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Renny The Spaceman

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About Renny The Spaceman

  • Birthday 10/18/1874

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    Classic Space
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    Like 3 Demolition Dummies

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    Classic Space, CMFs, Doctor Who, Polka dot man, Luigi, Demolition Dummy, Grover Cleveland


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  1. You get a Goodie Rickels buildable figure and a Lex Luthor v Superman mech, take it or leave it
  2. See, you get it! Guess you were wicked then
  3. I think if your life would be ruined by a LEGO Morbius set it's natural selection at that point ngl
  4. Matt Smith shirtless dance set would save lives
  5. I remember reading an article Where Joel Schumacher's wife said that shortly before the WBD merger that management had greenlit a Schumacher cut as it only needed a million to polish it up. The merger stopped that happening Timelines don't sync up so it's not but it'd be funny if this set, like the shadow box before it, was a loose tie in to a planned project that this time was pulled after they'd developed it
  6. Maybe but you also gotta consider this isn't really comparable to Iron Man where the later two films don't really have much cultural legacy. The Raimi Spider-Man films are much closer to the DC legacy sets than the Marvel ones given how they're from much further back properties that still have relevancy to this day as classics of the genre rather than being relevant as it's film series is still continuing. I could see multiple Raimi sets in one wave, though, they could also both be based on Spider-Man 2. That said given that we're getting a Spider-verse CMF and a Spider-Man 2 set in the same wave I don't doubt that the third would be from something else to diversify the lineup. If so it could only be TASM or Venom, don't know how likely either are though
  7. Nice, this was always gonna happen, glad it's an affordable set though, hope it's cool
  8. Honestly splitting the forum seems madder and madder by the day, we should keep doing it though. Make Batman and DC rumours and discussion different forums. Split Asylum, Batcave and Mech discussion from that now and forever. By 2029 half the site shall be aslumes
  9. Yeah, but we're not talking about what it needs to be a successful movie, we're talking about how big it'd have to be to rush sets into production. NWH is a good benchmark as well know pretty much for a fact that companies all scrambled the moment they could to capitalise on it and even then, which not only is a much bigger hit than Superman can ever be but also much easier to make designs for as half the characters had minimal redesigns, it took two years.
  10. I'd megablocking love Superman 3 sets, that'd be hysterical. No dice they ever do a Lex from Superman returns though. Even if Superman became so popular DC perma-killed Batman to prop him up and DC's trinity became Superman, Supergirl and Superboy. See I think there's a decent chance of they have a mech in development. It'd probably be for a Superman villain with Kara as the second figure to diversify it from the Clark mech. Idk if there'd be time to rush out a set though since it took them two years to do the no-way home one and that would have been a much higher priority.
  11. Yeah, exactly this! Figures that get this just look perfect you can convey a lot with a little with stuff like the Blacktron figure I just think they miss the original appeal and it makes the figure forgettable. Series 6 is where LCU stops, I apologise for what I've done here. Yeah, I think the early CMFs do just have a strong aesthetic I really love. The soul of the theme died when they stopped giving them funny bios :P They don't? I just looked it up the new colour scheme is so much worse, ey did they change it? Yeah, it's too much so none of it is conveyed clearly, just a bit of a mess
  12. Damn, again? The last version of this book was only 4 years ago. I'm glad the figure's not too interesting, don't need the same book with like 6 new pages again.
  13. I'll forget that name in a month. But yeah, you're right, with the exception of the X-wing being Halloween coloured for Poe all the others are way too similar to the OT ones to justify production. People who'd buy the sequel ones would probably be more likely to buy the OT ones than OT fans buying the sequel ones. Probably why they haven't done Captain Rex's Y-wing either. Oh, of course! Let's not forget the Scompers scavenger hunt and chudwumpas bubble craft, the Nick Clegg battle pack, the star strider's splat lizard and the washed machine of Cal-Gon
  14. As someone who was never gonna be torn up about how a year from this theme went I think it's very funny what it ultimately appears to come down to is people arguing about either of the two factions that have over the years gotten the most sets (Clones and Empire) being underrepresented. Honestly I feel bad for fans of the new Rebels from the sequels, their troops never do anything so there's next to nothing to base sets on so they're never gonna get a set again. Eventually they'll do another Poe's X-wing but that'll be it, unlikely it'd even come with any unnamed new Rebels.
  15. What we really need is a City one! Just think, we could have a new Police Officer, Firefighter, Crook. It'd be what we all need. In all seriousness I think LEGO's leaving money on the table if they don't do a castle one, Lego castle army builders are insane and the closest a LEGO original IP will get to the insane dedication and, on the other hand, scalping of the clone bros. If it does happen it'd be the most annoying series to complete though for obvious reasons. Pirates would be cool too but Idk, I don't think LEGO's as confident in it
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