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Lord Beckett

Eurobricks Citizen
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About Lord Beckett

  • Birthday 10/03/1986

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    Cinema, Internet, video games, studies...


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  1. TPAM knows it as I do... it is.... John Wayne !!!! ... or was it Bruce... never mind The person under me looks like a shrimp...
  2. TPAM is a purple pie, though he doesn't look like one... *sweet*
  3. TPAM is mistaken, TPA him is an alien friend... :-P after so many meetings in this thread, it's true, isn't it? :-D
  4. TPAM is absolutely right, but TPA him will not accept it...
  5. As I have already witnessed you talent, I can say that it sounds great. *wub*
  6. Go Imperial Guards GO !!! I just like how those guys look like British soldiers.
  7. TPATPATPAM made me update my sig. 8-
  8. TPAM is right, I feel bad cause I really look like my avatar and I wear a wig... of course I got it that you were joking, big fellow. :-P
  9. TPAM said I have a wig, which makes the... (no, I won't say it). TPAM is a bad alien... it's not my fault if I'm bald and I have a barcode tattooed on my neck...
  10. TPAM has a handbag... |-/
  11. I was looking for pirate MOCs when I came here... a few days later I decided to register. Now, even if I don't really like most of the members (no, let's be honest, I hate all of them), I've decided to remain here, even though this forum is as funny as a filthy dead amphibian puke... how can a puke be dead, don't ask me... :-P :-D :-P EDIT: I was joking don't ban me, naughty moderator... :p)
  12. TPAM will then tell me how a plane can write and post a message... No really, you make the Fabuland people sad... :-D
  13. TPAM has a really cool avatar with... errr... lots of gray... :-P
  14. TPAM certainly got kicked in the... (well you see what I mean) to make such a strange face... :-P
  15. Darn, I forgot the thumbs... X-D *y* *y* *y* *y* *y* *y* ... once more? Alright... here we go: *y*
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