- AoM: Tower Phase 1: Outpost Watchtower
Age of Mitgardia (free-build-challenge)
Tower Phase 1
AoM: Tower Phase 1: Outpost Watchtower
Lady Eleanor has chosen a site to build a new fortified village to act as the center of her activity in Bluevale. It lies on a fairly flat island, in the North-East of the vale. The island is bordered on the south by the South Lake, on the west by the Ridge River and on the north and east by a flood channel. A small river runs through the channel which overflows extensively during the Spring thaws. A series of small Watchtowers have been build on the bluff between the flood channel and the Island to overview the approaches to the new building site. Sir Loth Strongarm and his son Stenon the High Ranger are inspecting one of the completed towers and discussing general concerns of the Vale, the new constructions as well as possible threats to the Lady's attempt to establish her rule. Meanwhile Stenon's oldest son Robb is leading the dwarf brothers Surwid and Norwid on an expedition to an abandoned mine to assess its potential for iron extraction and creating an iron, steel and related products manufacture hub.
- Prenmôr Forge
Challenge II - Category B - Mid-Spring Festival in Bluevale
Thanks for all the comments. Yeah, the grass area could be improved. But I was too concentrated on all the other elements I missed that. I believe that is my main shortcoming at the moment. I used a compact 10 year old camera (without optical zoom) for the full build shots and a wide-angle webcam (meant for skyping and creating web-videos) for the close-up shots. There's this debate in my head: save money for a 'real camera' or buy a lot of bricks. In the preview it seemed OK to me but now I see it is not so. Need to pay more attention to that in the future. Thanks. I have seen your maypole and think it looks better. I didn't even think of using leaf pieces! The pig is not completely secure and might actually swivel a little when moving the build but if you don't it stays in place. It is a bit crammed, the original plan was for a 64x64 build with, essentially, the same elements present in the 48x48. It would allow for the individual scenes to breath and also for more detailed groundwork, diagonal paths, etc... Unfortunately I couldn't get there. The grille is attached only on the bottom half, behind the top half there is an empty space so I could angle the axe and force it slightly so it stayed solidly in place.
Challenge II - Category C - Campfire Conversation
Thanks for the comments. I used my phone's light function. The build was on the top of a black 5-brick high 3-sided wall and I slid the phone there. The center campfire element is made of trans-light plates, trans-orange plates, trans-orange round plate with hole and the fire pieces so the light simply showed through all that. I was an happy and fortuitous occurrence. The light is dispersed by the campfire and what you see is mostly the shadows from the build's elements (minifigs, tree..).
AoM: Stables Phase 1: Clifftop Riders
It wouldn't be the Demon's Ridge or Mitgardia without the snow covered mountains, right?
- [Book 3] Challenge IIB: Highway from Hell
CHALLENGE II: Category B: Samhradh in Benoic
Great festival scene. I do especially like the Pole, it is really well build and gives a lot of atmosphere to the scene. Minifigs variety and posing are good. I also like the angled elements in the build. Very nice.
Bracari started following Challenge II - Category C - Campfire Conversation
Challenge II: Category A: Grain for Arkbri Orcs
Wow, a great presentation of an Orc family. The setting and story are great.
Book III - Challenge II: Bread and Circuses
A final entry for category C:
Challenge II - Category C - Campfire Conversation
The festival ended. Around a campfire are Lady Eleanor, her advisor Master Vilarius, Loth Strongarm and Davos of Avalonia. Davos – "I must say, Milady, I enjoyed the festival and meeting the people of Bluevale." Lady Eleanor – "Yes, it was a joyous occasion. In no small part thanks to you and your father's generosity." Davos – "I am pleased to have been of help. The Queen's envoy has taken assessment of the needs of the Vale and its people. We will depart tomorrow and Milady can expect a convoy with many more supplies as soon as it can be arranged." Lady Eleanor – "I will speak with the envoy before he departs and give him my thanks. These supplies will greatly increase the speed at which Bluevale can recover and prosper again." Davos – " The Demon's Ridge has long stood as a buffer between Avalonia and Mitgardia's heartland. The Queen's envoy hopes a prosperous Bluevale might become a bridge between our peoples. That is something I also desire." Master Vilarius – "Wise words, young Davos. Just be advised that requests and gifts can turn to demands and tribute in a very short time." Davos – "Thank you, Master Vilarius for your advice. My father also spoke something similar. I must leave and rest for the journey will be hard." Loth Strongarm – "My... The Lady's Rangers will escort your company through the south passes." Davos – "Thank you Sit Loth. A pleasant evening Milday Eleanor and Master Vilarius." Lady Eleanor – "Well, what do you think of this turn of events." Loth Strongarm – "Avalonian aid. That might not sit well with some of the clans. We have endured and survived alone for so long." Master Vilarius – "Yet to simply survive is not enough." Lady Eleanor – "No it is not. It is my wish to see Bluevale a secure and flourishing community. To build a legacy that will persist and make our children and their children proud." Loth Strongarm – "Young Davos certainly has plans of his own." Master Vilarius -"Naturally. He too wants to find his lot in life. Hopefully his plans will converge with ours." Lady Eleanor – "And what of the Queen's envoy?" Loth Strongarm – "Unf. It seemed to me that he was more interested in whatever possible riches the Vale might contain or produce than in the people's needs." Master Vilarius – "Is that so? Then we must tread carefully.." The discussion continues for some time before the three turn in for the night.
Ch II: Cat B: Involuntary Dives
Excellent entry! Quite a lot of little amazing details that helps the overall build. The color palette is very nice.
Book III - Mitgardia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Made the entry for Category B: I have a cute little idea for Category C, I might still be able to build it tomorrow... ...and done, it was a rush build and quality suffers a bit for it, still it is a nice end to the chapter I think.
Book III - Challenge II: Bread and Circuses
My entry for Category B:
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