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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Ric079

  1. 8043 was my first PF model, was a truly interesting build, and remained built and used for a long time. As M-Longer says, it was under powered, so got the Kroohshoop Ultimate upgrade. Not quite as clever mechanically, but much stronger. Still in use all these years later, and with my advanced years and failing eyesight the PF remote system its much easier for me. I was given the 42100, very large, not hugely complex, lots of empty space, and was disassembled to build the Eric Trax Leibherr PR776 bulldozer - great MOC. Hence the 42100 as a perts pack, the 8043 as a source of joy.
  2. As an alternative build for 42114 this is brilliant and if you ever decide to pure MOC it, I would certainly be a starter. In a previous life I was more familiar with the Terex TS-14, a rather smaller beast also with twin engines, hence the interest in creating a working model. My build is on the shelf beside the Liebherr 776 dozer and your skid steer, so am definitely a fan for your designs.
  3. I have just completed this MOC - an interesting build and use of the available parts - my hope that Eric could solve the gooseneck problem I was unable to solve in my efforts was disappointed as this one is rigid in the vertical plane. Definitely looks good and great attention to detail. To answer your queries - as far as I can see there is only one speed regardless of what the Control+ screen indicates (!, 2, D). Alas, when the ejector reaches its limit the rear wheels lock up, and only reversing the scraper (seldom done in real life) will return it, or using the manual option. Wonder if Eric will do something similar in CADA with no part restrictions at some stage. Truly hope so!
  4. Looks awesome - have been waiting for a twin scraper for years after earlier attempts never quite made it.
  5. The only Technic twin scraper I was able to find was this one: I was able to build it from the video, about 1500 parts, but was never able to get the motors and hidden gearing to work. Tried changing it to pneumatics later with limited success, but certainly performed nicely in the video. Nothing I would like better than to find a good design of one of these monsters.
  6. No problem - expanded the RC trailer with a few adjustments and now it fits nicely.
  7. Really enjoyed building this model - so many clever ideas. Alas, I then built the Mini RC trailer for it without looking at the dimensions - total misfit, my bad. Did you create a trailer for this one by any chance.
  8. Richombx - it is likewise a pity that your manners are also narrow - some of us (and I am 82) do not cope well with cellphones and find programming the PU for MOC's a painful exercise. I have both systems and still find PF more practical on a day to day basis. So - to each his own, and try to show a little respect in future.
  9. Just finished the build - given that it is a C model the range and execution of functions is truly excellent. Decided to add the turntable - is the restricted rotation arc characteristic of the type of truck? Very impressed with your work Dyen - have done 3 of your designs to date - well done each time. A very well presented .pdf as well by Forlock.
  10. I am halfway through building your SV and waiting for more parts to arrive - is it worth pausing at this stage and making your new model?
  11. 42098 is also worth a look - lots of parts and a string of alternative builds on Rebrickable or 42108 if into cranes etc.
  12. Having built 42096 with various mods, looked at the incorrect proportions, tore it down and built JamesJT/Geyserbricks MOC-35921. Very satisfying build and a great result.
  13. @fosamax - of the 3 cranes of this type I have built I would rate M_Longer's alternate from 42043 the best, followed by Dyen's with 42108 a poor last (even with M_longer's improvements).
  14. Having built both I found Dyen's one a more interesting build, and the grandchildren were most impressed by it as well. Only purchased the car transporter set so I could build the garbage truck. Well done Dyen.
  15. Thanks @Agrof - the suspension patch is brilliant and the end to an enjoyable build now all the parts have finally arrived. Have also completed the Hot Roadster which was a big nit with the grandchildren!!
  16. 8043 came with V1 receivers - I converted mine to the Ultimate version which also used V1's.
  17. Nice one @Agrof - look forward to building it once our Covid-18 lockdown ends an d I can Bricklink a few extra parts/ Very good PDF too for my ageing eyes!
  18. Using the Rebrickable compare utility there are 520 additional parts (114 types) most of which are reasonably common.
  19. Thanks for the link - have received your excellent pdf and am waiting for my Bricklink orders to arrive so I can commence building.
  20. Looks a really great MOC to me - but cannot find it on Rebrickable. Do you have a link please.
  21. Had not seen this post either - having built it earlier this year from photos can only agree with the reviewer - still have it on my display shelf. Having built a number of Nico71;s mocs look forward to the appearance of a new F1.
  22. There was an earlier post on removing theprintes from the fenders
  23. Not really that impressed wiyj this one - compared it to the model by M_Longer from the 42043 set (MOC-6060 on Rebrickable) still on y display shelf, or even the lesser one my Dyen97 from the 42078 set (MOC-21418).
  24. Thanks very much for the .pdf - even with my failing eyesight it was easy to follow, and am very pleased with the finished model which shows excellent detail & scaling. Just in passing, steps 252 to 355 have got a bit overlaid, but no problem.
  25. Acquired another AFOL's collection last year - total cost about E750. Have had a marvellous time with all sorts of C models and MoC's ever since. Comprised the following sets: 8419 Original Technic Excavator 8828 Original Technic Digger 8292 Cherry picker 3x8293 Power Functions Kit 42005 Monster Truck 2x42024 Skip Truck 42030 Volvo Loader 3x42032 Mini Skid Steer 42035 Small Dump Truck 42043 Mercedes Benz Arocs 42049 Mine Loader 42053 Volvo EW160E 42055 Bucket Wheel Loader Loose parts
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