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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Bilis

  1. You're all complaining about inaccessibility but wasn't the second level of the Old World also inaccessible in Ninjago City? The exact same thing is the case here with just one appartment being inaccessible. Would you really prefer the set to have fewer rooms and less detail just for the sake of adding an elevator or stairs? The elevator in the original Ninjago City took up too much space so I am glad that they focused more on the buildings now that transportation has already been solved. It's not easy to design a LEGO set. You can't have everything. I'm glad that they focused more on making an aesthetically pleasing model with tons of cool details and references while keeping it at a good price per part ratio instead of focusing on a thing that 2 or 3 people will nitpick about. At the end of the day, kids will just move the figures around with their hands and adults will use the set only for display. It's not that big of a deal.
  2. Is there anything that suggests otherwise?
  3. Because it doesn't appear on the financial reports, it doesn't mean that the sales have declined. What if the sales were raised more in the other themes than they were in Ninjago? Eitherway, I might not be a marketing expert, but I know for a fact that a company wouldn't get rid of a steady source of income that easily. They soft-rebooted the series because they're planning to keep the show going for much longer. Ninjago was also recently called an "Evergreen Theme" with the launch of the legacy line. Let's also not forget that other than the sets, they also have the show, two (at least) magazines, a card game, a sticker collection and much more. I understand the mentality "It's been around for so long, it has to end eventually" but realistically, I don't see it ending anytime soon.
  4. Dude, what show have you been watching? Most of your questions are either nonsensical or have already been anwesered. You can clearly see Clouse cutting his cell's bars in the Cursed Realm with a dagger in "Curseworld, Part II". Who cares about the Ultra Sonic Raider and the Elemental Blades? Those things were made for the sets and since they are not relevant anymore they have no reason to appear again. Skales and the Serpentine literally appeared in SotFS. Pythor and Rey & Maya are secondary characters. They will only appear when they are needed and it's obvious that they aren't for the time being. Maya is also set to return in the summer season of 2020. The Dragon Master Armour also appears in Season 10 inside Borg's vault. The Stone Army was shot down by evil Nya and they were most likely destroyed with the Overlord. Jay and Nya are romantic to each other but they aren't even married. I don't really see how this is a loose end either way. Same goes for Char. Many unpoppular people still have fans and allies. Logic suggests that the Pyro Vipers were imprisoned as well. The show doesn't have to show that. The only logic claim you have is about Wu, who most likely fell off the Iron Doom. Yes, Ninjago does have some loose ends but pretty much every fantasy show has.
  5. I don't really think the ultra dragon will have moulded head because of the leaked eye piece. Except if this piece is for another theme.
  6. I have to say, I am pretty disapointed with the new sets. Lloyd's Dragon is super small and will probably be expensive because of the minifigures. Coles Earth Driller looks fine but the Gian Stone Warrior looks like a custom creation (at least from what we can see). Storm Fighter should have been longer and less bulky. It doesn't look like a 40 dollar builld. Kai and Zane's bikes look nice but from the size you can say that they may cost more than 30 bucks. Samurai Mech looks weird. I can't say much about it only from this picture. The Monastery is great! Definately the best set in the wave. The minifigures also look bad so this is probably going to be one of the worst Ninjago set waves :(
  7. Well, I haven't seen the new figure yet but probably one figure will be for the spinner and the other will be for the sets.
  8. I agree. I don't think they are re-makes. We saw in the 4-Episode special sneak peak that the Monastery is rebuilt. Probably the same happened with the vehicles. It makes sense consodering that the Ninja and the villains both have new looks. The weird part is the return of older villains. Maybe they are Oni who shapeshifted on them or they could be created by the overlord who has been seen in the sets as well. Also Lloyd will get his golden power back? I guess we just have to wait and see.
  9. Are you sure this human character is a new villain? Maybe he is an ally like Ronin. I mean, Tommy Andreasen said that the four episode special will put an end in this 24 episode story arc and also Garmadon said that "they" are coming possibly refering to the oni. So it would make much sense if the Oni just shapeshifted to previous villains and this would also explain the new moulds and pieces. Except if with "they" he means the older villains or something.
  10. Where did you find the ultra dragon's eyes? I haven't seen them anywhere.
  11. Actually you are wrong. Tommy Andreasen confirmed that the 4 Episode special will be the last installment in the Oni storyline. Season 10 will be completely irrelevant and it will most likely feature the time twins or a new villain.
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