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Everything posted by Jundis

  1. Impressive functions for such a small size! Also the presentation is spot on, well deserved front-paging ;-)
  2. The upper right part is so useful for small tractor front axles, hopefully we seem them soon in upcoming sets! *hyped*
  3. Brilliant miniaturization, both in looks and functions :-)
  4. Just incredible. Really lost for words. I am sure @grohl is smiling too, when he looked at this ;-)
  5. Now you have my attention! :D When the original style of the shuttle weaving machines is not do-able in Lego, you could maybe go for a rapier weaving machine, which uses an flexible or rigid arm to carry the weft yarn.
  6. Lego could go for a 3000+ piece RC set with this. We would have 2 HUBs, one in the drive unit and one in the superstructure. Drive unit with 1 motor for drive, 1 for steering, 1 for the turntable and 1 for outriggers. Superstructure with 1 motor for winch, 1 for 2 stage boom extension, 1 for boom+cabin elevation and 1 for the extension of the cabin with a gear rack.
  7. Aside from a backhoe, which I'd really love to see, there should also be a mobile crane, where we had plenty of in 90s, 00s and 10s, but not so many in past years. With the Audi tires and a 3 axle setup, there are very cool ones available e.g. Liebherr LTC 1050, which would also fit in the "electric" category like the excavator from the 42175 or the upcoming Volvo L120 Electric Loader. Again, a real tractor and trailer/attachment (I don't care if JD/Claas or without IP) is a must for me. The Xerion came out nearly 10 years from now.
  8. - Drum kit - Jigsaw - Medivel Printing Press - Mechanical Calculator - Complex lock mechanism This was always on my mind for so long, even before the contest, especially as I work in this field. But the problem is the track path below the bobbins, which is really hard to replicate with lego. There are some working machines made with bricks, but I hesitate to even try :D
  9. I changed the pic, but the original is not perfectly from the side, so it looks longer. Maybe I put the lime 1x5 curved back 1/2 stud. As there is a 2 colour scheme, i could not use the long 3x11 panel. Connectors look to sharp, I tried em :-/
  10. The connection is still somewhat weak in my opinion, but the rigid tubes looking way better, thanks :-) As I knew before, the front will be a hell of panel-work, but unavoidable. Right now, I prefer the solution without the flex axle, what you guys think?
  11. That's the thing. Lego should have brought us a Liebherr T264 or T282 right the year after the 42100 was introduzed, but instead went with the technically more interesting Volvo (but left out the suspension...). Actually I still hope for some vehicle with tires from 42129 or 42160.
  12. Hopefully we get a new bucket for this one, as the old 18x10 is somewhat outdated. @mpj did a beatiful MOC in this scale, maybe he can tell about the parts count with his MOC?
  13. Best marketing again: "Authentic grain tank pipe" :D
  14. Thanks for the praise, it really felt like jigsaws falling into place when I changed the midsection. Currently, I am working on the cab and sideskirts. I added a little mechanism to fix the cab in place while driving, which helps big time when steering with the 2 steering knobs for forward and backward movement. Not sure how to do the railing right now... 1 stud wide tubes feel to big, axles are strange to connect and hardly available in white and rigid hoses feel to loose... *sigh* :D
  15. In step 39 in book 1 you listed 70 tread pieces - 35 per side. The whole track is very loose in this configuration. Going to 34 per side on the other hand is a very tight fit, which is hard to move, but is looking more realistic.
  16. Nice mod/moc! What are the connectors underneath the 9L liftarm front axle for?
  17. Of course the crane is too high, because of the limitations you and I mentioned, but I really don't see this as a general flaw. It would be flaw to not be able to play with it due space limitations ;-) The height of the cab is 28 studs / 22.4 cm (including the way oversized warning lights), which equals 4,08 m with the 14 cm in cab width.
  18. @1gor This is a great idea, will look into it for front axle of tractor!
  19. Really? Only the wheelarches on the second axle could be 1 stud lower by comparison. Imho thats impossible to achieve with lego bricks while maintaining playability, stability and (you mentioned it) placement of the crane. Markus did the right thing an put em between the 2nd and 3rd axle.
  20. Just finished the model normally then rebuild it with your mod, which represents the original excavator way better. Only small critique would be the slag on the tracks, but other than that, this boosts the look so much, great work! Was really pleased with the 42175 as a whole combination, especially the truck.
  21. Interesting aspects, but option 2 will be better I guess. Also it would allow cool mythical creatures like Dragons or Gryphons :-)
  22. Or build something where the main function incorperates a bucket ;-)
  23. Nice and structurally sound Which tires are you intend to use? Maybe go for the newer hubs: 3468c01 or 46490c01
  24. Hi guys, after nearly a year of not working on this MOC, I finally had the motivation to restart. Short explanation: I abandoned this MOC after finding out 3 major problems which weren't easy to solve: - The older 24t clutch gear used for both functions were to weak to lift the center extenders --> redisign of the middle chassis and usage of the bigger clutch, but only for the extending function, not the blades - as the track width is so narrow, I thought I could ditch the Ackermann geometry, but it really put tension on the wheels and the turning circle I wished to achieve wasn't managable --> complete redisign of the chassis - heavy clicking of chain links due to slack --> using small 1/4 pins to push the chain onto the 16t gears and using small rollers (1L liftarms on frictionless pins) After this setbacks and me losing motivation to redisign everything, life had some personal challanges for me during summer and autumn, but finally I got back on track and moved on :-) Here is a WIP-video of the current status of the MOC, some colours will be changed soon. I left the clicking of the clutch in intentionally and didn't want to edit it out. Some interesting technical aspects: For the accurate synchronization of the smaller and the medium LAs (small LA needs about 19.4, the medium LA about 26.7 rotations for full extension), I used a gear ration of 20 : 28 which works nice. There are 15 universal joints and 250 chain links out of the 1500 parts in the model right now. Now, there is only the cabin and hood part left to design. @jorgeopesi I appreciate you help as you are a specialist for this :D @1gor You are right :-) I will go with the 3 option and built the cap with 2 steering knobs going in different directions, it seems to be the best and most playable solution. @eric trax My model won't be as pretty as yours, but hopefully I will match the spirit and overall look of the cougar with technic panels :D
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