Everything posted by sealslip3
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Future Star Wars Sets
At this point... anything! Here are the figures I'm hoping for: -New versions of all the original figures (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Dooku, Jango, Zam, Young Boba Fett, Geonosian, Phase I Trooper, and Geonosian Battle Droid) -Other Jedi (I'm not a fan of the CW versions) -Captain Typho -Padme in the Geonosian arena outfit -Kaminoan (Taun We) -Poggle the Lesser As far as vehicles, I'm not a big fan of any of the ones from AotC. A new Republic Gunship would be neat, but since a CW version came out a few years ago I don't think that's too likely.
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Another question: Does anyone have any experience assembling old sets by ordering individual parts from bricklink (piecemeal)? I'm thinking of doing that for the 8038 AT-ST and the 7264 Imperial Shuttle. Based on my research it will be much less expensive for these two examples, but I'm curious to see if anyone else has tried it for other sets and what their experiences have been.
Star Wars Figs for Trade/Sale
I'm not falling for that- I've been scammed several times trading LEGOs before...
[MOC] LEGO: Leia and R2-D2 (Tantive IV)
Very nicely done! As much as I love the huge MOCs, the detail that goes into a small one never fails to amaze me
Battle of Endor AT-ST
I'll give that a shot- it may be a lot easier. Thanks! edit: It worked! Thanks again!
Battle of Endor AT-ST
That's what I was planning on doing- parting out the set on bricklink, going through the instructions and picking out the pieces needed. I was just hoping someone might have it so I didn't have to do that
Battle of Endor AT-ST
Does anyone happen to have a list of the parts in 8038 Battle of Endor that are used in building the AT-ST? I'm looking to make one from scratch since it doesn't look like there are any hard to find pieces in it.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Does anyone happen to have a list of the parts in 8038 Battle of Endor that are used in building the AT-ST?
Few custom star fighters...
Very nice work! The black one is my favorite
Star Wars Figs for Trade/Sale
Sure, I'll PM you
[MOC] Battle Droids and STAP (Moodland Scale)
Excellent work! Definitely one of my favorites in the CB so far. How does that one little stand hold it up though?
Star Wars Figs for Trade/Sale
Hi all, first off I realize that this doesn't belong here but I'm hoping that maybe a mod can move it since I can't post in the BSTF forum yet (edit: thanks!). If not no problem, just delete it I'm looking to trade or sell the following figures and sets. Shipping within North America only please. Here's a link to the figures I'm looking for: Wants Let me know if you're interested!
Flash Speeder MOC
Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I'm going to make some modifications before the community build deadline comes around.
Community Build: SW Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Here's my entry!
Flash Speeder MOC
I totally agree with you on those points- that was the point where I started to run out of bricks
Flash Speeder MOC
Hi all, here's my contribution to the Eurobricks Star Wars Episode I Community Build. It took me forever to decide what to build, but eventually settled on the Naboo Flash Speeder. There are a few spots I'd change if I had the proper bricks, but overall I'm happy with the way it turned out. Let me know what you think! A close up of the Naboo Security Officer in his new ride: Whoops!
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
From Brickipedia: So they're meant to be different variants of the same minifigure, R2-Q5 is like a redesign of R2-D5
UCS Flick Fire Missile
I particularly love the intro:
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
[MOC] alternate model of 7929
Very nice model! I really like the cockpit, but the front laser cannons look somewhat awkward to me. Have you tried any other pieces there besides the 1x1 brick to see how they look?
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