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Eurobricks Vassals
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About kiwinewt

  • Birthday July 17

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    New Zealand

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  1. Bahaha that's brilliant!
  2. Very impressive build! Well done!
  3. It is very sad, I was hoping to do an order soon. @Lowa thank you for the effort you have put in so far, it might not seem like it with the actions of some but it is very much appreciated how much time and effort you have put in to this point. I am now looking forward to being able to print some. I'm now looking at getting a printer instead. I hope there is a great new community to grow around this now!
  4. Great concept, I love it!
  5. I love the idea! Can't wait to see it built :)
  6. *jaw drop* That is amazing.
  7. Out of curiosity, has anyone made the Akiyuki train modules work with a non-motorised truck? I'm thinking of having it so that it can work with a standard Lego train (or better, MOC engine) pulling and pushing it around... but wondered if anyone has done similar?
  8. That is really cool! Great work!
  9. Thanks @Andalo_an - "comical" they may be but not everyone can have space for giant layouts. Might just have to go for R56 and try get some second hand R40 ;)
  10. Sorry if I've missed it... but is there plans for R40 and R56? Some of us only have space for a 64 stud x 64 stud area for corners, and I'd love to get in and buy loads of metal track and have my trains all DCC controlled... ;)
  11. So according to my local store... the next modular is a bookshop.
  12. And I'm just going to be sitting here staring at that bridge, wondering if I should quit now ;)
  13. Oh that looks beautiful. I'd love to be able to make a version of that if you feel willing to share your work?
  14. I love it. I'd probably make an old rotting stone wall covered with greenery to butt up against the modular on the right hand side, to make it look less garish against the smooth wall. Something that looks like they didn't completely demolish a building before putting the new one up. This is great inspiration for an idea I've had floating around in my head for a while though :D
  15. The alternate build for the diner has a nice bar downstairs, I shifted the BBT set in upstairs and it looks pretty good. I'm tempted to merge the Friends cafe in as well when that comes out :)
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