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  1. Here are some shoots mades before the final day during a "big test". There are many fails and some exclamations, cry and laughs. The first difficulty was to find a large room to assemble the machine. Vidéo edition by Nico, filming by Nico and me : https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=LxXWSQfw0Xk
  2. Hello all, Now here is the full run in normal speed with a small bonus before and after :) And here is the closer shoots of some modules : A lot of mechanisms seems basic, simple but nevertheless it needs a lot of attention to be reliable and repeatable. Thanks to LEGO for giving us their original video.
  3. Nico published the Episode #2 :
  4. Hi all, A new movie from Nico71 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IdEiBiYBNM @Cloud : Sorry, I don't know the Thunderbirds recovery vehicle
  5. I will add some other photos of the construction and Nicolas is preparing some movies. I have theses photos of the design of the hamster and the cranes which run straight and stop. This is not exactly the final design. As you can see, I had to double the circles on each side to have a more rigid structure. The alignement of the hamster in the cage is done with some thin 20T gears. The first idea was to clim a ramp and fall on the small truck but the problem was that the truck is going backward. For this reason I decide to create a rack ramp. This first hamster will never run himself on the floor... then I created a second hamster for free run (the first one in LEGO movie, unfortulately it is accelerated). This is the first version of the MOD crane chassis. I had totally removed all the mechanism and the chassis is very simple. It respect the original size. In the final version, the battery box is in the up part of the crane. The visibles parts of the crane are added to my chassis. To be continued...
  6. Yes but it is not exactly a mirror, just a white panel.
  7. A few words about the studio... A large room (more than 15m x 15m) with large white mat reflectors. 4x 12KW tungsten lights (one light use as power as my house with all the heaters on). All the lights were indirect and the walls and floor were white matt with rounded edges. In the middle you can see sometimes the 7m turntable used for cars and trucks films. The light is perfect without any reflection or shadow. It was impressive but necessary for this large creation.
  8. Hello all, this is my first post on eurobricks, I’m Alban and some of you knew me via my youtube or blogotechnic. It is the past and I had a second dark age from 2011 to 2018. This year Maxime and Nicolas called me to complete the project team. For sure we are sorry because this movie does not show our work as we expected. This is the price to have the opportunity of the LEGO facebook and more than 100K views during the week-end. There is no cheating during the unique long take. It is a one shoot sequence… and you can imagine that we had to replay and set up a lot of time before having a full sequence without any fail. The 3 rotating cranes are my MODs and there is a gap between the motor axe and the battery box switch. I put two gear shifter rings and 2 red 16T to generate some gap. This was because I don’t want to force the motor. This is limiting the effort on the arm to start the movement. I the real world the machine is running during 2 minutes. The LEGO movie is breaking the natural’s movements. LEGO asked us to make a consequent “goldberg machine” with a “wow” effect; they sent us as example the Honda advert. The objective was to promote the Crane and they insist to see a lot of cranes on the movie. Otherwise we were totally free in the project and modules ideas. Due to my LEGO black out during 7 years, I discover the big turntable ¼ circles the first time in March when opening the lego bags. Immediately I wanted to create a hamster wheel with this “new” part. We will send some other movies of the tests by we have not a lot during the making of in the studio because we had to keep out the camera range.
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