Everything posted by BadSisko
SB00301 B-PROJECT (MOC Resistance Bomber UCS)
Constant lurker so if I don't get protocol correct my apologies. Is there a parts list by chance so we can get started on collecting parts?
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
Hi Max, Is this still available? Steve
SB00301 B-PROJECT (MOC Resistance Bomber UCS)
If there's a purchase list, put me on it!
Polishing scratched bricks
I'm sure it's been discussed before but I couldn't find a suitable method for heavily scratched pieces. I required some rare pieces (8 x 8 black dishes) and few were even close to decent shape. After a lot of googling and thought, I hit upon an idea. I polished first with 6000 grit sand paper, then 7000 grit. I would finish off with the "rough" portion of a jeweler's cloth and then the soft side. It won't make them look brand new but I was astonished at how well it worked. I'd say they went from poor or fair shape to good or very good. Just wanted to spread the word.
New Poster Old Lurker
Hey I'm Steve. Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm big into pirate, sci fi, and Star Wars themes. Particularly MOCs! Anyone here from the Austin, TX area?
- (MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
- MOC: Apollo Launch Tower
- (MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
- (MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
- (MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
[WIP] - HMS Providence - 34 gun frigate
Awesome ship! Have you started building yet?
- [Instructions] Mortesv's CR-90 Corvette - Blockade Runner (Tantive IV)
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