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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Stimy

  1. awesome build, you can see a lot of time and effort went into this build!! can you go further into detail on how you used the battery box woth the lipo? I have designed a massive Karl-Gerat 041 (1.15m long & weight will be around 10 kg) and will need all the power I can get?
  2. Stimy replied to Stimy's post in a topic in The Military Section
    thanks for all the support, I'll make a video this weekend of the Sdkf & maybe some other projects too.
  3. Stimy posted a post in a topic in The Military Section
    I built this one some time ago but didn't post it yet over here (It might be in the scale model section but can't remember) The Sdkfz.251 ausf.D was built in scale 1/10 with full RC system using an Sbrick. The drive uses 2 x XL-motors & 1 L-motor for steering, it has about 2.000 pieces. Size is about 64x24x24 studs (51cm x 19cm x 19cm) Here are the pictures, enjoy. Lego SDKFZ 251, on Flickr
  4. let us know when the instructions are ready, love to buy these!!
  5. looks very good, love the detail!!
  6. so much nostalgia comming back. still watch the show (battlebots in the usa) robot wars itself stopped 2 years ago on the bbc. mocs look very good, any plans to make sir killalot or the pincer one (forgot the name)?
  7. Finally finished my latest project, a Sdkfz 251/1 ausf.D in scale 1/10. History of the Sdkfz. 251 After the MK V tank, I wanted to do something different and the 'Hanomag' is just this. The suspension is made with torsion bars and works as it should. The MOC is powered by 2 x XL motors & steering is done with 1 x M motor with a clutch & an Sbrick module. I wanted to integrate the lock-steering system but I simply didn't have the room to get all things integrated, maybe this is something for the future. stickers are being made & maybe there will be a PAK-40 soon behind this, still thinking about it. Dimensions:51cm x 18cm x 20.5cm Weight: 2.5kg Total brick count: about 2.000. Leave a comment if you want. my Flickr page for more pictures on my projects & completed MOC's
  8. I love this MOC!!!! just saw it popping up on Lego Car Blog and loved the work
  9. Love this MOC, the attention to detail is stunning!!
  10. After buying the plans from Sariel, I started on making this very nice moc to go alongside my MKV. The plans & design are property of Sariel, you can buy the plans here I changed the color due to budget reasons and then I could make a german captured version, the stickers still need to go on and maybe I'll change some parts later on. The model is full radio controlled For more photos check my Flickr Page
  11. looking VERY good, I love these big model builds and 4x4's, perfect combo why not put you MOC on Rebrickable and sell your plans there?
  12. What an absolute MASTERPIECE!!! This would be perfect for Jody Schekter's mancave Rosco, you really made this one look exactly like the real thing. any plans for other historic F1's? (please say Sharknose...)
  13. Hey Tommy, the second gear coming out of the xl motor broke, but I think that was due to age (they were a bit yellow too). the main issue is that when it try to turn, the gear slips over the tracks and doesn't get any traction. maybe some some plasti dip will help on the gear but I think it's better to reposition the drive to the rear gear (as in the real steel version), going to try tomorrow to figure this thing out. Thanks Neonic, the turntable is one for scale models. You can find these online under "scale model rotating display stand" on google.
  14. As i'm finishing the tank up cosmeticaly, the technical part is giving me headaches. The drive system is connected to the wrong drive gear (because there is no space) and thus keeps breaking toothed gears. so what are we gonna do? indeed take it all apart and start redesigning it I am also thinking about making an other version, no rc controls but with a lot of detail on the inside & easy way to take of the top of the tank, what do you think? Below some pictures and a 360° view of how it looks now, you can visit my Flickr page if you want to see more photo's & videos.
  15. The finish line is in sight!!! The MOC is nearly finished, the semaphores & door needs to be made and mounted. I am at the moment designing some stickers and trying to find a fun way to showcase this model. I would like to know what you guys think of this model so please leave a comment, it would be greatly appreciated
  16. below you can find 2 small video's on the controls for the tank & the turrets. The videos are a bit rudimentary, just to give you a quick vieuw on how it works. The tank is nearly finished, I just redesigned the sponsons and am now waiting for the last pieces to finish it.
  17. The neutral is very difficult to use as I use 2 sliders to control the clutches left and right. so it is more like a hit and miss with this. below is an image of the control interface. left & right 2 sliders are canons, the sliders worked better than the joystick control; now you can control it a bit better, with the joystick it went everywhere. Central slider is forward & backward control of the XL motors & the sliders next to it are the clutches.
  18. looks good! The 1st photo looks also a bit like an old opel kadet at first glance. any more plans to do more Skoda or other brands?
  19. Well ladies and gentleman, all good songs come to an end. and the end of this project is in sight. Mechanicly, the tanks works like I wanted, the clutch steer system works perfectly (courtesy and with A LOT of thanks to Tommy Styrvoky) and I figured out a drive system in Sbrick which i still need to fine tune a bit. some small things need to be changed (plastidip on the tracks for improved traction, change some clutch gears with new ones & wiring the inside so it is more tidy) Cosmeticaly there are still some points that I want to change (close the gaps where the parts meet, add semaphores, exhaust pipe, redesigning the lower parts of the sponsons & finishing the top) below there's a small video on how the clutch system works & the plans of the tank. I've changed some things while building and didn't change it in the LDD design. https://bricksafe.com/files/stimy/mk-v-tank/Mark V Final updated.lxf
  20. Hey Milan, thanks for pointing this out. I have just resized all images & and reposted them.
  21. looks very good, and looks indeed very awkward to see it made out of lego which is a good thing. it really resembles the rocks that i can remember as a kid too, brings back some memories
  22. First of all, my best wishes to you all! I finally found some time to continue with the MK V. Parts keep stacking up as I keep reshaping parts and improving on the design, but Rome wasn't buit in a day . I'll try to make some pictures en videos and post them here. - The hulls have been improved and I am nearing the end. - Exterior wise I got all the parts i need to finish it cosmetically, but probably something else will come along that I'm not happy with (sponsons) but the drive system is the main priority now. - The Sbricks are integrated into the body and I am now working out how to use the clutch system correctly and to the best of my capabilities. - The canons work under their own power and do what they need to do
  23. absolutely stunning build, truly love the detail!!!
  24. Hey Laura, thank you for the support! The drive system is currently assembled but doesn't work yet, I am still trying to figure out how to connect the drive axles to my sprockets. I am still waiting on a couple of pieces and also trying to source a Lego PF rechargable battery box for a decent price, at the moment prices are going far higher than I wish to spend on it. I also need to order the 2 SBrick units so I can make this thing work under its own power . I also saw some parts in the outer hulls that I am not happy with, these are giving to much stress on some parts and create gaps, maybe I'll take these apart and reshape them. This is also the case with the sponsons, I am not relay happy with how the sides look and they are also not very strong, so back to the drawing board for these parts However at the moment I am not finding the time to work a lot on the MKV due to an imense workload on the job, this will probably carry on until the beginning of next year so it is possible that it will take a lot longer than first anticipated.
  25. Hey Hollander, it takes about 2.250 bricks to complete including the drive system. Sariel has already built one of these. As it is my first MOC I used a lot of his example but modified some parts that I thought were better. My drive system will use a clutch drive system, designed by Tommy Styrvoky)
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