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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by EyesOnly

  1. Regarding these new pictures. Will they stay or do they risk being removed? I'm asking so i know how closely to monitor this thread in tomorrow. TB removed some posts last fall that i didn't get to see regarding the 1h sets and another regarding the loader that i did get to see even though it only mentioned the real thing without saying anything if it would be a model, even though it of course did become one. Now i'm worried about pictures being posted and then deleted before i have time to save them. Funny BTW how this forum works. 51 pages yet only one picture each of two of the three sets we are waiting for. And those were blurry. Then again it is called discussion and speculation not rate these pictures.
  2. Sorry for resurrecting this old topic but i need some help. I have tried building a Tatra diff based of pictures of the real thing but failed. I did build something like what allanp posted but much bulkier and not working well. I thought that what allanp posted looked great and can't not see anything wrong other that is is incomplete for being driven but that isn't hard to add, nor can i see how what GuiliuG is supposed to work. Is the diff driven somehow other than by the axle it is on? My truck will be driven but will not be a TT so it doesn't need to have as much power. It will however be big so maybe it does. Oh well i had given up on tatra diffs and was looking for pictures of the suspension when i found this topic. Funny how it is much easier to find Lego tatras than the real thing that i was looking for. BTW what other pictures are there. I saw some posted on BS but those didn't help. Looking at this pictures again it seems that both the black and tan bevel gears are on the same axle. This would lock the differential. Or am i missing something? I hope i get an answer soon so i don't have to do too much rebuilding if i decide to use a more authentic design than the one i'm going for.
  3. Thanks for that video. It didn't teach me anything new but it would have done a nice job at it.
  4. Good looking hub. It is interesting times now when people can even think about designing their own parts. Wasn't always like that.
  5. I hope you are right. Can't wait for proper photos.
  6. Thanks i'll keep that in mind. As for ordering the shipping would be about the same as the order cost so i prefer getting parts in sets.
  7. I have not built the B-model and don't think that those axles are needed there but you are welcome to check it out. If i remember correctly from another topic there is a lot of parts left after building the alternative to i doube that more other parts would be needed.
  8. Now i feel good about not owning a car or i might be tempted to build a lego vehicle and try to tow it. I really liked that truck. Very impressive.
  9. I don't know what the shipping will be but i ordered from RC4WD to Sweden and i only payed $10 for it. That is not that bad. My advice is to simply add what you want to buy to the cart and then go to the checkout. The should give you an idea what the final shipping cost will be.
  10. That truck looks great. I'm glad i'm not the one building it though. Must be a lot of work building such an enormous model.
  11. I'm considering building this just to see how it measures up to 42030 but that will of course wait until that set is out. I also remembered that i would need a second small turntable. I don't wanna buy another 9391 or for that matter 42004 at this moment so i'll wait and see if some other small set pops up with this part in it. I haven't checked what other parts i might need since i have more sets now since last time i looked but i will wait with that as well. With the mocs i have planned i might not have the correct parts available anyway.
  12. My spare parts look similar too the pictures seen here except that the only axle i have left is a 32. I also wonder how the model works with all those axles missing if the amount of axles included hasn't changed, and i have a hard time believing that it has.
  13. That would be part 44772c02 for the normal combo, not from 41999 and one can only hope. It's been 2 years since the last model so it's about time for another one.
  14. If that is correct then it has the same wheels and tires like 8265. It means it's quite large which is great. But i for one would prefer bigger tires. Wait i just realized the the post was about the truck thingy not the loader. If so then i have no objections at this time. Edit Regarding powerpuller tires, well they look great but are not worth it due to the extreme forces involved in making them move and not break whatever model they are in. Better to stick to smaller or at least lighter tires.
  15. The only other recent bulldozer i remember is 8275 but that was twice as many pieces. OK had a look at BS and there was an even smaller one in 2009, after that only far older ones. I got surpriced before when the number of sets mentioned was 3 but now i get which once people are talking about. I haven't been keeping up much for a while so there may well be sets i haven't heard about.
  16. Well i for one wont be making any decisions until i see more pictures and preferably some instructions, and that will arrive at about the same time as i will have saved up enough money to even think about buying this thing. So i'll wait So no one know what the second vehicle is. I remember TB:s calling it a truck but that's not very specific.
  17. Yeah finally some pictures. BTW what kind of vehicle is 42029 supposed to be? To me it looks more like a combine harvester without the front part but that's not correct. What is that black thing hanging down of the left side. It can't be a wheel that far from the vehicle. BTW i'm talking about the left side of the digital instructions. I can see the wheel in the larger picture, it's what's on the smaller picture i wonder about. Looks like there wont be any garbage truck this year either.
  18. I faced this problem myself a few months ago but decided that nothing could be done as is and just entered the sets. It would be nice for a solution.
  19. Just checked sweden and nothing there either. As the title says it's probably only for the ones who didn't cancel their order. So are there any more here who haven't done that yet?
  20. Wow that is really impressive in a crazy kind of way. Please leave a few frames on BL for the rest of us to buy.
  21. Well why not try it in friends colors. Hope you get some,erhm beads.
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