I love the Musketeers!! I own 21 Musketeers now and I did change most of them a bit like you did. Feather, heads and weapons. I love this figure. Whenever I'm in a shop where Lego is sold I try to grab one of them. I did some photos of my musketeer army, if you guys are interested I will upload some pics.
Here are my votes:
Matn - Tia Dalma's Shack -- 2 points
sok117 - Isla De La Muerta -- 1 point
MstrOfPppts - Isla De La Muerta -- 1 point
Cecilie - The Fountain of youth -- 1 point
this is my first ever MOC. So please be gentle.
It's called "Musketeer Officer visits Outpost"
Story: A Musketeer Officer wants to check a small outpost and bring them food and water. But what does he see? Everyone's drunk! One is puking, one is sleeping and the other one is still drinking. He decides to wake one up with his bucket. Guess these three are in deep water...
What do you guys think of it?