it won't be as impressive as I was hoping. Brachiosaurus set - I do not like the piece count, it seems a bit too high and now I'm leaning towards a theory the dino will be ha moulded and brick-built hybrid, which is not great. I really hope I'm wrong.
  5. Pics are available on Lego.com. Sadly they only revealed the Disney Princess stuff. Not that I would buy it but sheesh, the princess journey set is way overpriced - £60 for merely 320 pieces. Even for Disney Princess line this is some bull.
  6. We don't know the piece count yet, the price is 80 but it could be like 300-400 pieces and half of the budget going to the brachio molds. I guess once the piece count is leaked we'll know for sure. BTW, what's with the set name, "The discovery of the brachiosaurus"? We all know it should be " Welcome to Jurassic Park!"
  7. Just checked insta for leaks and oooo boy, that list made me so excited! FINALLY Visitor Center AND Brachiosaurus! Fingers crossed all the dinos will be molded - and they should be considering it looks to be a normal, albeit anniversary wave. Slightly disappointing the Visitor Center most likely won't be a full building, but a diorama of the finale doesn't sound bad at all. Can't wait to see them, hopefully this wave will launch in March-April, I don't think I can wait until summer
  8. Goodness gracious, the Up house! with only over 500 pieces it seems to be in a smaller scale than we'd might have expected... which gives me the impression the balloons could be left out completely. Which I'm perfectly OK with to be honest, in order to look "right" balloons should have at least a double of the house's volume, and with that piece count it doesn't seem feasible. We'll see, as long the house isn't too small and we'll get Carl, Russell, Dug and (most likely brick built) Kevin, I'll be happy.
  9. perhaps you're right, I'm bad at estimating
  10. So the Big A$$ Hogwarts Express got revealed. Alright, the trains itself looks gorgeous if a bit oversized and the selection of minifigures is pretty good even considering the random students clearly should've been adult Ron and Hermione instead. But why, WHY is a third of the pieces wasted on the train base and the underground section of the platform? I mean it doesn't look bad, just a bigger section of the station would be preferable. I think it will be wiser to just buy the HE alone off of Ebay, should be about £150, the 15 unique figures (and the ticket) should amount to about £200 on Ebay/BL, maybe a bit less if bought later. Not the best deal ever but saves the trouble of displaying the platform.
  11. I've been quiet for a while, but this reveal has brought me back. This might be the best selection of HP sets so far. So many new characters, yay! Finally Deathly Hollows, double yay! New brooms, yaa...? No, no yay, I don't like them. They still can't be mounted properly so they're not better than the old ones. Pointless addition and wasted new mold spot. Alright, small rant over, now to the good stuff: 12 Grimmauld Place, FINALLY! Looks gorgeous on the outside, packed with details on the inside, almost all the necessary minifigs (where's Arthur and Hermione?), all looking good. Alright, Kreacher looks slightly weird, will have to wait and see it IRL, not a render. Ministry of Magic, best of the wave IMO. Full MoM heist scene, minifigs including Yaxley, Thicknesse AND Mary Cattermole? Lego, thank you so much! The statue is weak though, should've been the 'Magic is might' version, and I would like to see an updated dementor, but overall fantastic. LOVE the rubber duck in Arthur's office, great easter egg! The Shrieking Shack - slightly disappointed by the minifigures, werewolf Lupin really should have a different head mold, and Wormtail's hairpiece is highly inaccurate, color and shape-wise. But the build looks excellent, I even like the Whomping Willow, great improvement over the previous one. Dumbledore's Office, one of the better exteriors in the new Hogwarts system. New minifigs look gorgeous, I never would've thought I'd need a madam Pince figure (since she hasn't any dialogue in the films), but I definitely do now. Baby Fawkes and Mrs Norris are very much a welcome addition. Thestral Carriage - a great small set, nice to see a thestral back, even if it's the same as the CoG one. Baby thestral looks brilliant, and the two figures are nicely done. Hungarian Horntail - those buildable creatures keep getting better, and last year's Fawkes was already good. Fantastic version of 1st task Harry! Sirius' Rescue - not too exciting, although Sirius with leg print looks a bit better here than in Shrieking Shack. I'm not a fan of white Buckbeak, they grey one from Hagrid's Hut is perfect, glad to see a variation though.
  12. That's cool! I like being right Yeah you're right. Come to think of it, even if the set included the full sleigh and 4 reindeer, it would cost that much more (I believe it's 40? so altogether 140), in order to get 8 reindeer (without BL or BaP) we'd need to spend 280, but with 1x10293 and 2x40499, it's only 180. Not a bad deal really.
  13. I think it's meant to represent a "family build", in this case it can be built by two people simultaneously. I adore this set, absolute must have this Christmas. Looks very cozy, I love the color scheme, nicely built decorations, quite bulky Christmas tree and how thick the snow is. The chimney looks like it could actually fit Santa, I wonder if the fireplace pieces are removable so that he doesn't burn. It's just a shame we have to buy the Sleigh set for the complete scene.
  14. But on the other hand - does that grilled plate really tips the scale and you decide not to buy the set because of it? I'm not trying to defend Lego, I too hate when budgetary cuts are obvious, but this is probably the smallest problem of this entire wave. Honestly I'd rather have the entire castle section, including walls and roofs, made with those plates if it meant we'd be given a fully molded Fluffy, similar to dinosaurs. Speaking of creatures, I'm not so keen on the basilisk either. It absolutely should've been dark green and that middle section, while I understand it's meant to recreate the original, it just looks ugly. I will try to create the whole body with just those bent tubes, whatever that part is called.
  15. Yeah, that's a better word
  16. How so? If by that you mean nobody is trying to stop him, that's because... there's nobody around to stop him. Almost every episode shows multiple people and creatures flee immediately upon his sight, often warning others as well.
  17. I'd love that too, just not sure if Looney Tunes Show is that recognised (maybe, I don't have TV rankings memorised). Pepe... After giving it some thought, I don't think Lego would ever make him. (I'd love to be proven wrong, though), not as long as they make these with kids in mind. I think it's about type of play Lego is promoting, and surely "relentless romantic pursuit" doesn't fit the type. Regarding possibility of Elmer in potential second series, I'm kind of afraid that it's going to be his What's opera, doc? appearance, which would eliminate the need to give him a rifle. It would be awesome in itself, but at the same time suck so hard without having his original, hunter version
  18. Which is a good thing... in a way. Don't forget, first Space Jam - as much as I like to rewatch it once in a while - is not that good of a movie. Under the gimmick of Michael Jordan meeting Bugs Bunny, it's just another family sports movie like Mighty Ducks or Angels in the outfield. Plot wise the original was very much by the numbers, so Space Jam 2 being by today's numbers makes some sort of sense. And at least I'm glad it's the Ready Player One and Wreck it Ralph numbers, not the Smurfs, Alvin and the Chipmunks or the recent Tom and Jerry. The only alternate Daffy we need:
  19. slightly off topic, Space Jam 2 trailer just dropped
  20. Wow, just wow. They could've saved so much money if they just made him one specialised mold (not really of course, if unfelt the packet will still sell) Are Roadrunner's and Daffy's heads triple-molded? I was afraid the eye printing will look pale, but these look fabulous! Wonder who else will get such a treatment? From the look of it it could be Sylvester, at least I assume the nose might be too bulky to be printed all around. Also Lola, but I thing it's possible her hair and ears are a separate piece. On the down side, Marvin doesn't have alternate expression The only character with a minifigure head and it's not dual sided, real shame. That solidifies him as one of my least favourite
  21. Honestly I think he turned out much better than I thought, there's definitely cuteness factor, the lack of neck seems to be working really well, maybe the exactly right size of head, two milimeters in either direction would make it weird, maybe the fact he's so casual about holding that huge hammer. I'm quite surprised with myself, I actually think he looks better than Marvin I don't know why but something doesn't sit right with him, and it's not just the lack of plastic skirt piece. My ranking as of now, it might change when I get them next month: 1: Sylvester 2: Daffy 3: Porky 4: Taz 5: Wile E. Coyote, head is near perfect but I would add black line for his mouth, without it he looks like the 3D rendition which was in Looney Tunes Show 6: Bugs, lack of tail piece brings him down 7: Lola 8: Petunia, both girls are well done, just don't care too much for them. 9: Speedy, would be in top 3 with white printing on the tail, but it's very jarring as it is now. 10: Tweety 11: Marvin ... ... 1045: Roadrunner
  22. Well of course it had to leak when I was at work! Stupid work, wasting my time for puny payment... I find the series slightly underwhelming. First of all: where the HELL is Elmer J. Fudd? Lego/WB, please explain yourselves! Petunia instead of Elmer, this is beyond my comprehension... Bugs doesn't seem to have tail piece, for shame!. Also 'Duck season' sign should be a no brainer. What is this flat tornado? I know it would be a rather large part for CMF, but surely it's not impossible to create a fitting piece? This thing is just plain lazy. Speedy's tail, why isn't the front painted white? It's possible as evidenced by Scrooge McDuck, definitely some corners were cut here. Marvin has a cloth skirt after all, meh. That's not the Roadrunner, that's a Streettrotter. Screw this guy, I'll have Coyote hunt Bugs, it's been done in a few cartoons. On the plus side, damn those molds look absolutely terrific! I think they've translated pretty well to a minifigure form, all things considered. There are definitely things to nitpick, like rather poor selection of accesories, but I'd stil be happy to get all 11.
  23. Lola? There goes my dream of having only classic characters, but it was bound to happen. Tweety and Roadrunner as a full minifigs? It was to be expected, but they can't realistically look good aside from their head molds. Petunia? Makes at least a bit of sense, but obviously we'd rather have someone more famous, like Sam or Foghorn. The rest is as expected, still excited for them and I hope we'll get a look at them soon.
  24. Daaaaaamn, that was really unexpected, thought the D2C info was set in stone. I'm OK with the "demotion", although I would've been quite pleased if it was on the same level as that giant Castle chess set, which now is crazy expensive. I kinda wonder now if the finale Hermione and Ron are in it, and the Fluffy set depicts their first encounter (the harp indicates otherwise, but perhaps the retailer wanted exclusive figures in their set - small chance, but who knows)
  25. I can't stand the thought of Roadrunner being in minifigure form, it'll just look odd at best, but most likely awful. Tweety might look decent, in one short - Hyde and Go Tweet - they made him big, but it's very doubtful Lego would go with this one-off version. The only "out of scale" character I'd be okay with is Speedy, due to his already humanoid proportions. It's hard to predict, with Disney CMF it was Disney themselves who enforced the "one character in a pack" rule, but we just don't know if WB did the same and for now we can only hope they didn't. Luckily the series is only a month away, with an official reveal probably within 3 weeks. The wait is killing me!
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