[MOC] Guardian of the Pass
Guardian of the Pass Guardian of the Pass by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr Guardian of the Pass by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr] Guardian of the Pass by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr
[O17-DS] Sold Out on Naboo
Thank you so very much! and no offense taken whatsoever, Im very new to the story and am still trying to get a sense of it. I will say I'm very glad to learn the overarching story is legends, I was operating under the assumption it was disney canon, hence New Republic dominated Naboo, and a chaotic Coruscant. Im very happy to be a part of the story! I greatly Appreciate it and I am very glad to be back! That was one of my major questions, I read we can build in any grid controlled by our chosen faction and we can earn points for our faction. But can we build on planets controlled by other factions or that are unaffiliated and receive no points? Thank you so much for the help and I am very excited to continue my story. Thank you so much!
[O17-DS] Sold Out on Naboo
Sold Out on Naboo Having spent years as an Intelligence Officer, Captain Screed had managed to cultivate a number of useful contacts throughout the galaxy. These sources of information, although far from loyal, served as valuable assets, particularly in the new chaotic and unpredictable post Imperial period. One such informant was a Spice Trader, Tak Fordo, who had taken up residence on Naboo following the fall of the Empire. In an attempt to reconnect with other wayward Imperials, Screed felt the homeworld of the slain Emperor was a good place to begin his search. However, upon making contact with Fordo, he quickly learned that not only was this search going to be more difficult than he had originally believed, but his efforts under the Empire had not gone unnoticed and the New Republic had put a decent bounty on his head. Betrayed on Naboo by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr Betrayed on Naboo by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr Betrayed on Naboo by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr Betrayed on Naboo by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr After fighting off the New Republic forces sent to take him into custody, Screed and his Stormtroopers successfully returned to their ship. As they took off, he thought about where they should go next in their continuing search for fellow imperials. As he watched the blue and green planet of Naboo shrinking into the distance, a memory of an imprisoned defector from the time of the empire came back to him. His pilot asked “Where to, Captain?” Screed replied “Coruscant.”
[MOC] Dagobah X-Wing
“Don’t Give in to Hate. That Leads to the Dark Side.” - Obi-wan Kenobi 3 ABY X-Wing from Brickvault “Don’t Give in to Hate. That Leads to the Dark Side.” - Obi-wan Kenobi 3 ABY by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr “Don’t Give in to Hate. That Leads to the Dark Side.” - Obi-wan Kenobi 3 ABY by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr “Don’t Give in to Hate. That Leads to the Dark Side.” - Obi-wan Kenobi 3 ABY by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr “Don’t Give in to Hate. That Leads to the Dark Side.” - Obi-wan Kenobi 3 ABY by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr “Don’t Give in to Hate. That Leads to the Dark Side.” - Obi-wan Kenobi 3 ABY by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr
[CONTEST] Infamous Steve - Creative Critic Voting - Closed
@Math Wizard With an absolutely thorough critique of my and many other's builds, nestled within an enjoyable to read 'criticism sandwich' I felt Captain Crit was an excellent critic in this contest.
[CONTEST] Infamous Steve - Building Categories Voting - Closed
Small Build Category: "From Merchant to Pirate" by Yatkuu/Gregory Coquelz "The King’s Merchant" by Marooned Marin "Sneaking Steve" by YellowFrog "Steve Arrives at the Enchanted Island" by Horation "Infamous Steve and the Fountain of Fortune" by Juhlhaus Large Build Category: "Captain Steve of the Revenant" by Sebeus and Legostone "The Final Task" by Math Wizard "Tapu Island" by Marooned Marin "Steves Challenge" by Christophh "Steve's Treasure Hunt" by Kolonial Beamter de Martinez
[ENTRY] [LARGE] Escape from the Imperial Trading Post
Thank you so much! and im not sure if I will ever make instructions but I do plan on doing a deep dive review video of the MOC, which will definitely show quite a lot of how it all came together. I cant believe I didn't think of that myself, I took a pretty good look at that remake to see how LEGO went about updating the baseplate, its actually where I got the idea for the ramp as opposed to overlayed wedge plates like I was planning originally. It would've been great to get some inspiration for the crane from there. I so greatly appreciate it! and I must say the rock work not only dominates the visual, it dominated the build time. It took forever to get through. I really wanted to represent the original set as much as possible but I will admit I might've built up the rock work a bit too much. I really wanted to raise the Trading Post as much as possible from the water but looking at it it does overshadow the Boat and Dock quite a bit more than I would have liked. Oh yeah that Chameleon looks so great for the jungle environments, it came with the CMF Johnny Thunder remake figure. Also I am very happy you like that rolled up sail, it was a last minute addition after numerous failed attempts at building a brick built unfurled one. That is so very kind of you to say, It truly took a lot of time and effort, and I am very happy with the finished product. Getting to enter and awesome contest like this is always fun but getting to truly go all out, especially with a pirate themed MOC is even better.
[ENTRY] [LARGE] Escape from the Imperial Trading Post
You are spot on, I took them from the CMF Royal Guard figure. Thank you for sharing those with me, I had really struggled coming up with a design I was happy with and that one particularly looks super good, I definitely would have gone that route had I seen it before starting this build. Now that I have had some time since I finished it I do kind of wish I had gone back and done it.
[ENTRY] [LARGE] Escape from the Imperial Trading Post
Thank you so much! Those rounded corners are actually quite simple, they just weaken the buildings overall stability a bit. I really like the counter weight idea, that definitely would have added a more realistic feel to the crane. I so greatly appreciate it! I actually did consider creating some structural damage once I came up with the idea of a battle scene. The only issue was it was rather late in the build process and I couldn't bring myself to start ripping apart buildings that I liked so much. However, I must say it would certainly have added so much to the feel of a chaotic raid. Thank you! I am very glad it is reminiscent of those old Classic Sets I really wanted to recreate the Imperial Trading Post in a very updated and realistic style without looking too different from the original set. I would normally, had this been a standard moc, most likely have gone with a more natural pathway as opposed to simply using LBG, however I was very determined to stay faithful to the original set and its gray baseplate and I had already changed too many things. I must say that it is certainly one of my least favorite elements of the MOC. I had originally planned on omitting it completely, particularly due to the fact that I did not recreate the second half of the Imperial Trading Post, the Dock/Seawall area. I decided to include it just to keep as many elements from the original set included in this recreation.
[ENTRY] [LARGE] Escape from the Imperial Trading Post
Oh good, I am very glad to hear that. I wasn't quite sure if it was achieving that or not. I have to admit I always was a 'tile it off' kind of builder and I have slowly come back to the more studded look, that however can lead to somewhat too many studs and in the ramp's case it would've set me back too much to retile it once it was installed.
[ENTRY] [LARGE] Escape from the Imperial Trading Post
Thank you so much! Its always an honor to see a build make it to the front page. Thank you and its funny you say that, I am usually pretty quick to take my builds apart but after I put this one on the shelf I had that exact thought cross my mind! It will definitely be a difficult one to bring myself to break down. I greatly appreciate it, I am also happy to hear you liked the inverted arches, I didn't think anyone would notice that, I really liked the effect it created. I am also happy to hear you liked the roof that was an absolute pain to get right. Thank you so very much! I so greatly appreciate it! I am so happy that the Second of your 'C's was tough to come up with, and I am very glad to hear that you liked my story. I wanted to keep it short and luckily I had a few weeks of solid building time to refine it. My favorite part of the Build is the pushed off Blue Coat myself I was very pleased with the sense of action it conveyed and most of all the feel of Classic Lego set photos, old sets used to have in the back of their instruction books. Im glad to know it isnt lost in the rest of the MOC. Thank you so very much! I am happy to hear you liked the ramp, I really wanted to form the rock work in such a way that it was reflective of that old raised baseplate from the original set. It took a few attempts but I think it ended up in a way I am happy with.
[ENTRY] [LARGE] Escape from the Imperial Trading Post
I always appreciate it! I gotta tell you im totally up for the 500 word version hahaha. So actually the pushed off the cliff Blue Coat uses the 65578 part in clear for both the figure’s leg’s connection to the build and his Shako to his head, all official LEGO parts in this build, even down to the string. I really like the ice cream idea, i even have a few but I just didnt even think to add them. Funny enough I actually do in certain instances like how studs end up looking in the rock work, some times the slippery slope look doesnt quite capture the cragginess I look for in cliffs. As for the crane now that I see it I cant unsee it, it really does look a bit off. All in all I appreciate the kind words and critiques I am always looking to improve my builds.
[ENTRY] [LARGE] Escape from the Imperial Trading Post
I greatly appreciate it! The rounded corners were definitely a first for me with this type of style and I am very pleased with how it turned out. Those sharp corners standard brick stacking creates have always felt just a bit off to me, particularly for the Presidio style. I am also very happy to hear the realism came though that is always something I am determined to achieve with my MOCs. You know id love to but my goodness 200 bricks is quite the restriction. Thank you so very much, and you know I felt he might be too handsome hahah, he doesnt have quite the lovable scruffyness of the official figure. I funny enough did give creating a brick built flag a go, but aside from managing the red and white stripes I couldn't get anything to work. The cannons ended up looking like a black X with strange angles and bad sizing, I like to believe by this point in the raid the Blue Coats have cut the flag down in their effort to take possession of the Trading Post.
[ENTRY] [LARGE] Escape from the Imperial Trading Post
It sure is, I think i would’ve like a better head, he doesnt quite have the same scruffy feel but it was the best I had on hand.
[ENTRY] [LARGE] Escape from the Imperial Trading Post
Thank you so very much, it definitely ended up becoming much more than I had originally thought it would be, but it was one of the more fun builds I have done in a long time, being able to make a classic Pirates themed build that I would have loved to have had as a kid was awesome. Thank you, I thought it would be a cool idea to not only give one possibility as to why Steve found himself aboard the Skull's Eye Schooner, but also provide a possible reason as to why Steve's iconic Cutter was most recently seen under the command of Blue Coats in the updated Eldorado Fortress.
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