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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by dvw2

  1. You had me at “motte and bailey.” Well done, it’s really neat.
  2. Yep, agreed, though aesthetically it just feels off. I absolutely see the logic given a limited palette, but I’m still not a fan. Regardless, there does seem to be some hope for a steady drip of releases. That’s good news!
  3. I see I might be in the minority here, but I hope it is Lion Knights/Black Falcons. For me they’re ideal, light-hearted groups with a good look that contrasts and harmonizes just right. I never understood the black-walled castle approach and all the ghoulish stuff. I definitely prefer a playful, pastoral kind of medieval Lego theme. Toss in a sneaky yet jovial Forest clan member, and it’s a great mix. The new LK/BF torsos are really terrific little pieces of art. Keep ‘em coming! (If pressed for a wish, I suppose I’d love to see a few more villager options as well.)
  4. What a great surprise! It seemed like we had another year or so to go before seeing a new offering.
  5. I just saw the box image of 31161 Green Dragon. The dragon itself is really quite good for those interested in fantasy medieval themes. As for me, I’m choosing to read far too much into the background image. Squint and that looks vaguely reminiscent of the old 6074 Black Falcon Fortress. Let’s hope it’s a little tease of something to come in a subsequent year. Update: perhaps it’s this 31168 Medieval Knight Castle that has just cropped up!
  6. Wow, this is wonderful. A great model of a really amazing structure! Well done.
  7. Wow, Lego is launching a brand new identity done with Interbrand. (No logo changes.) Neat new typeface built on brick geometry and all sort of great visual details! The Interbrand press release only scratches the surface, but I think we can all be on the lookout for some new flavors. https://interbrand.com/newsroom/building-beyond-the-bricks-the-lego-group/ Brand New feature (paywalled) https://www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/archives/new_identity_for_lego_group_by_interbrand_and_in_house.php
  8. @natesroom Oh wow, I'd love these if you don't mind! Got 'em in AI format?
  9. And lo and behold, my shipment just arrived.
  10. Very nice. I have one of those torsos on the way from PAB. Looking forward to seeing it!
  11. Pretty sure it was a firmly tongue-in-cheek joke!
  12. Oh good heavens, please no. Visions is enough.
  13. Haha, this is great! The stowaway feature is the clincher. Bravo! Supported.
  14. Wow, @Sebbl, this is an excellent alternative! Fits in with a castle building very well. I’m going to think about trying it when I get around to opening my copy. Thanks for sharing it!
  15. It’s definitely my “big gift,” and I’m thrilled! I think she is too, to be honest. I’m still stunned that she didn’t blink at it. Of course, she doesn’t know she’ll be unwrapping Hocus Pocus, so all will be joy and mirth here. Meanwhile, my restoration projects continue apace… Now reassembling 10305 Lion Knights Castle from scraps and placing Bricklink orders. The story is my Black Falcons have returned from exile (ala “bin of storage” and further afield) and seek to reclaim their former home, which fell into disrepair in their absence. Or something like that.
  16. My backorder has unexpectedly resolved! I can't believe how excited I am about this. Add in a few BL orders to restore the missing parts of my old Castle figures (plus some extras), and I'll have quite the healthy contingent to populate the new castle. Of all the sets Lego has put out since I came back into it in 2015, 10305 is the only one that would have triggered clear regret had I missed out. The 80s castle line meant a lot to me (and my wife too, apparently!), and I can't wait to dive into the box. Once I figure out where the heck I'm going to put the castle itself, obviously!
  17. Aha! Thank you, @Murdoch17! That's perfect. Onward!
  18. Has anybody seen a digital Stud.io build of the Hogsmeade Station from this set? I'd love to Bricklink the pieces for it and add it as a second destination alongside Kings Cross from 75955.
  19. Has anybody seen a digital build of the Hogsmeade Station from this set? I'd love to Bricklink the pieces for it and add it as a second destination alongside Kings Cross from 75955.
  20. Bravo! Well said. This is a topic that must be let go of once and for all.
  21. haha, Fabuland t-shirt sighting in the couch scene right after leaving the castle in the kitchen.
  22. Well, that would be fun!
  23. That could work! Considering the ongoing Bad Batch season: thoughts on whether we’ll see any TK Troopers show up in sets this year? The armor design was introduced in season 1, so presumably there’s been time to figure out a minifig translation.
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