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  1. Again, right now it’s just speculation. Nothing has been made official. Signs point to it either being delayed or canceled, but nothing concrete enough to really determine one way or the other.
  2. Personal theory: design flaw popped up with Temple of Doom. They push the set back/expedite a fix to address the issue, but also realize that releasing a single Indy set by itself may not go over so well. So they push back Dial of Destiny so that it essentially becomes a combined “wave 2”. But that’s presuming the sets were just delayed.
  3. Citing Greekbricks as a source is about as credible as asking Verbal Kint who Keyser Söze is. In any case, it seems pretty apparent that at this point in time, no one is confident in if it’s a cancelation or a delay. But they’re confident enough to broadcast to us that it’s one of the two. Anyone claiming otherwise out of the blue should be taken with a huge grain of salt.
  4. But leaks do happen, and here we are.
  5. Hey guys. Was debating throwing together a comprehensive list of every part currently in-system, with IDs, images, USD pricing, etc... Would that be of interest to share with you all?
  6. About Zebra, I think people might be on the right track with it being a mosaic of some kind, but the name “zebra” seems to imply something, perhaps in a “is a zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes”-Type situation. Perhaps the line is more akin to lenticular printing, using cheese slopes to create two different images from two different perspectives? So instead of a single mosaic of Iron Man, it might be split between both him and Captain America.
  7. Not sure if it's been brought up yet (I didn't see anything, but could have missed it), but looks like we may not actually be getting that inner leg printing after all...
  8. I have to say, I'm just in love with Hades. The moment that the Ghost Rider mold released, I knew it would be a perfect fit! As for Hercules, I do appreciate that they chose a design that closely mimics one used in Kingdom Hearts. Near perfect match.
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