What are you listening to?
unholy confessions ~ avenged sevenfold
megablocks vs lego
This is a great debate going on. lol Anyways I started this debate on another forum as well and wanted to share a funny quote The megablocks pieces dont even look as appealing as lego. The colors often look washed out, or dullened.
the continue game
out of no where, a giant penguin appeared and...
What's in a name ???
well, as simple as it is, I named myself red, because of the color of my hair. Its also really easy to type X-D
What are you listening to?
happy? ~ mudvayne
welcome to EB. ~Happy Posting~
the continue game
Took out a machete and....
- Play
I have been using it, and it seems as though they have been trying to overload the site with graphics and features, or whatever you want to call it. It makes the site even slower, and it malfunctions even more than before. Is lego really going to continue going downhill?
Lego commercial
I remember when they used to have all the "Lego Maniac" themed commercials, all of them were as cheesy as this one *wishes I could build as fast as that kid* :-P
A Monopoly Movie?
Sooo, the idea sounds horrible, a movie from monopoly :-D they even said its going to be a comedy/thriller... Interesting... Well, I think they will make most money off of it at the theaters, because everyone will go just to see how they made a monopoly movie :-P @hewkii9~ I haven't seen any of those :-)
megablocks vs lego
Good thing I don't have any mega blocks than :-P The only reason I brought up this topic is; At stores around where I live now, there are more mega block sets than lego for some crazy, inconvenient reason. So, I was thinking, either lego went totally downhill, or mega blocks are actually being made better, or both.
Call me red
yea I have seen you around iB, you have some amazing MOCS. I have seen some other familiar names here as well. I am already enjoying it here, but its hard to find good places to post after just "jumping" into a forum as big as this. @sinner~I voted :-P
megablocks vs lego
*Dont hurt me if there is already a topic like this :P* I have noticed on other lego forums, that if you bring up "megablocks* it makes everyone mad. I know they might be a "cheap imitation of lego" but really, would it be so bad if you got some megablocks pieces to make a MOC? They are a lot cheaper. I had just been thinking of this recently, I myself only have lego pieces, and I want to know what all of you think.
- Play
I like some of the new graphics and organization, but the name "play"... It seems as though they are downsizing the site to a younger audience. *wacko*
Call me red
Yea, my site is in a transition to becoming lego based once again, but the link is *puts site banner in sig*
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