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Cyber Master

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Well... i got 4 complete cyber master sets + 6 extra main units... so within 20 motors there should be working ones... right?...right?!?... so 2 out of the 20 worked for a week and then hit the same fate... Edit: Hm, now im tempted to buy more cyber master units...
  2. I may have worded that wrong. The assembly "gearbox + motor + light barrier on pcb" can be used to determine speed and distance travled. The thing is, the gearbox and pcb are highly specialized parts from lego. One option is to find a very flat motor that fits exactly onto the gearbox (no luck on that front). Another, almost impossible, option is to find a motor with gearbox that can use the exsisting light sensor on the pcb. I think in most cases a small modification on the original pcb is necessary if a tacho is needed (relocate light sensor). Didn't know motor #3 current could be measured, can't remember i used that with the original software or was that even possible?
  3. No they don't have a built in feedback (tacho). The motors from lego also don't have a built in tacho, they have a light barrier soldered to the pcb which reaches into the gearbox... so it's difficult to find a motor that uses the original feedback system or an replacement motor which is flat enough to fit on the original gear box.
  4. Hello, i had found a motor, but it does sacrifice some battery slots and the pcb won't fit anymore... These motors are from amazon. I think they are somewhat common since i can find them everywhere when i just serach for gear motor. I made a topic about that... 2 years ago... damn time flies... well i havn't progressed (no time, laziness and those damn chips with like 70+ weeks delivery time...). Topic:
  5. It's funny that apparently everyone 100% knows that the lr13000 is too expensive, but has not seen any data or pictures... (except the piece count). I'm not trying to justifiy the price, but as long as no one knows wether there will be huge (heavy) parts or many new (special) molds, nobody can criticise the price... ...well in recent years the pricing on some sets they released was questionable, so i get the prejudice... but this one ain't shown itself yet.
  6. What? No, in germany it's "day.month.year" so 01.08.2022 is august 1st 2022.
  7. Will this work with the mindstorms hub? It just has another color than the spike prime hub, right?
  8. Hello @Jim, i think my topic belongs here? Sorry for posting in the wrong category :) Thanks!
  9. Some progress: Small drive test: https://i.imgur.com/izLCXjA.mp4 I prepared the 2nd motor and soldered two DRV8872-Q1 from Texas Instruments to a test board. Those small IC's are really good, they can handle 6.8V to 45V and up to 3.6A (+Thermal Shutdown, Overcurrent Protection...) The best part is that i can still take out the motors, they are not glued to the frame. Perfect fit! Next is the design of a new circuit board... could take a while^^
  10. I won't be using the old stuff :D New circuit board and control software coming along with it. (Yeah i have an old win95 PC that runs it... let's say it "runs")
  11. Here's my attempt at repairing the old cyber master brick. The motors are quite small and out of nine units that i have, seven don't even work anymore. I found these motors on amazon and put the grey gear from the internal gearbox on it. I had to cut off the decoder part of the gear due to space limitations. Looks like a perfect fit :) Need to cut into the battery compartment, but that shouldn't affect the end result (will install small LiPO battery). That's it for now. Need to order new ca glue to continue^^
  12. Hello, i know it's an unrelated topic, but the forum won't allow me to send a private message. If an admin/mod reads this, my browser (chrome) tells me when i click on page 2 or further in this topic, that there is an phishing attempt and blocks it. Any clues? It's just this topic.
  13. Looks really good! I just had to deal with a real one ~5 hours ago ;P
  14. Car transporter for heavy machinery ;)
  15. Maybe... just maybe... the (flatbed- ?) truck has the same color scheme as the rumored star of the 2H sets... and you can transport it! :)
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