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Everything posted by GrandDukeofKumquats

  1. Nick Fury looks nice! So far, so good. Can't wait to see everyone else.
  2. Ok. I love this. Not quite enough gold to look like the movie version, but as a general variant, this is a great fig.
  3. He asked calmly.
  4. Wow, this is great information! I'm thinking that whatever set Mysterio is in is going to be a must-buy! To be fair, we haven't seen all of the sets yet, and aside from scaly Cap, Ronin, Rescue and maybe Rocket, there should be no new variant suits in the movie (or even characters, for that matter).
  5. At first, I wasn't that into the head, but for better or worse, it looks like Hades. The orange sclera are a pretty iconic part of the character, so I respect that decision.
  6. At this point, the most I could see happening is Shazam showing up as a guest star in the Batman sets as a loose tie-in.
  7. Yeah, not too into these. The Resistance sets look great for what they are, but I don't follow the show so I don't have much context. The Starkiller Base looks good, but I already have both of the characters in the set, so I'll pass. The Action Attack sets are absolutely tiny for their prices, and would've had some nice builds if not for those garish targets. Overall, not much for me.
  8. I just realised that that is the same year that the Dino theme was released. Just saying.
  9. Well. I don't know what I expected. I just hope that I can find a way to use my old Woody and Buzz.
  10. I didn't ask for this new subtheme. But now I kinda need some of these. These sets are bonkers! The new Dilophosaurus is amazing, and while the drone is far too big, the stand is really nice and would look nice in my layout. The Baryonx looks pitch-perfect to The Secret Exhibit. The location build isn't anything special, but the trailer and car look decent. I'm just worried about the price. It's great to see a new Triceratops (and the new colours are nice), and the fence build is nice, but I'm not too sure what the rest of the set is. Is it an incubator? Is it a carousel? Either way, the sign is a nice touch, but the set is not quite a must-have as I have the original Triceratops in my JP/W display. The largest set i'm not too fussed about. I already have a Tyrannosaurus from the 2012 sets, and the volcano build isn't great. The giant mech, while attractive, is far too out-there to put in my JW display.
  11. This is all quite interesting! All of the sets that I've seen look really good, but the most interesting ones are probably the school (which just looks really nice and the transformation feature is cool) and the graveyard (which would look great in a Monster Hunters diorama). However, the whole ghost situation isn't great. Would've loved some new ghost figures, but I guess the possessed figures are good enough stand-ins.
  12. I am going to reserve my judgement for higher-quality images, but from what we have... The Cap bike doesn't look that great. It's sort of sleek, but only up to the disk shooters, which doesn't look good. Power bursts are always good to get, and the Outriders are still kinda inaccurate, but I respect making variants. Cap's figure is really nice, but if he is in another set (preferably a regular variant) then there's not too much for me here. The War Machine Buster is really good. I don't have any Hulkbusters, so this will do very nicely. The Outriders, once again, not that special, but the new Ant-Man helmet was a long time coming, and War Machine isn't bulky enough, but it looks like it has a neck attachment, so better than nothing? The new Quinjet is interesting. The build looks nice, and looks like it has plenty of space inside, but the colour scheme I will have to get used to. All the QR suits are a bit repetitive, but most of them look nice, and the Chitauri are nice to have again. I'm still hoping for Rescue and Ronin figs though.
  13. For those in NZ, the Overwatch sets will be Toyworld exclusives.
  14. Yeah, but Spider-Man would swing away after falling off that bridge. It's not the same as directly referencing the (supposed) death of a character. The closest thing I could see happening is just having Jason Todd in a set (either Robin or Red Hood).
  15. Ok, now this is interesting. I'm inclined to believe the first head is Pepper's, but something about it seems too youthful. The third head could be either Valkyrie or MJ, but it is a dead ringer for MJ, so I'm betting it's her. The second head, I have no idea. Either way, it seems we're in for a few surprises. No. In the trailer, he is pretty clean-shaven.
  16. Mmmm. I'll need to see clearer images before judging it.
  17. In the background, there is a spiky mountain (maybe castle), so the supernatural angle seems likely. However, I have no idea what the phones are for. Trying too hard to be hip, maybe?
  18. The sets I'm most interested in are the Imperial Dropship (for army building), the Podracer, and maybe the Snowspeeder, although the Slave 1 looks really nice too.
  19. Also Miguel, Kevin and Luxo Jr.
  20. These all look AMAZING. Great detail, unique designs, this set is already wonderful with these figs alone!
  21. I think I'm in love. The printing is pitch-perfect, and I think they used the ANAD helmet well for this one. I sincerely hope the rest of the armour room impresses me.
  22. I'm not exactly a completionist, but Zuckuss looks exactly how he should, which is great for those who want them. Same with bacta Finn.
  23. New helmet leaked. It's Griff Halloran's, probably for the Black Ace set.
  24. I am praying that this is true. So far, I only have a few AoU suits, the CW suit and the Iron Legion. I sorely need some diversity! If the rest of the set is decent, and has more characters, it would be a must-buy.
  25. I do think this Minnie is from the CMF, as she'd be out of place in the Haunted Mansion, and she didn't exist at the time of the Steamboat Willie short. I remember that when CMF Voldemort first leaked, most doubted that it was even real until the official reveal.
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