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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Displayedlotus

  1. Is it just me or do the storm troopers look like the ones from that family guy episode blue harvest proportions and everything.
  2. I know it's definitely a <1% chance but I'm hoping inferno squad was mistaken for clone force 99 but the 3. Minifig "confirmation" seems to point to that it's the former which is kind of disappointing.If they do inferno squad I hope they include the 4th member who died early on as well.
  3. I think it looks like 4 sets combined in one rather than a full play set like the deathstar I wish the hallways and connections to each other were a little more seamless but it will work.
  4. That slave 1 is suprisingly satisfying to me as well as the cloud cars for their size.
  5. If the rumor is true about Ashoka being in it I think it's more likely to be troopers in her unit in the last season.
  6. If the V-19 were to come with those figures I'd say it be at least $70 judging by the prices of recent ships with similar size like the Ties.Lego usually sells the lower priced sets in the winter let's hope it's in the summer wave.
  7. I'm going to take a guess that those clone wars sets are based on the last season of the clone wars if Disney wants to get it as much attention as possible (AT-AP)(Droid Gunship)(battle pack) defnitely should have some good minifgs.
  8. I hope so,the scout trooper helmets are very outdated compared to other troopers(open visor,lack of printing,shaping a bit off).
  9. I'd be willing to pay up towards 100 if we get Cody and one or two new trooper designs or moulds. Really need a updated version of the ARC-170 pilots with the new visors from the new x wing pilots.
  10. Season 6 (lost missions) ended in 19BBY this new season leads directly into Revenge of the Sith.
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