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Everything posted by keymaker

  1. I consider myself quite good in Studio, but I'm a completely noob in Part Designer so sorry for what I'm going to show you :D But I tested it with old and new 30mm rims and it would be a great part. For sports cars, you put it all way down into new 30mm rims and you have perfect pivot point and small range of motion (but it would be enough because sport cars don't need much). For off-road cars you are using old/standard 30mm rims or new 30mm rims but with one stud space between part and rim (you can use it for adding details like disk brakes). And in such case you have bigger range of movement, perfect for off-road.
  2. It is a bit strange to me, because we all know and understand, that there is a limit how small lego parts can be to be useful. But still we have quite a choice of wheel hubs for bigger rims, where there is enough space to build own ones from available parts. But in case of small rims, like 30mm there is not much to do and we need to rely on available, specialized parts, which aren't many.
  3. Yes, exactly. It would be a game changer when making small independent front suspension with driven wheels. Because to be honest, there is a gap in lego parts catalog when it comes to hubs for 30mm rims. I mean with drive. I think TLG is not interested with preparing a type of parts which are available and updated (even lately like new wheel hub 46490) for bigger rims.
  4. Great threads @gyenesvi! In case of parts, most of the most desired parts are already mentioned here, so I won't repeat them. The only thing which comes to my mind is wheel hub, so imagine a hub, like this: but it has 3 studs and fits to 30mm rims, so a mix of (or eventually) and
  5. Yeah... And without it if you want to build somehow reliable front driven axle, the solid (for example live) axle is what you are forced to use. It's pity we don't have access to some smaller technic parts with tow ball holder. Such small part could be used with various standard technic parts to create whatever size of suspension you need.
  6. I would love to see some new element, which will allow to build some narrower double wishbone or just independent front suspension with drive. Because at the moment the narrowest independent suspension (with drive!) I can imagine can be build within 15 studs, which is far to much for small scale models. And even this I'm not sure because I didn't even try to do this due to part size limitation.
  7. I agree that taking whatever torque we can from CV joints is a good thing to do. That is why I'm looking for opportunities to use new CV joints especially where torque is transferred to whole axle (I found out, that old CV joint/cardans are fine, when they need to drive only one wheel - 30mm rim, even with big tire with aggressive tread like 56mm tractor tires). Your model can have some weight due to brick build style, probably even more than my original KrAZ 255 which is below 1kg. Do you know already what will be the weight of the model? Based on simulation even?
  8. It is great to see photos, can you tell why you decided to add 20T gear to the front and resigned from this part? After all, there is no more solid bracing like using one part to do that.
  9. Have you built it in real life? Because this part is a great one, but it cannot be used with 30mm new rims, it doesn't fit and even with standard 30mm rims, when put right next to it, it rubs, so some spacer is needed, so pivot point is getting worse.
  10. I will share my latest creation - a successor of my first publicly available MOC - KrAZ 255 ver. 2.0. It is focused more on the mechanical side rather than visual side and it shows, what can be done in small scale. It has(among many other things): - very good 3 studs ground clearance - suspension for all wheels - wheels driven by differentials (6x6 drive) - independent differential locks for front and rear axles (which are operated by levers located next to driver seat in the cabin) And all of those (and much more) are available at the same time with using of 30mm rims and standard for this scale 15 studs wide of the model. And I'm happy to say that squeezing all those (rather mutually exclusive) features weren't put in one model so far (or at least I didn't find such example despite my research).
  11. There are a lot of things, related both with mechanics, designing and publishing MOCs online, so it is hard to list them all. But in my opinion I value the most knowledge and understanding I got related to suspension and drive train. And I have to say that having engineering background and scientific mind (in opposite to humanistic mind) helps a lot with understanding and using this knowledge in projects.
  12. I really, really hope they won't use such solution. It is completely useless from RC point of view.
  13. It would be so natural and even more appreciated! We have rims with good mounting points in small size (30mm) and also in big size (56mm). All I need is something like that for medium size rims (43.2mm).
  14. You are right and I'm happy to be wrong. I didn't noticed the frame. In such case yes, it needs to be something new. And it is great news! Such parts like cardan/CV joints are always welcomed.
  15. Or they just used standard CV joints and didn't care about misalignment since in such small difference and range of movement it won't be a problem.
  16. 2022 Ford GT (42154) looks very intresting, even as a model and not a part pack. But THE BATMAN – BATCYCLE (42155) can be nice part pack. The rest? Meh.
  17. Looking forward to check your photos of real-life mockups. Even if you are using some parts unavailable in lego directory, the ideas are universal and can be handy :)
  18. Thank you all. The look sells - literally and figuratively. It is quite clear even observing this technic (in some part at least) forum. But for me functions will be always more interesting and will have higher prio when MOCing than creating maybe super nice looking, but still being just an immovable pile of bricks MOC. That is why I'm still sharing here my MOCs, counting on some discussion about technical aspect of the model, about functions, mechanisms, designing problems and solutions for them. I'm perfectly aware, that everyone can judge if something is nice looking or not. But to judge and to be able to discuss mechanical stuff you need to have knowledge and understanding of it. Without it, any even most complicated feature will be just a next gimmick. I know, that those people with knowledge are rare, it is especially visible on yt or FB, when I see reactions and comments on particular models or functions. Here also those people are definitely in minority, but I think (hope) that this percentage is bigger than on yt or FB :)
  19. Sometimes I forget it is no longer only technic forum :) But I in case of the model itself, it is indeed beautiful shelf model.
  20. For sure I plan to create at least one representative from each type, so one model 4x4, one 6x6, one 8x8 and one 10x10. In addition I definitely will revisit my older MOC - Kirovets K700A - and I'll create it this time with instruction and in proper yellow color :D I'm not sure about scale yet, I'm wondering If I should go with small tracktor tires or to give myself more options and show how powerfull this tractor is by prepering it with middle tracktor tires (from Zetros). Time will tell. And if chapter 6x6 is complete? Yes and no. One thing is the plan I described a sec ago and the second thing is the fact, that I'm very tempted to prepare KrAZ 255 in trial version, so super light, sturdy, with minimal amount of details and functions. Rough power and off-road capabilities, unstoppable no matter what.
  21. Thank you! The rubber elements in the rear are added mostly to limit a little the range of movement and prevent tires from rubbing against 5 stud half beams when tires are in max positions. And I thought it will be some sort of stabilizer when rear tires deal with uneven terrain :)
  22. Hi, I present my newest creation – off-road truck KrAZ 255 version 2.0. This is successor of my first public MOC – KrAZ 255 to which free instruction are available here. The goal in version 2.0 was to improve basically every aspect of predecessor and to pay respect to this awesome off-road truck. And as usual, most of the features are based on truck Tayga 6455B available in game Snowrunner. This truck is also the next part of my Snowrunner series started with Chevrolet CK1500. On the video below you can check what details and functions I was able to put into this MOC and how KrAZ 255 v2.0 deals with off-road terrain and against obstacles. Extensive list of features, details and interesting facts about this creation you can find below the video. Enjoy! Instructions: LINK General details: scale: 1:23 dimensions LxWxH: 42,5x13x16,5cm weight: 1525g Features: 1. RC front axle steering (C+ L motor) positive caster (click) Ackermann geometry almost perfect pivot point (click) PF servo friendly - 180 degrees of movement for steering input 2. RC 6x6 drive (2 x C+ L motor) independent drive input for each front wheel (click) (for this idea I would like to thank @Fluwoeb and this topic, this is because of you! ) rear wheels driven by two independent inputs (one for 2 left wheels and one for 2 right wheels) (click) front wheels driven by one differential and rear wheels driven by second differential (click) both differentials coupled together to harness power of two C+ L motors both differentials coupled with lock mechanisms (click), controlled separately and manually from the cabin (click) and equipped with visual color indicator of diff lock on/off status located behind the cabin (click) power train equipped with new big CV joints - cardans and old CV joints limited in drive of the front axle and completely removed from drive of rear axles 3. RC winch with place to lock the hook (C+ L motor) 4. RC front and rear lights (Lego LEDs) 5. suspension for all 6 wheels (click) front wheels on live axle suspension with shock absorbers (click) and a big range of movement (click) rear wheels located on independently oscillating arms with rubber suppressors controlling the movement (click) rear suspension without shock absorbers - no side leaning and no bending under the load (click) 6. three studs ground clearance (click) 7. bottom of the truck armored with panels to secure crucial mechanisms and improve dealing with obstacles (click, click) 8. two hooks for connecting trailers, front and rear one, both equipped with lock/unlock mechanisms 9. openable doors, hood, tool box, first aid kit, sideboard bed with separately openable sides, each one with two locks 10. working V8 engine with fan which can be easily removed “for maintenance, repairment or for swap” located in detailed engine bay with a grill via which working engine can be watched (click) 11. detailed two seats cabin with openable and usable glove box (click) 12. working steering wheel 13. modular construction (axles, cabin, additions can be easily disconnected) 14. powered by Buwizz 3.0 but also prepared to be powered by standard C+ Hub (click) 15. prepared to be built also with PF motors and PF servo without significant changes and to be powered by Buwizz 2.0 (click) or even standard PF Battery box with IR receivers (click) 16. "disk brakes" in front (click) and rear wheels and many others small details (click, click, click) 17. equipped with many additions from the game Snowrunner, like bull guard, exterior roll cage, roof rack with fuel canisters and spare tire, double snorkel, sun protector (click) Interesting facts, designing decisions and details: driveshafts for front axle are connected in a way that the longer, more “smooth” CV joint part are connected closer to front axle, so lower to the ground, which corresponds with the idea to prepare bottom of the frame smooth and resistance to sticking out objects which can immobilize the truck (click) most of the motors are placed symmetrically at the center of the truck, which is good for weight distribution, but Buwizz unit is localized off centered, closer to the left side of vehicle. To balance that, motor from winch is placed also off centered, but closer to the right side of truck (click) all wheels can harness power from both C+ L motors, as they are coupled, but rear axles, which in general generate more load for motor, are connected closer to the right motor, that is why V8 engine is connected closer to the left motor, which is connected closer to front axle, as the front axle generates less load than rear ones (click) additionally output for V8 engine has the same speed as motor output - which is higher than rest of the drivetrain - for better visual and sound effect (click) there is a „biscuit connector” placed in rear wall of the cabin to increase ways of location and connection and types of power source which can be used to power up the truck (click) to avoid widening the whole truck, only hinges for sides of sideboard bed are located outside of the sideboard bed to allow opening sides to vertical position, which makes loading the cargo easier (click) positive caster present in front axle has (apart from being next feature adapted from real cars, apart from dealing with not very high tolerance of Lego parts, which causes negative caster and apart from being the force which steers front wheels strait when driving forward) a function of forcing front wheels to stay on axles when driving forward (I think this is the answer you were looking for @AutoBacon in this post ) and many more details you will discover, if you decide to build my truck I would also like to thank @nico71 for his great video series related to Western Star 6900 Twinsteer. It helped me to prepare more realistic grill, hood, roof elements and I believe overall better body of the KrAZ than in my first version of this truck. Thank you! Attention! Two C+ L motors with decreased speed 3 times, so with torque increased 3 times, generate a lot of force which needs to be handled by rather advanced drivetrain. That is why there is a risk for 12T gears to skip or even be destroyed if wheels come across too much resistance due to very rough terrain. Please keep this in mind and happy off-roading! Photos: (click) Here you can see the original KrAZ-255 (1211 parts, 991 grams), the new KrAZ-255 v2.0 in standard configuration (1632 parts, 1220 grams) and the fully equipped and ready for everything version of KrAZ-255 v2.0 (2091 parts, 1525 grams): Internals of the MOC, so drivetrain with differentials and diff locks connected with V8 engine, steering with working steering wheel and the winch I hope you like it, if you have some comments or question, please ask. I will happy to answer.
  23. That is why I would paraphrase sentence of popular "orange" president: "Looks good, doesn't work" :D
  24. I like the body, but I wish to know what is the weight of whole truck (even based on program calcualtions) :D Because if you are only planning to driving only on flat, hard surfaces than one L motor will be ok, but If not, then... well :) From my experience, if you pass over 1kg, then one L motor won't be enough for anything different than flat hard floor. And as you probably know, KrAZ is not the typical truck for highway. I'm not sure If you saw this, but such using of connector (6536) will block your axle, one or another. I strongly advise you to check your solutions in real life, it helps a lot and verifying many ideas, good luck! :)
  25. Below you can check blueprints I used. Nevertheless there are very interesting solutions and I'm looking forward to see more. And you should not hesitate to build it in real life, because thanks to my experience with such solutions based on renders I already see what can be a problem when you will put it together :D
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