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Everything posted by EyesOnly

  1. About that one. Does anyone know which part was used in that module. While i would probably end up with a third party solution anyway it would still be nice to know what part to use if i wanted to build the original.
  2. Well i'm not and as for 8258 then the prices i have seen makes buying 42009 a much better deal. I did see that module and it was nice. If i had the time and patience i would try something similar with another set.
  3. I've seen such a design years ago. It is nice and surprisingly simple despite looking very advanced. The problem however is that in order for it to work there has to be a full stack of balls as tall as you want the pump to pump. This locks up lots of balls at the time. Nice to see one that feeds itself though.
  4. I just wanted to say that my "balls" arrived today. I was surprised at the small size of the envelope it came in. I thought it would be bigger. Anyways one of the beads was measured at 13,7 mm and that is fully acceptable considering the price. Also i don't know how accurate my calliper is. I did count them and they were all there. Unfortunately i'm still looking over my sorting system last updated about 5 years ago so it will be at least a few days before i can get going. The module i started had trouble with marbles but worked fine with the beads. I haven't even motorized the mechanism yet but thankfully it can be tried out by hand. That is also all i'm gonna say for now other than that it will not be an original design, just one that is rare.
  5. That reminds me about building the 8880. Near the end several sections could be build alone and then mounted on the model. This is something a miss nowadays, large substeps. It used to be that you build something "big" to put onto a model and there could be several of those and some important function would be added. Now you just add small parts in a substep, the finished thing mostly being some kind of mounting plate for something else. The cranes are an exemption from this. In 8421 you built the steering assemblies and then added them and in 42009 it was the outriggers. Also please for the love of god try to add more parts per step and make more substeps. I can't even remember every time while building 42009 that i felt that certain steps could have been part of an earlier step and thus saved space and made the instructions smaller. And it would also make the model more fun to build since now it feels that it drags on forever. Sorry for the OT rant.
  6. I'm starting to think that i enjoy building more than playing with the set. Mostly i think that this is because of the limited play value of newer sets. The 8110 comes to mind. Such a nice model and a terrible flaw. My spent about a year on a shelf but are now being parted out. Regarding cars, would it be too much to ask for a bit more functions normally not found in Lego vehicles. Examples like windshield vipers and windows that can be lowered. The would certainly make the model realistic, but i don't know if it can be done. Suspension is the thing that either lets you or prevents you from moving the model so if anything that really need to be proper.
  7. A joke doesn't even begin to describe this mess. Just the thought of people recruiting their family and friends to shop for them sickens me. Sure it's legal and possible but still, these "people" have no morals.
  8. Yes GBC:s should be their own music. Nice modules. I like how small most are yet they provide much joy when watching.
  9. Well if by Lipo you mean the rechargeable battery box then the plug would be different. Also a third-party lipo would be too small to fit inside the compartment and risk getting damaged as the car drives. Just go with a nimh-pack like the one included.
  10. I used to have this set. The motors are very powerful. If you tried to use them with gears the gears would probably break quickly. The model itself is nearly indestructible. I used to go out after it had rained and find a puddle and do donuts until the puddle was too small to continue. Also finding places to jump from is nice. Eventually i got tired of it but now i regret getting rid of it. As for parts, well then this is mostly useless. You might be able to use the shocks as stated before. Other than that i recommend keeping it built and race it till the sun goes out. I've never owned a proper RC-car (only toys) but i don't think even those are as durable as this one.
  11. 4 RC-motors on 3 cells. I can't wait to see it in action. I sure hope you have a big area to test it in. Hopefully outdoors.
  12. Wow nice render. *Reaches out to grab it and gets a shock from the monitor.
  13. Yeah i get that i mixed them up. Didn't look closely at the picture.
  14. Ok i get it now. Still like Conchas said, weird that the fake picture is on LE site.
  15. Oh silly me. I didn't even see that it clearly had slots for axles. But if the part does not exist, how does it appear in a part pack?
  16. Well that is Pin Connector Perpendicular 2 x 2 Bent. It's not that uncommon. It's in 9398 among others.
  17. I'm not either, prefer mlcad, but i keep LDD around mostly to open files i download.
  18. So what would happen if the file extension was something other than jpg? Would it still display correctly? Lets say i upload image.png. That would become image.png.jpg if i'm right.
  19. While this model is fantastic i had a look at the parts and noticed some things that prevents me from building this thing now. First i need another transmitter. Second and more important, i would only have 2 M-motors left if i built this model. Since i want it to sit on a shelf for some time, that would make mocs much harder so i'll pass for now. I wont build this model just to take it apart a few weeks later so for now i think i'll build the reach stacker later on. Anyone feel up for making a ultimate out of it?
  20. Probably but why do you ask? Are you planning to build it with your own parts? I mean if you buy the set you get a L-motor so no need for a substitute.
  21. Well i have commented on it slightly already but good looking truck and welcome to EB. Now you just need a trailer to store more containers on.
  22. Well my guess is that the container wont be as studfull. Other than that i think it will be close, but we'll see.
  23. Yeah i figured as much. Oh well if i ever get bored i know what to do.
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