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  1. Nice MOC. Reminds me of a heavily lifted Hummer? It's really nice that we have more options for wheel hubs, they can be so good used in tatra. P.s. Finally people have noticed that pendular suspension can be good
  2. The best solution for articulated steering is obviously pendular suspension, and in this case it is pretty easy to make a straight driveline. I have seen you wrote about 90 degrees. I think it is worth a separate mention for new builders that any technic 90 degree connection is pretty weak all by itself for it can slip and grind gears easily. P.s. the worm gears are ineffective, but knob gears are pretty good, except some twitching movement of the model (with high reduction ratio) and the sound it makes. Both reasons are not really strong enough for not using knobs completely. Interesting what you think about it, Zerobricks.
  3. Great topic, Zerobricks! To be honest, this is one of the most effective setups I've tested, especially on 6x6 and 8x8 trucks. Pros: very good weight distribution between axles, short drive chains. You are not mentioning articulated steering. Personally I like it very much, since it eliminates a lot of typical troubles for offroad vehicles such as bending and tumbling of links, you can make straight axles with no 90 degree power transfer (which you also haven't mentioned I believe, that it is a very weak point for high weight models). The only minus I can see is that it usually has huge turning radius. It is also pretty important to fix any gearbox or just gears not only vertically, but also horizontally if that makes any sense. These should be your best friends as well as liftarms. High torque models destroy gearboxes, so ideally I suggest making vehicles with hard coupled gearboxes or without them at all. Can't really quote every little thing you have mentioned, which I came across once and made a note for myself, very useful information! Since I also like offroad technic direction most of all - BIG thanks for your work on this topic, hopefully it will grow and get attached.
  4. Nice update and interesting read. Love how you solved tatras' steering, it is just like on the real vehicles. Well done
  5. Just here to say that the is excavator is super awesome
  6. This thread is much more interesting than half of mocs around here (no offense to authors)
  7. Never broke a them simililarly to picture above. My u-joints always tend to break like this:
  8. But I actually like how 62 mm tires sits in there, also providing 3 pins for connection
  9. Recently bought 130 mm huge crawler tires. Standard 56 mm lego rims are too small for them both length- and wide- wise. Found out that these 8462 tow truck rims are sitting perfect, but they are not wide enough. However used together with 62mm arocs wheels from the other side makes a perfect and strong combo, just enough to hook 8l axle with stop through portal hubs too.
  10. Looks nice. I know it's all in theory now, but the axle is connected by 2 pins only - from the bottom and the top. These two force points can be reinforced vertically, but still it will be pretty weak for really heavy models. Which to be honest is every vehicle with tractor tires (>1.5 kg usually). What I assume is bound to happen on real obstacles - is the axle bending heavily. A few shock absorbers and panhard rod can make it more stable, but what I just described is a really weak spot imho. Another thing is the drive. The axle drive connection point is moving basically in every possible direction, so it means it will require a sliding joint plus 2 u-joints most probably. This is a setup you can't really trust for 100% even with decent gearing down. But then again, I should just find the time and test it and stop theorycraft
  11. Pretty sure it would be rather easy to motorize 42096, which is probably the thought behind the design too. Since motorization is all over us and every set is due to be motorized sooner or later \__/
  12. Stickers are a little bit of dissapointment since it has all sponsor logos on specific curved shapes, and not too many of them too. I guess at least they could be cut for some custom use..
  13. Would love to see one thing implemented in the app - easy switch between steering modes. Example: 2 servos, each is connected separately. Assigning each servo to different control is pretty obvious - not an option. If there would be a way to somehow add an inverser for 1 of 2 motors while you already connected, that would be an easily controllable crab mode
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