Everything posted by AdmiralRaddus
- LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 22. Rumors and discussion
Updating Your Minifigs
Will we be seeing a restock of the firestar pilot helmets in the future?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Are the Minifigures in the Mandalorian battle pack named characters from the show or are they just random warriors designed by Lego? I am yet to see the show.
Updating Your Minifigs
Hi guys, just wondering if you had any purist solutions for a Lyra Erso Minifigure? It’s difficult to get a torso. I thought maybe the old Ben torso with the dark brown robe printed on may be a stand in? Thanks.
Updating Your Harry Potter Minifigures
How would you guys go about updating the robed Harry, Ron and Hermione from CMF hairstyles to make them more movie accurate?Assuming they were based on Prisoner of Azkaban. I was thinking first year hair for Harry, Hagrids Hut hair for Hermione but I’m not sure which hair for Ron. Does the Han Solo piece fit his PoA look?
Harry Potter 2019 - Rumors & discussion
I know haha but I meant an updated version from the current theme of sets/.
Harry Potter 2019 - Rumors & discussion
I’m still really surprised that we haven’t gotten a Ginny minifigure yet... Here’s hoping for the next wave as she had a more prominent role in the later movies/books!
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Future Series Rumours
I would hope to see more historical themed minifigs in the next CMF series. There are still many that we are missing. I would love to see an ancient Briton warrior with woad paint.
Harry Potter 2019 - Rumors & discussion
Hey guys, quick question... Which movie/school year would you say the three robed main characters from the CMF series are from? I would say GoF but Ron’s hair is slightly different. Thanks.
Updating Your Minifigs
Hi there, Just wondering if any of you guys have made a custom Camie minifig from the deleted scenes of A New Hope? If so, what parts would you recommend to use? Thanks.
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