- [MOC] UT-60D U-Wing - SB00101 UCS
75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017 MOD/MOC
@Jerry McGlade Totally agree with you about the roof panels being the hardest part to tie back to the altered core structure. This has been partly my rethinking process with this as I might have to re-work the panels themselves quite a bit to accomodate what I am doing below them. Crazy you have been at it about a year to re-work your falcon. Would be nice to see how you approached things as a learning process but not sure if that ship has sailed since you have been re-working things for the past year. @ClassicLook Thanks for your responses and sharing your new re-worked design. I really like it! Its a simple approach to tackling the look of a gridded layout in brick form as well as maintaining the height to fit in the stock 75192 model. Plus your getting a higher light transmittance through it. It looks really cool! I think your center connection will work, I would just test the depth against the 75192 model to see if it's in the same plane as the tubes and grid they used. You might also want to get 1 more stud worth of depth out of that area for the LED strip to pass through the center without binding on the backs of the hinges. Just a thought.... What are you using to model with was it Studio? also how are you getting these renders from it? Thanks ahead of time for letting me know! Thank you for pointing out the height difference of my engine MOC as i was just purely creating in studio and not looking at the existing model when building these. I think i will modify the top and bottom plates some to accommodate it especially since i'm re-working so much more of the model beyond this. I might try and slim this down a plate or two as well, but will continue to work that last solution also to see if I can get it to work. Seems like the magic number is 9 studs high for this to work with the existing model base since the ends are the pinch point, I'm at about 13 at the moment. I think your right with the color as well and I will turn it completely into LBG, although I might trade out 36840 and just mount the 1x1 slope onto the bottom plate instead. Here is just a couple pics of what it looked like fully built. At the time I took these pics I was playing with different things to add some depth or detail to the centerline of the grid. Also I had roughly re-worked the center tail portion that this engine connects too and overly beefed it up i think. Engine Moc - Final Version 2 Full Build by frank23philly, on Flickr Engine Moc - Final Version 2 Full Build 3 by frank23philly, on Flickr Engine Moc - Final Version 2 Full Build 2 by frank23philly, on Flickr Engine Moc - Final Version 2 Full Build 4 by frank23philly, on Flickr Engine Moc - Final Version 2 Full Build 5 by frank23philly, on Flickr
75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017 MOD/MOC
Thanks! It took a few runs to get here but i think it's starting to look the part of what the Falcon engines actually look like. This is what I found online to be for me a good representation of what the Sublight Drive of the Millennium Falcon to look like. Millennium Falcon Sublight Drive Example by frank23philly, on Flickr It's a tough thing to reproduce via Lego but i like the challenge. My main point when developing this was to keep it in more of a brick form rather then use piping to dictate the grid itself. This way the hinges could do there job without fighting something attached to the outside of it. Just my preference in building. I do plan on attaching it to the center and end points of the 75192 for others to be able to incorporate into their model. For my ship (along side of this mod) I will say briefly that i'm re-doing the entire ship's core and interior. I took a quick break from that to develop this section and take my mind off of the complexities I was facing with that mod. More on that later as I get things back on track. I will share either here or make a new thread perhaps. I'm still interested in solving that last variation but because the top part needs to be flipped upside down it kind of threw me off. Not sure of the best technique to make something like this happen within 2-3 plate depth's. Any ideas?!..... heh. I will share a parts list of the complete version for who ever wants to buy in real bricks when the design is settled. Always happy to share! Also LBG or DBG?!! Thanks everyone!
75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017 MOD/MOC
Hey everyone! I picked up my 75192 set around Christmas time and built it over the holiday break. I have been lurking on this thread since early December...... at least. I was a huge into lego's like 30 years ago when i was a kid and this set literally propelled me back into building with lego's in a major way. I hadn't played or touched them in many many years. I have both LDD and Studio on both of my computers and have been crafting things ever since I finished my Falcon. I just wanted to share a new engine MOC i was working on for the 75192 and get your reaction as well as help on possibly figuring out how to get one of the variations to work. Here is just a little look at all the versions I was playing with as well as trying to reproduce as a basis some of the ones shared on this thread. Great work has been shared here, thank you all for your hard work! Engine Moc - Practice runs by frank23philly, on Flickr Here is the first version I created that started to take form and give me lattice look i was going for. I was torn between going Dark Blue Gray or Light Blue Gray with the design. There is one part (36840) that has to remain DBG since lego does not produce it in LBG. Also I have inserted a 32038 as i like the detail but not sure i want to keep it just yet. Engine Moc - Final Version 1 Front by frank23philly, on Flickr Engine Moc - Final Version 1 Back by frank23philly, on Flickr This version I think is going to be the version I will actually order the parts for. Its a slight variation on the one above but i like the overall style of it better. I'm still torn between the DBG and LBG for the color. I feel the DBG looks good in the sense that the engines have left behind some char on the grid of engine fins....... Engine Moc - Final Version 2 Front by frank23philly, on Flickr Engine Moc - Final Version 2 Back by frank23philly, on Flickr Here is the one i would love to be able to solve but running into some road blocks on how to actually accomplish. This variation would allow for the most light transmittance from behind from an LED light pack. If anyone has any tips or tricks on how to solve it, it would be greatly appreciated or just have fun with it. I was trying to utilize part 11203 for one section but not sure its the best part for the job. Definite crits welcome. Engine Moc - Final Version 3 Trial by frank23philly, on Flickr Engine Moc - Final Version 3 Trial2 by frank23philly, on Flickr Hope you all enjoy my tinkering and please leave whatever feedback you might have.
[MOC] [WIP] The Command of the AT-AT
I don't mean to revive an old thread, but i'm new around here and just ran into this build thread. I read the entire thing in a sitting and got to the end and was wondering if you ever released this version you were working on? I saw you made a different version that was a bit smaller, but this model was looking so amazing in the details. The head you developed still looks like one of the best i have seen thus far. I'm just getting into this world of lego's and built many Official Lego Star Wars sets and was looking for a new good challenge and I LOVE the AT AT and AT ST. I was wondering if there is any chance that you would ever consider releasing this? I looked at Cave God's and Jhaelego's with the full interior and raskolnikov's looks to be in similar scale to the second one you developed and there all amazing models. I was possibly leaning towards building jhaelego's AT AT or contacting him to see about building his AT M6, but that is a huge model and massive undertaking. Then I came across yours today and read the whole thread and said damm this is the one I need to build, details are amazing, legs look very sturdy, a small possibility to pose it somewhat vs some others. Please let me know if there is any chance of building this. Thanks! Amazing job!!
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