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Everything posted by EyesOnly

  1. Ok maybe i'm wrong about the string. According to bricklink the new crane uses the same string as 8421, part x77cc250 Black String, Cord Medium Thickness 250cm. Nice tow truck efferman. I like the free-wheeling function.
  2. If i'm not mistaken then the string used in the boss is the same as in the new crane. Look at this review thread about the crane to see what i mean. I don't know how much torque it handles but i've heard about people using double clutch gears to allow for more torque. I have no idea where i read that. I think that you will be fine with one if you use it as you drive and not just use the winch alone, but i'll let people with experience answer that.
  3. Well you could look at pictures from the new Boss crawler. Not sure which tread they are in but i do remember seeing pictures of it. It's not on a frame but it is compact. Edit Found it. It was in Egors own review. The text is in russian but scroll down for pictures of the winch. http://brickgarage.b...x4-crawler.html http://brickgarage.b...9398-41999.html Another edit https://picasaweb.google.com/ekarshiev/41999Review_markedI?authkey=Gv1sRgCOGAy-7kt5HeFw
  4. Ok that is what i wanted to know. Well with 8 of those 44772 i will have more options as for the number of wheels i go with. Now to settle on which 1.9 wheels to go with. I'll let price decide. Conrad is out of the question due to their lack of 1.9 tires. I did find rc4wd.se so it's nice that it has a more local store than the international one. Then there is smallsize.se or no for the original norwegian store. Just a hint for those shopping near sweden.
  5. These tires. Have you tested them more or do you no longer use them for anything?
  6. Hey efferman, how are those tires. I've been thinking about getting those now. Those from conrad seem a little too wide when i look at them now. I was going to order those rock claws from amazon but first i almost orders 6 pairs not realizing that they were sold in pairs. When i changed it to 3 pairs the cost would be $17 but shipping would be $36. Looks like i should look elsewhere. I still can't decide between 1.9 and 2.2 tires. I only have 4 rims for 2.2 but with that idea by efferman i could have 6 like i want. I also don't like that i seemed to have killed this thread.
  7. But how well will the underlying bricks or beams hold up for that. A washer would be needed to spread out the forces involved. But it is a good idea.
  8. This is exactly what i meant. If only i could remember where i saw this used. BTW can't you just add another plate on the sides to complete the square? Using a studless turntable would work too if mounted in one of those frames or open back liftarm as bricklink calls them.
  9. I recall seeing something a long time ago that might help. Unfortunately i don't remember where so i can't show you pictures. Basically it's like the double turntable version but instead of a second turntable there are axles on the beam going through the turntable that prevents it from being pulled apart. Make the axles slide on the same beams that hold the turntable in place and place some more beams between those or the axles would of course come of. The is much simpler in a studfull design than a studless unless you use a opencenter liftarm to hold the turntable. Does this make sense?
  10. Thanks for the ideas on how to strengthen turntables. Might come in handy some day.
  11. That and roller-bearings. Removing friction might help. The trick is of course to find a roller bearing assambly that will fit the model. But that's mostly a problem for really big cranes so in this case it might be a good start to look at fixing the centre of gravity.
  12. In this link http://www.lego.com/...truction/42009/ you can check the prices for the various sets both released and not released on s@h by clicking on the shopping cart icon to the right. The address in it is this one. http://shop.lego.com...42009#shopxlink which should show you the prices in the currency you have used before on s@h. Just edit the link for the set you want. The price for 42009 in SEK is 2199 compared to 1999 for the 9398 crawler. That would be $338 and $307 respectively. No wonder i rarely shop at s@h. I've seen some preliminary prices on other stores for 1600 SEK and 2 for around 1800 SEK. Amazon wants 1488 SEK. I'll wait for now until it's properly released before ordering but this shows that it's good to compare prices. Edit The service truck is 1299 SEK. To bad it doesn't list the boss crawler on that first link. BTW switching from where the second link takes you to the normal technic section doesn't let you see the new sets. Only following the shopping cart link for the respective sets does.
  13. I've been looking at 2 different tires. First are these ones. I would like if they would fit on wheel 44772 but i have a feeling that it's too big. Am i right? The other wheels are these but those really look way to big for that wheel. I would like to not have to use the powerpuller wheels because i only have 4 of those and would like to build a vehicle with at least 6 wheels. I've been searching swedish rc-stores a lot lately but don't find anything besides 2.2 and up tires or tires and rim together which i don't know if i can separate without damaging something. other places either don't post any data about the tires or have prices i'm simply not willing to pay. Also i would like to avoid international trade if possible due to the chance of expensive shipping and toll fees. Do any of those tires fit any other wheel besides the ones mentioned? But using 2 different wheel sizes might not work well.
  14. Those are some valid point as well. I doubt that you are making anything of this other than the honor so i don't mind your opinions. This set will sell out, that's a given. The one thing we could argue about would be how soon but there is a poll about that already and now it's just wait and see.
  15. I hear you. I once wanted it for the parts but now there are better sets to get like the 42009 crane but i still feel drawn to it. It's a nice set just for looks and of course the functions as well.
  16. Awesome model. I like the combination of studs and studless. My recommendation for wheels would be to look into rc wheels. Check out this thread for lots of ideas. It would probably be cheaper than powerpuller wheels and you would have lots of choices for how the wheels should look. I think that the camber angle is part of the steering somehow. Watch the video to see what i mean.
  17. I welcome different views if presented nicely which i think this was and what's so wrong about a thread not singing the praise of this set. While i earlier said that i would get this set i can't really justify the cost any longer compared to what other stores besides s@h want for the 9398 crawler. Sure it's a nice limited edition set and all but as others have said it's not that much different than the vehicle it's based on. I can't help but compare the cost of the 9398 crawler on s@h with what other stores want for it and not think about all stuff i could buy for that difference. So my advice would be: is the limited edition of this set really worth it? This questions can only you reading this answer for yourself and it would be more difficult to answer if you already have the 9398 unless you have lot's of money or don't plan on getting any other large sets this year. If you don't plan on using the parts for anything else then maybe you should look into getting a non-Lego crawler. It will be more powerful and better at being outdoors but the wheels might very well be the same as some Lego crawlers. If you want it to sit on a shelf for most of it's time then you should get it. Not that i like the concept of Lego-pieces not being used but some like it.
  18. Yes when you hold the model and spin the wheels with your hand the diffs cause the wheels to spin in opposite directions. This however wont happen when the motor is running or something is really weird.
  19. So it's only for win8? While i currently use win xp i plan on skipping 8 entirely and just get and use 7 after support for xp ends. Then again i don't own a next or ev3 anyway and wont for some time. Have other things to buy.
  20. I don't know how good that price is but s@h and toy stores will have it in like 2 weeks so why bother getting it from ebay.
  21. And i like how massive it looks. Most trucks made today in studless look so hollow. This really looks heavy. Fitting for this kind of vehicle.
  22. Here is another page about that suction truck. http://www.felbermayr.cc/index.php?id=370&L=0%2Fzboard.php BTW make sure the page is in english. If my link is correct it should be but i first found the german page and only later realized that it can be translated. Look in the top left for a way to choose language. Seeing the brochure made me think that this is indeed a real vehicle because that first picture looks more like a transformer in mid transformation.
  23. A cement mixer truck would be really nice. Or a pump mixer truck. BTW you forgot about one road grader. One of the models from set 8074 Universal Set with Flex System.
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