Everything posted by hachiroku
[MOC] Jaws Orca (or just an old fishing boat, with instructions!)
I think it would be a nice addition to the Old Fishing Store I made this around a year ago for a photo to recreate a scene from Jaws (a movie that I really like): Lego Jaws scene by hachiroku24, en Flickr I decided to rebuild it to add more details and to make instructions: Orca from Jaws (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Orca from Jaws (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Orca from Jaws (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr
[MOC] A-Team's van (with instructions)
Thanks guys! I'm glad you like it. It's not Finn. Is the black guy from Dr Strange set.
[MOC/Video] Rogue One trailer
I really want to see your final work. It's sad we didn't reach the colaboration for this one. I think a combination of cgi and stop motion shooting would be perfect (I'm starting to learn about Element 3D to put some 3D models in my videos). Thanks! PS: (I couldn't edit the last post to add the quotes ) EDIT: Wow, it merges automatically.
[MOC/Video] Rogue One trailer
I started this one year ago. I was going to do a stop motion video about Rogue One (even before I had my reflex camera! There is here stuff recorded with a smartphone) and the build of the Death Star. I began a new year in the university a couple of weeks ago and, before throw all of it away, I decided to use the sound from the new trailer, film some new stuff and edit everything to make my own version of the trailer. I hope you like it! I put a lot of effort here.
[MOC] A-Team's van (with instructions)
A-Team's van (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr A-Team's van (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr A-Team's van (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr A-Team's van (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr
[MOC] Terminator endoskull
Terminator endoskull (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Terminator endoskull (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Terminator endoskull (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr And instructions!:
[MOC] 8 wide MAN dump truck
The cabin and the use of the hydraulic are amazing. I will try to do one!
[MOC] Aston Martin DB5 (with instructions)
Aw man. That rear is really awesome, specially the tail lights. Another mod I would do is changing this for this I could'nt do it to mine. I think it cannot be changed in yours neither, but I'm sure that there must be a way to do it I was going to put the 1x2 tiles at the start of the roof like you did, but I didn't like it because it was to high. It doesn't tood bad after all.
[MOC] ALIEN (1979) vignette
Another vignette, with the Queen, the exo-suit, half Bishop around there... Too much to say no. I like the tail, but it looks a little "bug", skinny. It reminds me to the alien from Alien 3. By the way, I really really like your Ellen Ripley. I didn't know about that hair, and the blue torso is really great.
[MOC] ALIEN (1979) vignette
Thanks! Yeah, the belt is a little annoying. But, in counterpart, that print gives to the torso a more twisted look, more "Gigerian". If it were in dark grey it would be perfect. But as I said, If you want to recreate it and have a black skelleton, is a better option. I'm even thinking about ordering one, they only cost 0,30cent. in B&P.
[MOC] ALIEN (1979) vignette
ALIEN (1979) vignette (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr ALIEN (1979) vignette (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr ALIEN (1979) vignette (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr I think that a black skelleton body would work better. ALIEN (1979) vignette (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr ALIEN (1979) vignette (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr ALIEN (1979) vignette (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Instructions for the vignette and the minifigs:
[MOC] Aston Martin DB5 (with instructions)
Awesome work. I thought the same for the hidden machine guns, but when I made the video and the pics I just forgot them. About the wheels, I think yours ar too "classic" for the DB5 (but mine are too "military" so...). I see you did something in the rear part. Could you post a pic? I'm curious
[MOC] Aston Martin DB5 (with instructions)
Aston Martin DB5 (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Aston Martin DB5 (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Aston Martin DB5 (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Aston Martin DB5 (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Instructions here:
Forum Upgrade
It works! Thanks! Yes, I changed the password. I didn't remember it and when I was going to log in after the update, I changed it. Then, I saw that error. It's like the account was disapproved when I changed the password.
- [MOC] Star Trek Enterprise NCC-1701-D
[MOC] Pokeball
Pokeball (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Pokeball (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Pokeball (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr And instructions (and something weird)!:
Lego Licensed Photography Thread
OMG, I posted nothing since July! Lets fix that: No magic outside by hachiroku24, en Flickr
[WIP] Rogue One Trailer - Help Needed!
PM sent. I'm really interested to colaborate. Anyway, I don't think it's fair the third reward. I think everyone who do something, even if it's no Lego-related (like helping with the edition) must be in the credits in the video.
[MOC] Animated Wheatley from Portal 2 (with instructions)
Hi! Wheathley (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr I love the work animating mechanic stuff like this one or the Star Wars droids or Wall-E. I decided to make something likethis in Lego for one of my favourite characters in videogames. It's amazing how they combined the idea of a mouth and a eye to give that perfect expressivity to a ball. Please, take a look in the video to see how the eye and the eyelids works in a stop motion shot. In SPACE nobody can hear you scream by hachiroku24, en Flickr Wheathley (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr
BrickHeadz MOCs by KamalMYafi
Awesome! I love the mods of the brickheadz. Would you do a deadmau5?
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[MOC] Star Trek phaser from the Original Series
Thanks! The chrome rim comes from the 2005 Ferrari Enzo set:
[MOC] U-Wing (with instructions)
Hey! I'm really hyped with the new ships from Rogue One. Particularly, with the U-Wing. I made this one in a ¿midi? scale: Mini U-Wing (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Mini U-Wing (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Mini U-Wing (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr And I'm making a recreation of the Rogue One Trailer 2, so I needed a U Wing
[MOC] Kaneda's bike from Akira (with instructions)
That's a clever mod, thanks! I think it could be better if these were in black. But in your first pic, it looks great.
[MOC] Godzilla! (with instructions)
My second mod of teh Giant-man template. I really like the concept of an official giant-fig scale. For Godzilla, I try to build it 2x the size of the Giant Man, but it looked too bulky. I decided to keep the official size, making him more cartoonish. Godzilla giant-fig (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Godzilla giant-fig (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr Godzilla giant-fig (with instructions) by hachiroku24, en Flickr
[MOC] Kaneda's bike from Akira (with instructions)
How can I open it? LDD doesn't work.
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