90+ videos compressed to 330 seconds: Ultimate summary of Train-Video-Projects since February 2019
Thank you for the feedback! That makes me really happy - seems, I am on a good way with my projects. Hm... the first time span I was much more productive. From February to April 2019, I made about 15-20 Video projects; now it get stucked on a level of just one every two weeks despite I now would have some more time due working and studying just from home. Time-Stamps to all the videos would be an interesting idea. I will think about it. In fact, literally, some of the videos in general are even not published so far as an own video - so I guess about 10-15 Videos you even have not been able to know fo far. PS: I even forget adding some more scenes with my cat - there werer at least two other scenes with really cute situations... seems, if I had thaught better about it, I would had beed able to even get the 100 Clips into this video
90+ videos compressed to 330 seconds: Ultimate summary of Train-Video-Projects since February 2019
Hi there! After long time, I am back... with an ultimate summarizing video! Therefore, I compressed 90 clips into one video. Except of in- and outro any clip is longer than 5 seconds hoping this video might also be of interest for "not-train - or eben not-lego fans" ;-) First of all the video: Now, I want to ask, if you have any kind of feedback (camera handling, duration of each clip, background music, models, settings - or any kind else)! One leading question: Which clip is your favourite one? ... And which videos do you absolutly not like? Maybe you might also have any wished or ideas for further videos? First of all best wishes for this time! Kind regards Niklas// Train-Traum
NOB/ Marschbahn, IR/Interregio, Railjet + 3 Engines [MOC]
Thank you! :)
NOB/ Marschbahn, IR/Interregio, Railjet + 3 Engines [MOC]
Hey guys! After months of silence, I want to share something with you today.... my summer-MOCs... In case, you just want to watch a video, which shows most in a motional, lifely way, I add it first... Now... some pictures - afterwards, I`ll add also some words to them. I don`t know why the flickr links aren`t work today - nevertheless - they are still in below.. The ÖBB Thalys train was made in May/June - but due to the fast that this is quite close to some other great models published here, it will remain just mentiones in the video. Nevertheless, I still have enought stuff so share and to talk about. First my fafourite - the NOB (Nord-Ostsee-Bahn) which drives among others at the Marschbahn route between Hamburg and the northest poins of Germany, Sylt (Iseland). The side is completely made in snow-way - just held by 6 1x1 sections each side... The coaches come in real in tow versions - with yellow and with medium blue doors... I decided to chosse the yellow version. I made 5 regular coaches and one with an ovservating section to be able to run in both ways with a train-driver - like the real version. Next are the IR - Interregio coaches. This was a cheap train service of the 80/90s between the big cities in Germany. A classic service missed by many train fans these days. There, I made 2 first class coaches in blue, 3 of the second class, on red each of them once ... and also an observation car... so in all, the train comes with 8 coaches. About the ceiling of the coaches I am not what happy yet - but I didn`t knew any better version in light bulish gray... Last but not least the engines... First one is a ÖBB engine - just like the dark red one of the railjet... The other tow are formal a copy of the moc of an other person (bought on ebay) - just made in other colours. I guess, due to the fast that both engines would need also some stickers, I guess, you won`t recognice the original one, right? (Connex and DB Cargo Engine) One more fact: Out of the Railjet all models were digitally made between 27th and 30th of September - realisation in bricks was finished on fast monday. As always: And kind of feedback is welcome! :) Best Regards Niklas// TrainTraum
[MOC] Thalys train
Thank yoiu, that`s great to hear :D Okay, the´n I have the chance to "save" about 20€. :) Luckily today most of the bricks are already available in dark red. Thank you! :D Till now, I hold all my models just in 6-wide. Would be great if you could post a photo showing the technique. ;-) Is that also working well while trains are crossing the switches. I am using two motors - one at each locomotive. All parts used are just original lego bricks. On the one hand, the train has less train wheels due to the double bogies - on the other hand, the friction is less due to not using any curved tracks. That train is really running quite well. On the other hand, I had also some motors stopping after a while - for example the Eurostar cunsisting of 12 parts (íncluding locomotives) means much work for just two little lego-motors. So sometimes, I wished, there would be a costum solution with more power.
[MOC] Thalys train
Hi there! These days, I luckily had some more freetime than usual. Hoping having it used well, first of all I ordered some bricks for realizing one more of my train projects which was existing for some months just in my PC. Just last saturday, I recieved all of the ordered bricks. After twio building sessions on that afternoon and on sunday morning, a new train was ready - just on the right time for my setup. So I am able to show some impressions! :D First of all the train in all ( Currently one more coach is existing - that time I just waited on 16 more windows.) . -- The locomotive`s design is close to the design of the TGV, which is now made on my own - maybe you can remember the post of lego9vtrainfan who presented that model in 2009 - I recovered/ copied his models, too ;-) -- Taking one closer look on the space between the coaches, you maybe will get the idea that the current soultion isn`t fitting well in regular switches and curves tracks - I guess, I still have to work on this! By the way: Maybe you will also take a note of the castle windows - the regular plane bricks would cost 2-3€ each - by using 12 of them, it would be quite expensive - What do you think of the 1x2 hinges in red ... not dark red... first of all I was afraid of the price of the dark red elements - now a am also happy with the regular red. -- If you know my MOC-posts well, you maybe would await one more thing: a video... I hope, whatching could be interesting for you! :-) Take a look :D [youtube] As always, and kind of commend, idea and criticism is welcome - as always! Also some ideas of further models for my collection would be welcome! :D Best wishes and good health for these crazy and mad days from Germany! Niklas// Train-Traum
- [MOC] Department store
[MOC] Three freight cars
I like the second one; the black really much! :D Innovative idea and great look :D But: How stable is it? ;-)
Video: Custom trains running around a house (TGV, Eurostar, ICE...)
Finally, I found out my mistake :-)
Video: Custom trains running around a house (TGV, Eurostar, ICE...)
Hi there! First of all best wished for the year 2020! (Yes, I am not writing that regularry there, so I might say, 15 days would be just a slightly bit :D ) Some days ago, I got a nice chance: My grandfather lost one of his lodgers so I got the space building a train layout. The following you're going to see (if you'd just watch the video :D) Credits: S-Bahn Hamburg 9v (MOC) Eusocity (MOC) TEE Trans Europ Express (MOC) NS IC Netherlands (MOC) IC (MOC) Train Station (MOC) Metronom (NOT my MOC) RE Double (Not my MOC) 4/4 train CH (Not my MOC) Car transporter (Not my MOC) ICE3 (lego9vtrainfan, Copy) TGV (lego9vtrainfan, Copy) Eurostar (lego9vtrainfan, Copy) Lego 4558 B-Model engine Lego 7939 Octan 15x Lego 60197 passenger train 2018 Lego 60051 passenger train/ ICE 2014 ... and maybe something more I missed out to list... :-o I hope, you'll enjoy the video! [video][/video] [youtube][/youtube] If you have any ideas what I can improve (further trains, different cutting, other handeling of the camera etc.), I'd like to know! Right, I am currently looking for some more train models I can build, so suggestions would be great! ;-) btw: For most trains I would have several more coaches (Just naming the most impressive Example, the Eurostar: In total, I've 2 engines and 10 coaches - in the video just 4 coaches (and of course the two engines) were used... terrible curves tracks -> the "flat" is still to small for my collection :-o ) Best regards from Germany! Niklas// TrainTraum
Tcm0 started following traintraum
Summary of ideas and projects about trains III - custom models and some crazy ideas
Hey everyone, well, my last post seems to be a while ago - time files :-o ... That's about getting older. Nevertheless, within the last months, I did some (silly) things about my trains. For giving you roughly an overview, I did one more time a summarizing video of that stuff. ;-) Even of you first of all may think that it would be a terrible long video, I just put a maximum of 10 seconds per project in that video. Well, sometimes, I've to admit, I dind't filmed that professional. I hope you enjoy some sequences of it - I guess, not everythink is perfect - but I guess, some interesting projects like a tower made of 8000 2x2 bricks, 22 layers of 16 straight and 16 curved tracks each - or an layout with 600 9v straight tracks and some custom trains might be interesting for some of you ;-) And kind of feedback is welcome! Kind regards from Germany Niklas
[MOC] Rheingold TEE Trans Europ Express
Thank you! :) Well, the train is almost too long it seems. On the other hand one can never have too many coaches. ;) No, the windows are the only parts which are not original from lego. Therefore, I bought the Lepin 21005 (Copy of Emerald) 6 times for less than 40€ each. So on could say, I paid 4€ each window with glass. In addition, I now have a nice collection of fake Emerald Engines. (The original one, too of course. ;) )
[MOC] Rheingold TEE Trans Europ Express
Hi everyone, today, I want to share with you my version of the Rheingold trans europ express (TEE). It was one of the frist fast european long-distance trains. Showing the train made of a 9v-motorized BR103 engine and 7 coaches - I will first of all share some pictures: First of ann frond-view from the bridge: A colser look to the end-part; especially to the restaurant coach. Engine and one coach at a platform Clooser look to a regualr coach The doors can be opened In addition, all coaches have some details like a bar in the restaurant coach, seats or luggage in the mail coach - but there a didn't made and photos. Of course, also a video is existing ;-) Maybe there you'll recognize some more details. :) I hope, you enjoyed regarding these imressions. Every kind of feedback is welcome any time. :) Kind regards Niklas
[MOCs] NS IC, SBB EC & Impressions of little exhibition in Germany
Thank you! :)
[MOCs] NS IC, SBB EC & Impressions of little exhibition in Germany
Hey, sorry for my late response (again) :-o The video of my passenger trains, I made four weeks ago. That time, both trains - EC and Rheingold TEE - as also NS EC weren't finished (mostly neither startetd) In general, is was just an impression. Even all the older material, I didn't put on tracks. (12v, 4,5v - blue/ grey). So there are projects I still have to do. ;-) I devided to split the video into two parts - reducing the lenght and to be able also to present a custom train this month... I juess, next MOC, I will just be able to build in October - in meantime, there are also many other things so expensive :-( So, in several days, I guess, I will also present the Rheingold ;-) --- Okay, that way of producing stickers would be quite simple. I guess, even I would be able doing this that way... Hm... I never thaught while regarding the pictures that you just made them that simple way. Okay, knowing the fact, I am able to recognice it a bit. The advice about the different key words searching the EC coaches and linked to that the idea of impoving the stripes is great! ;-) I will remember that - don't know, when I am able doing the change... but some time, sure, it will be done! ;-) Looking forward to mid of July beeing back home again - and to August haveing more time for some train projects! ...even the train station shown in the video is just almost the half of all segments... So there are many trains and tracks needes to be put together in a large layout. Unfortunatelly, I couldn't afford to buy a second camera as my aim was... Never mind... Niklas PS: More pictures of my custom projects are uploades there:
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