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About BerndDasBrot

  • Birthday 06/12/1987

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  1. better late than never. my second 8862 arrived today. I really like the mechanism that extends that "I-will-transport-that-harvest-to-your-trailer-thingy" the front part can be lifted... ...and is driven by the wheels. (a motor pack can be installed here) and together with the main model.
  2. i'm totally speechless. wow. still wow.
  3. right now i'm playing goldeneye as 00agent. this is much more fun/work/intense as normal.
  4. yep. I like to do that too. sometimes I even check that all slots are facing in the same direction... now THIS is really cool...!
  5. thanks and remember: Imagine!
  6. thanks! @ Guss and -N13OS- I didn't had a star destroyer in mind at first, I just wanted to use the 4x8Wings (I have many of them) - and so a star-destroyer-like ship was inevitably. that's why I like MOCing: I never know the result when I start. @ zero1312 I hope you're joking I already took it apart. @ dj2005 TLG would "never" produce a set like this MOC. I didn't built it for playing reasons (but for the design - thank you too btw). And we know that TLG has to make many erm- "compromises" between design, functionality, playability, appropriable parts and so on. And I want to overdo some of this stuff. But that's what MOCing is for (me).
  7. hi! my latest BlacktronII-MOC: the BlacktronII Fatal Star Disposal. Fragil! Greeble! Slightly Unfinished! (as always... ) Pics: (I had some lightening problems this time. and the black color scheme didn't help me at all... ) no landing gear sorry... thanks for watching, c/c appreciated, hope you enjoyed!
  8. @ KimT: nop. isn't me. @ Manta: the drones are from the official BTII sets: instructions on peeron.
  9. maybe these value packs could be involved...? 1891 or 1993 other value packs of the ninetees without inventory: 1843 4199 1515 9204
  10. uh... no...?
  11. great review! I really love the seat and the great possibilities with the alternate models. also congratulations for getting that set in perfect condition!
  12. thanks and @ blocky: it's the panels... maybe I should have made a 2x4 Brick...
  13. thanks! rear engines: with old axle connectors non-blacktron containers: well they just went to town to get some post-box. Once they reach their base they'll put it into standart blacktronII-containers... I thought it would be a funny detail...
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