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Everything posted by sealslip3

  1. Thanks for the info! Did you get a look at the redesigned Darth Vader minifig in the ISD? I'm wondering how different it is.
  2. I'm seriously considering doing this too, but the potential cost is giving me second thoughts. I'd definitely change the colors of parts such as the dark red plate, the boat mast riggings and the levers, plus maybe some of the interior technic frame. I'd prefer not to change any visible parts with the exception of the really expensive ones I listed above, and I'd shoot for new pieces wherever possible. Would anyone be able to give me a rough estimate of how much it would cost to do this? I've done some research but the totals I've seen have varied greatly.
  3. I've been amazed by some of the creations that have come out of this group and out of Guilds of Historica as a whole, so now that Book II is starting it seems the perfect time to join! Branwell Hightower Bran is a young man from Wistvale, a small farm town in the tundra region of Mitgardia. His father is the ruling lord of the town and its surrounding farmlands. Wistvale is not a wealthy town, but its inhabitants have profound respect for their liege lord and have come to adore Bran over the years. Bran has spent most of his life helping the townsfolk on their farms, doing whatever needs to be done to help his neighbors get by. He has also learned many skills from townspeople willing to take him in as an apprentice. In particular, he is an adept healer, a skilled strategist, and a fair swordsman. He loves his homeland, but yearns for adventure and a chance to see the rest of the great wide world.
  4. A little of both. I listed some ideas that I've already come up with, but I'm also looking for ideas from others. Very nice throne room!
  5. Hi All, I'm planning a castle MOC, and I've been thinking about what kinds of details I can add to the interior of the castle. I'd like to give it a detailed interior instead of simply focusing on the architecture. So, I've posted a list of some rooms and features that I think would look good in a castle MOC, and I thought it would be nice to gather ideas from the community as well. Hopefully we can come up with a good list of ideas! Rooms: Great Hall: Throne, tables, chairs, banners, torches, statues, wall decorations Armory: Extra weaponry, forge Library: Bookshelves, maps Kitchen: Oven, kitchenware, food Quarters: Beds, chests, storage Stables: Horses, riding equipment, other animals Chapel: Windows, benches Cells: Chains, skeletons, rats Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated! EDIT: I forgot to mention this site: http://www.classic-c...o/articles.html It has a lot of useful information on this topic. In particular, the article "Medieval Interiors" has some nice examples of castle interiors.
  6. Anyone else see this image over at Brickset? I've been hoping that they'd switch R2's head from light bluish gray to pearl dark gray! Its a minor thing I know, but still cool EDIT: Never mind, I'm an idiot. I didn't realize that they had already switched the coloring for the CW version. Though I'm still hoping they'll do the same for the OT version!
  7. Glad to see some nice pictures! Here are my thoughts on the sets: Corporate Alliance Tank Droid: A pretty good little set, obviously I'm glad to see Jango in an inexpensive set, and the other minifigures will be nice to get too. I'm not altogether pleased with the color of the battle droids (I liked sand red much better) but I'll probably pick this one up. Homing Spider Droid: The large droid is a nice model, but the minifigures are pretty meh. I'll probably pass. Duel on Geonosis: The star of the wave in my opinion. Excellent minifigures (LOVE the new Yoda), tons of useful parts, and a clever design. This set has singlehandedly rekindled my interest in PT LEGO sets. I can't wait to pick this up Jek-14's Stealth Starfighter: I think this is an Old Republic set, so I'm not really interested in it. I do like the new astromech though. AT-TE: A nice model, though it is pretty similar to the last one. It does look a bit more compact though, which I think looks nice. The minifigures aren't really anything special though, only Coleman Trebor is noteworthy. Jabba's Sail Barge: I was looking forward to this one, but alas I'm disappointed. I thought Jabba's Palace was expensive for what you get, but I feel like this is another step in the wrong direction. Sure, the model has around 100 more pieces, but it's nowhere near as interesting as the palace was in terms of display value or play value. And honestly, I think the 2006 version looked just as good, perhaps even better. I don't get it- most of the models in this wave look excellent, but this one looks like a huge step backward. And the minifigures, while good, aren't as appealing as the ones that came with the palace. This is a pass for me, although I will definitely be Bricklinking one of those Max Rebo figures Republic Gunship: I'm impressed by the model, although again it is pretty similar to the last one. The minifigures don't really impress me either. Mandalorian Speeder: Clone Wars stuff doesn't interest me much, but this isn't a bad set. The Mandalorians look nice, although I still object to the idea that Darth Maul survived being chopped in half Advent Calendar: Pass. Though I do like the new Biker Scout.
  8. Whoops, not sure how I missed that. Thanks for pointing that out! Since we usually see the sets popping up in stores a month or so before the official release date, I think it's safe to say we'll see them in May.
  9. Do we have any confirmation yet regarding when these sets will be released? I've seen March, May, and June around the web, but I'm unsure which is correct (if any).
  10. I already posted this in another topic, but I figured I'd repost it as a new topic to get some more feedback... (Picture courtesy of Brickset) Based on this picture, I'm wondering if it might be possible to make a traditional square/rectangular castle with a little creative rearrangement of the sections of Helm's Deep. Here's what I'm thinking: The gateway section and rounded walls directly adjacent to it wouldn't need to be changed. The exploding section and another section from the Uruk-Hai Army set would make up the sides of the castle. The rounded sections in the interior of the set would be placed at the remaining two corners, and the tower and other remaining pieces could be used to make the final side (opposite the gate). I'm sure it would be a little more complicated than it sounds (the heights of the walls would have to be played with, some plates may need to be added to the bottom, etc). Anyone with the necessary sets and a little spare time feel like giving it a go?
  11. Earlier I had an interesting thought regarding this topic... Based on this picture, I'm wondering if it might be possible to make a traditional square/rectangular castle with a little creative rearrangement of the sections of Helm's Deep. Here's what I'm thinking: The gateway section and rounded walls directly adjacent to it wouldn't need to be changed. The exploding section and another section from the Uruk-Hai Army set would make up the sides of the castle. The rounded sections in the interior of the set would be placed at the remaining two corners, and the tower and other remaining pieces could be used to make the final side (opposite the gate). I'm sure it would be a little more complicated than it sounds (the heights of the walls would have to be played with, some plates may need to be added to the bottom, etc). Anyone with the necessary sets and a little spare time feel like giving it a go?
  12. sealslip3 replied to BrickieB's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    If you don't mind my asking, where do you get those kinds of cases? I'm wondering if there are larger ones available because I'd really like to try something like that.
  13. Gandalf Arrives is also not a bad set for getting horses, its cheap and you can always sell the figures to make back a good amount of the cost.
  14. sealslip3 replied to BrickieB's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Very nice! I've been thinking of doing something like that myself.
  15. I was wondering if anyone knows of any examples of any interesting-looking custom weapons that would fit well with a castle theme. I'm not looking for Brickarms or things of that sort, but rather weapons built from actual LEGO pieces. I found this video on Youtube for starters:
  16. The video he's talking about was only posted yesterday...
  17. Looks good! I'm glad to see a Boss Nass minifigure, and given the example set by the last special I think it's fairly likely that we'll see this figure some time in the near future. Not quite sure about those green-headed creatures though, are they gungans?
  18. I was wondering if they'd give him a new helmet- I bet the new B-Wing pilot coming out in the next wave of planet sets will have one too.
  19. That... is... awesome! Although it would have been neat to see a Jango Fett, this is much better than the Darth Maul one in my opinion.
  20. There should be two more exclusive sets that we won't know about for a little while. But I agree, I'm somewhat disappointed. I was expecting at least one AotC set (one more substantial than a planet set), and at least a few new PT/OT figures. Again, I'm somewhat biased because I have no interest the CW and EU sets, but so far the Rancor Pit is the only one that I'm likely to buy.
  21. Well I'm a bit underwhelmed, but that's probably because I'm not a CW/EU fan. The A-Wing sounds interesting, but I've already got one plus all of the included figures. I'm also very disappointed that we aren't seeing a new figure with the Kamino planet set, a Kaminoan would have been excellent. Also, am I the only one who thought "WTF?" when I saw the Asteroid planet set? Can anyone shed some light on whether Kamino, the Clone Trooper BP, and AT-RT are CW or PT? The AT-RT sounds CW to me but the others could go either way.
  22. I thought Yoda's Hut was the more likely, but an A-Wing isn't surprising at all considering we've got a new X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Y-Wing, Millennium Falcon, and B-Wing in the past year. I'd bet we'll also see a new TIE Interceptor in this wave or the next.
  23. That would be interesting to see, could you post it?
  24. Agreed, especially since there was a new A-Wing in the Home One set, which came out only a few years ago. Not to say that it couldn't happen, but I think of the three Yoda's Hut is the most likely.
  25. Great work everyone! 2. JackJonespaw - 2 pts 10. Darkblane - 1 pt 22. cmadisson - 1 pt 32. Lobot - 1 pt
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