Everything posted by hachiroku
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- [MOC] Hoth Ion Cannon and Battle of the shield generator
- REVIEW: 75014 Battle of Hoth
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
My Christmas present, a Imperial V-Wing (it´s really cool, more than what I expected) and the 3-in-1 with the Tie Fighter, the Sarlacc and the escape-pod. And Ultimate Galactus Trilogy, but this is another stuff.
My "mark 2" midi-UCS Snowspeeder
Hi, Few months ago, I built a Snowspeeder that I used in this diorama Looking that old post, I wasn´t totally agree with the moc, so I rebuilt this one, in a bigger scale. I´m very glad with the final model, with the new colours and it´s more close to the real one. A couple of "artistic" shots: Right now, the model has nothing as cockpit, it´s totally empty, but I´m working on this. My gallery on flickr
- [MOC] L-DI-EGO's INCOM T-65 X-wing Starfighter
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
My 8097 Slave-I has fallen and...
Well, I emailed to Lego for a new brick and they has answered me that they will send a new brick.
- [LDD MOCs] Brickdoctor's 2012 Star Wars Advent Calendar
My 8097 Slave-I has fallen and...
I rebuilt this without problem, but the front part has been the point of impact (the ship was without the deflector shield, my fault). As you can see, the brick isn´t deformed, and it fit without problem, but has these stress marks. "Will the time cure her wounds" or Should I look for another brick? Thanks!
Looking for a topic
LOL, I found precisely "before 1999" xd Thanks you so much
Looking for a topic
I saw a Topic about MOCs made before 1999. It was very interesting, but I don´t remember any word of the title. Do you remenber that Topic?
- [LDD MOCs] Brickdoctor's 2012 Star Wars Advent Calendar
The "official" Bat-Tumbler
Hi, I have been changing some details, just take a look: I put golden dot-bricks in the front wheels, to simulate the axes: A cople of spoilers in back and a new exhaust silencer (well, technically is a rocket, according to Mr Fox xd), and the front window divided (but I lost the glass...).
The "official" Bat-Tumbler
I think the new Tumbler have a pull-back motor.
The "official" Bat-Tumbler
Hi, I built the Tumbler from Nolan´s movies according to the new set from TDKR. In my opinion, the set was bad, I was expecting something really great. The Tumbler was really "tiny" (just like the SW cans) and the BAT wasn´t similar to the film. Well, today, I decided to build the Tumbler like the one of the set and I discovered that is a really good recreation, in proportions and details. There are some details changed, like the light grey bricks, because I don´t have it in black, or the top part., but it´s a good model to have an idea about the official.
[MOD-WIP] 7965 MF's Cockpit for four
Hi! I think that one of the most significant mistakes of TLC is the cockpits of the System´s Falcons. Specially, because you can´t put four minfigs inside and, as I know, nobody has did a design like this. I built a cockpit for four (with free space between them and in a better scale than the official): Bye!
[MOC] AJ-6 Airspeeder
Hi, I have been a while thinking about how to deal the construction of this speeder. Recently, I bought some Ninjago sets with the necessary bricks. The big yellow brick from the Pizza Planet Truck is perfect for the front side, but was a real jigsaw to fit it. I based the model in this pictures, mainly. Bye!
[MOC] Attack of the snowspeeder
I could build the body, but I don´t have the pieces now for teh legs. Maybe in a few years xd
[MOC] Attack of the snowspeeder
Sometime ago, I built a midi-UCS-scaled Snowspeeder. Tofay, I decided to use it in something bigger. I have built just one lego of an AT-AT, I´m not thinking about build the entire AT-AT, no pieces, but the leg is really strong. It can support the rest of the body without problems. Post of the Snowspeeder: Bye!
[MOC] "Midi-scaled-UCS" 10129 Snowspeeder
Thank you for the blueprint. It have to me some good ideas, and I removed a "illegal technique" that I made to build a unnecesary angle. PS: Pics in the first post.
[MOC] "Midi-scaled-UCS" 10129 Snowspeeder
One of my favourites sets is the UCS Snowspeeder, impossible to buy (for a student ) now. I made this set in midi-scale, because I don´t have parts and place to expose. (God bless minifig series´s plates xd) The speeder is really rally swooshable. This is a serious question. I think that this speeder is scaled too big in comparison with minifigs, but they doesn´t look bad together: EDIT: Thanks to mutley777, i made some modifications: Bye!
[MOD] Luke´s landspeeder 8092
I really love this set, and i decided o build a more realistic recreation of this vehicle. The front has been shortened two studs and flated with the tan tiles. I made a new left unmounted motor more similiar to the film, and in the same scale than the others. I modified the sides changing the red bricks to tan, but I think that is a mistake. The real one has the interior red, but the exterior tan: I didn´t touch the rear. Bye!
Which set should I buy?
I´m going to buy one of this. I prefer the TIE (almost of my collection is from the OT) but the starfighter is really cool (and its stickers ). I have a X-Wing and a Tie Advanced, so, a Tie Fighter will be a great complement. I have the Emperor´s Shuttle from Ep.III, if i bought the 9494 I will complete the Mustafar part, that wolud be fine. PS: If I choose the 9494, I will buy it in the official shop; how long it takes the shipping? I´m from Spain. Thanks
[MOC] Batmobile Tumbler- Minifig scale
Hi, I´m a real fan of Batman, and a I love the Batmobile from Nolan´s films. This Tumbler is the thir version of the car. I built one in minifig scale (very poor). Later, a 1:24 scale. Now, I decided to buil a minifig-scaled Batmobile, after watch TDK again It´s a "working-progress" versión. To put minifigs, I have to remove the seats. Even, there is space for two minifigs, like the real one The fronts wheels are playable I hope you enjoy my Tumbler
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