Everything posted by Renny The Spaceman
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
If both are based off the Schumacher films how many figures will be used in both? We'll get two sets with a good amount of reused figures right? It'd be like a parody version of how they spread the cost of making new figures, this time doing so by just doing the same minifig line up twice five or take a couple
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
That's a really good theory, this means canonically Johnny English would hate the 2013 LEGO castle line but fw Kingdoms They're outfits definitely don't convey that This is all accurate, ngl though I think going full starship troopers over some looney tunes aliens robbing banks is a little disproportionate, I feel you could paint some money on the side of a jail cell and they'd run into it. Fun headcanon, checks out, like how much you thought it through. It contradicts the Black astronauts "official" designation but those designations make no sense already so who cares. However I take a strong stance against Orange also being leaders, I think anyone's headcanons about what role a colour fills are fun and valid but doubling up on one is a CS heresy, the fun is the more colours they release the more megablocks their roles have to be :P In 5 years we're gonna be assigning teal as space cobbler and coral will be roadside repair for the buggies
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Honestly that with a Jim Carrey Riddler could probably be right on the money
LEGO Star Wars: No Longer For Kids?
TBF most kids who like Star Wars LEGO probably are mainly clone nuts given how they're the target demo for all those Clone bro channels
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Sure but on basic elements of filmmaking craft it's nowhere close, like pretty much everything in it is competently done it's just all in service of a script and tone no-one was a fan of. I think as a movie Forever is actually a lot worse because it's really awkwardly edited (Schumacher's original version was apparently much more centered on Bruce as a character but that got hacked off in favour of a lighter romp) leaving a film that's not really sure what it wants to be, Batman and Robin is going 90s Adam West and I think it does capture that pretty perfectly Both are pretty campy and insane, neither is funny enough to me personally for repeat viewings though.
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Okay, they're not anywhere near the worst films of all time, but assuming that they're not solely based on Batman Forever it is damming that they're willing to touch one of the biggest bombs in the genre's history with Batman and Robin
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Maybe, who knows, if we're lucky maybe it'll get a polybag with the dvd like Shazam
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
I wouldn't doubt it, the fact we got a Superman mech was an act of divine (meaning Dummy based) intervention, a Superman side randomly appeared on the dice, no-one understood why but if anyone in the DC department goes against the D=dice they're taken behind a poundland and shot so no-one dared question it
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
I like this theory I think they're all in the same world so Galaxy Squad would fit in, I do kinda like the idea of CS existing at the same time as some of the later themes, sorta showing the two different ways the original earth space faction evolved, with CS being more Star Trek while the 21st century ones lean more into Star Wars. I however think Galaxy Squad is more contemporary than CS is though, the faction could still exist by the time of CS but I imagine the events of the theme happened long before I was on the Way back machine with a friend recently, we looked through the old LEGO site and there was actually a section on the Alien Conquest theme's site where you could send in questions for the aliens to answer, only one would play but you could argue there that that was the attempt at diplomacy
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
The issue is we don't get half of those characters, we get Batman, Joker, Catwoman and then if we're lucky Mr Freeze, Two-face, Penguin, or Harley. Constantly switching the Batman media getting sets means all the figure budget goes into a million versions of the same characters whereas when they were able to reuse figures we'd be able to get fresh characters thrown in. Even at the end, in the weakest year for comic sets we got Bronze Tiger, Batwoman and Omac. If we get a Robin next year it'll be a cause for celebration now, let alone any hope of villains new or old like Mad Hatter, Manbat, Hush, Deathstroke, Deadshot or so on. Hell we can't even get any of the Batfamily bar the occasional Alfred or Batgirl.
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
That's another funny point to mention, they were willing to do a Schumacher playset before doing a UCS Batfleck Batmobile. Those sets must have tanked so hard, I wouldn't be surprised if there's an ET game style burial ground of Flying Fox sets somewhere in Denmark
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Honestly I hate RTG because when those leaks happened I just thought LEGO had snapped and made random megablocks for no reason. Way less funny it was just tie ins to a show TBF none of these sets are TCW based, ARC 170, 327 battle pack, the Galactic Marine transport, Turbo Tank, Plo Koon microfighter are all RotS sets. It's really just the Ashoka ship from the start of this year, no?
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
I heard it here first too, I could have sworn it was a joke. Same goes for the weird clone sets SW is doing. Honestly let's just get rid of all forums and merge them into the aslume
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Right? I genuinely forget which one I'm on when responding to notifications, it'd be so funny if they get merged before 2025 is up
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
With a play feature so he can do the cool Kung Fu laundry bit
LEGO Sci-Fi Ongoing - Rumors, Speculation, and Discussion
The original cockpit is tiny, don't need the same exact proportions but like the GE it should take up roughly the same amount of space relative to the ship IMO. The smaller version of the same piece used in X-wings or the one used in the Blacktron GWP would work better with the rest of the ship for me. As I said personally it makes the rest look undersized relatively as the cockpit is the widest part while having super dinky wings
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Right? Stick to one for at the very least two years and we'll at least get something. Right now it's a worst of all worlds scenario that makes Robin a pipedream character somehow!
Unpopular Opinions about LEGO
Yeah, I agree here. I don't think LEGO's simple enough to have a designated golden age that it's been all downhill from. I think there's peaks and valleys as certain aesthetics fade in and out of use and that the late 2000s to early 2010s was our last peak for the fans of LEGO's original themes
- Marvin the Martian's classic flying saucer - real world MOC
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
No, you're being ridiculous, that's obviously Commander Cody in those sets
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
The thing is there's a real chance of that! Anything we can joke about to show how this theme can disappoint us is always a real possibility now
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
He becomes the Jelker
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
I wonder if they're doing the Schumacher sets solely so they can reuse the Alfred figure from the shadow box
LEGO Sci-Fi Ongoing - Rumors, Speculation, and Discussion
I understand that, IDK if two pilots was the right call though, I think the ship suffers from the head of it being so large compared to the rest, It makes the rest of the ship look way more dinky to me and makes the wings on the side looks sorta pathetic. Seems I'm alone in that though.
LEGO Sci-Fi Ongoing - Rumors, Speculation, and Discussion
Anyone else feel like the cockpit is just a little too big? Idk, to me I feel like there were better windscreen pieces to choose as it is it seems too big for the rest of the model and makes the vehicle look a little dorkier (something I'm very much against as that's Blacktron 2's thing :P)
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