Everything posted by hachiroku
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
This month, i´m going to buy one of the new sets of the summer wave. My options are the Sailbarge or the Gunship. I don´t have any of their older version. Sailbarge: + I don´t have the Jabba´s Palace, so, I could get the new Jabba. +I have the Sarlacc and the Desert Skiff of the 2012. This set it´s great to make the entire scene. +Mythical escene and mythical vehicle +A lot, A LOT, of brown bricks. -The design it´s a little "meh" (the cannon...). -Plastic sunshades Gunship +Minifigs of Anakin and Obi Wan o the Ep.II +Really cool design +I like the Episode II (ok, it´s the worst movie, but I like it, specially Geonosis part) -Not so mythical or important vehicle. My conclusion is that the gunship is a coolest than the sailbarge, but the sailbarge, it´s from the OT, and Jabba, and the sarlacc scene....
LEGO® CUUSOO 空想 - Turn your model wishes into reality
Congratulatios for the Curiosity, and nothing yet about the Delorean
[MOC] Millenium Falcon "Mark 2"
(Mark2 because it´s the second one I build, but it´s the same ship). Some months ago, I build a MF: I was glad with the final model but the caonstruction was, in my opinion, very stupid. Just joining bricks without rhyme or reason. Now, I want to do something more consistent, and solid. Like with the other, I will post the construction process, like some sort of instructions. Day 1: The yellow circle isn´t definitive, of course. I ordered 8 grey bows from pick&brick, but you can have an idea. The lower part, with the hole for the landing gear. Lateral view:
Future Star Wars Sets
The Snowspeeder: It´s the same version sice 1999. Very poor and nothing correct in the cockpit and teh front part. The X-wing: Still using the Y-Wing windscreen, but it has some importante upgrades since 1999. The Millenium Falcon: A giant cockpit and a little disproportionated, in all version. But for a system set, it´s ok.
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
In the czech forum, they posted this pic: http://www.kostky.or...89367#msg189367 I built a lot of 10-12 stud-wide cars and I´m sure this is going to the Delorean, in the scale of the Ferrari F430 (set 8671). This is not for Endor. EDIT: Owned. Looking the FBTB pics, they used those bricks.
My Millennium Falcon 7965 mod
You can upload the pics on photobucket/flickr/... and post it here directly. PS: Welcome!
[MOC] Batmobile Tumbler
Well, there is a lot of MOC´s of this car. Even I did some versions in different scale. Now I built a new one, in 1/18 scaled. I´m my opinion, this is best Batmobile ever. I have read tons of Batman comics, and it´s hard to me to imagine a superhero watching the city in a gaudy supercar. Central cockpit Working suspension And my favourite gadget, the openable roof: You can compare the dimensions with this blueprints, I tried to follow it as much as possible: Well, that´s all. Sorry abour the quality of the pics, but it´s hard to photograph a totally black MOC. The gallery on brickshelf, in full resolution:
[MOC] Tie Advanced x1
This is what I though, but, it seems something very "big".
[MOC] Tie Advanced x1
Thanks! I was thinking to build a scenary of the trench run, but it must so big. Impossible to me right now.
[MOC] Tie Advanced x1
Hi, Well, the title says everything, the Vader´s Tie. I have a MOC X-wing and I wanted to build the antagonist to the starfighter. I used black/grey levers to simulate the symbol of the Empire. Full detailed interior The Force is strong with this one! (I used a trans green antenna to make the laser) I used this Hasbro set to compare the size of the fighters The gallery on brickshelf, in full resolution:
Review: 10240 Red Five X-Wing Starfighter
After this review, I´m not convinced to not buy this UCS. It´s a iconic fighter, yes, but it has some several mistakes, like the cokcpit, the small engines or the minfig R2 (instead a 4x4 dome, like the UCS 10215). Maybe, it´s bad that I say this, but I prefer my moc (http://www.eurobrick...76#entry1549703), but bigger. It´s a very "system" contruction, I was hoping some more "agressive" construction techniques. And all the stickers...
Does this minifig exist?
On Brickpedia, I have found that there is two versions of "Luke Celebration", but I'm not finding the minifig.
Does this minifig exist?
I recently bought the Characters Encyclopedia and the Visual Dictionary (cool books and minifigs, by the way), but, I remember seeing a Luke Celebration minifig without the gold medal. Does this exist or it's just a wrong remember (or a modified minifig, or...)? I saw this in a pic on internet, but I found nothing on brickset, only with gold medal. Thank!
[MOC] Millenium Falcon
I´m poor (as poor a possible for being a AFOL xd) No, I only built what you see. _________________- Finally, I disassembled the MOC. So much things on mind...
[MOC] Millenium Falcon
I´m thinking of disassemble. I want to built other stuff, this is cool, but... I have used too bricks here.
LEGO® CUUSOO 空想 - Turn your model wishes into reality
What do we know about de Delorean?
[MOC] Millenium Falcon
Big update
[MOC] Millenium Falcon
No idea, I just found it on google images.
[MOC] Millenium Falcon
Do you mean the 8x8 circles? It´s circles.
[MOC] Millenium Falcon
What do you mean?
[MOC] Millenium Falcon
Moar pics!!! And a question: I planning to use the 7965 cockpit, because it´s easy to use and has a perfect size. But, I could build the UCS version (I did this before: and put this one. What do you think?
[MOC] Millenium Falcon
New pics.
[MOC] Millenium Falcon
The most difficult part is being the central. It will have to resist all the lateral stress, must be light and strong.
[MOC] Millenium Falcon
Yes. I want to do something like the interior of 7965. Maybe more detailed, but something like that.
[MOC] Millenium Falcon
After I built my own X-Wing, I have decided to build the most iconic spaceship (well, the X-Wing is a starfighter, tecnically, they are not in the same category). This is something I though a lot of time, trying some structures but nothing stable. Today, I tarted with a mix between the 7965 and the UCS version. Actually, I think that UCS is larger than it should be, let use maths: 7965 is 38,72cm length 10179 is around 84cm length According to wookipedia, the MF is 34,37m length. So assuming that a minifig (4cm) is around a 1,80m (let´s use a escale "Han Solo minifig-Harrison Ford human being"), let´s make a simply relation: 34,37/1,8=X/0,04; X= 0,76m=76cm Then, a perfect minifg escaled MF should be between the UCS and the latest System version. I won't be totally appointed to these measures, but my MOC wil be around the 70cm. Well, today I built part of the base, it´s 40cm length. As you can see, I mxed techniques from 10179 and 7965. Day 2: And it´s swoosheable!! (but is heavy, not a good idea) Day 3 Day 4 I built this to simulate the hidraulics: Day 5 The turret screen, and some more bricks: And, now, one of the iconic part: The radar dish Day 6 More work on rear side, but nothing finished. Day 7 There is left some detailes, like the interior cockpit and some interior parts, bur it´s almost finished: I improved the radar place. I used the 4x4 circle plate as base. The ramp Gallery on brickshelf:
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