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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by hohesC

  1. To make up for my not very topic-related post earlier I just wanted to tell you that apparently somebody at hothbricks dug up an ebay-seller who already offers the 2014 Grievous, from the wheel-bike set.
  2. Why? This is not the "Oh look, I can fool around with MS Paint to make the figs look like I think they should"-Topic, but the Pictures and rumors Topic. There is no rumor that the figs will look the way that republican faked them in his MS-paint, or is there? those things belong to the customization-forum, or whereever, but certainly not here. Everybody is waiting for new pics, and it really is annoying when this post is misused for some "look what I did"-stuff, that actually nobody cares about, but everybody is forced to look at, because everybody thinks ist actually something new. And now Grogall (or who, go ahead with the Pictures, pretty pretty pretty please!
  3. Happy birthday Brickwarriors! I have bought your products through one of your resellers and must say that I'm really satisfied with them! I hope those single items will hit the stores in Europe soon, too. Need a bunch of those nifty looped javelins (and the bear-traps of course) :-D Have you thought about designing some clip-on kind-of-helmets for your Minotaur heads? That would be great to add even more variety! Have a nice party and all the best of luck for Brickwarriors future! C*
  4. I ordered a bunch of packs and some more items (some of them in silver) from one of your resellers in Europe and am looking forward to recieving them! Even though I really like the idea of the packs, I support the opinion of some of the earlier commentators and admit that I probably would have ordered a bunch more stuff (especially armor and shields, as well as the new neat and shiny javelin) if they had been available outside of the packs. Regarding the price: I think it is not out of range for something as rare and special as your items. I have ordered from multiple custom-producers, and your prices are well within the usual range I think. Keep up the good work! C* p.s.: I would love an armor that has a sort of leathery lightness to its looks, to fit in with your Ranger- and Assassin-helmet!
  5. This is a quite famous surfing spot in Munich. You might want to check out this video to get a feeling for the speed. And of course, the farther up you go, the faster down the streams and rivers flow. Cheers, C*
  6. Well, I don't know how much this german site is to trust. In the little text above it says that all the listed "sets" below are based on pure speculation based on rumors from the internet and key scenes from the book "The Hobbit". Plus, set numbers are weird, prices seem incorrect, there are no prelim pics and all those other little hints that would make it at least seem legit are missing. I wouldn't put too much hope in it and rather wait for comic-con. Cheers, C*
  7. Hi guys! I just got back from my vacation in Denmark, and I had the oppotunity to talk to some LEGO Star Wars Designers at the LEGOLAND Billund Star Wars Days (which were rather disappointing, really). One of them told me about the B-Wing, and even tough it wasn`t much he revealed (I actually hoped for a sneek-peek or something), he told me that it is not going to be motorized and will hit the shelves in late August/early September. Cheers, C*
  8. Is it just me, or does the imperial office have a different head than the battlepack one? I like the chin-strap, and hopefully it is dual-sided, with snow goggles on the other side No matter which head it is, I still think that the range of minifigs is better than last years.Only thing I'm not so sure about is two christmassy figs. One would have been enough imo. Cheers, C*
  9. First of all, thank you for the review! In my opinion, this set really is below average, even scratiching the below border to poor. The fighter may be very nice in its new design, but the rest is just unimaginative, and the pricing is ridiculous. I really, really liked Mace Windu's Starfighter and the added play-value of the command-droid and the two STAP's, and back then I thought they did a step in the right direction. I'm always willing to pay more, when I've got the feeling that I'm getting something for my moneys worth. This in comparison is just laughing stock in my opinion. They didn't even go through the process of thinking something up for the additional figure, an Speeder or whatever. This set feels to me like: "Ok, we can't go with 25 buck-sets anymore, cause we already have two of them this year (droid escape and geonosian cannon), so what can we do to get this set up to 40 bucks?" Answer: "Well, since everybody at TLC who ever thought about pricing, price-per-piece-ratio and play-value seems to be on vacation we throw in a new minifig and call it a deal." I really hope that this will turn out as one of the worst selling LEGO Star Wars Sets ever, just to stop the Company from having any more funny ideas like this one. Cheers, C*
  10. I would totally try to build my own if somebody invested the time for instructions and a parts-list. I saw it before, and it always unleashes this little bit neckhair standing up, due to pure awesomeness. And to cusoo: Why not? Lego's designers have been inspired by MOC's a couple of times in the past, be it the Imperial Shuttle, the Super Star Destoyer or even Obi Wans UCS Fighter. So why not give a shot at this awesome AT-AT, if the fan-base signals a need for it? You have got my vote cavegod, keep on brickin'! Cheers, C*
  11. Hello Legostein! Finally someone takes on the challenge of those curvacious Mon-Cal capital-ships. I really like how this one came out, thank you for sharing it with us! Would it be possible to bulid it in tan/dark tan, or are the needed bricks not available in those colours? I'm just curious how that would turn out. After you took the first step I hope someone takes up the challenge and starts one in midi-scale! Always a pleasure to turn on the computer in the morning and see a new creation from you! Cheers, C*
  12. hohesC replied to CopMike's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    My prize D arrived today, and I had the Admiral as the mystery figure, which is a great enrichment of my collection. I really have to stock up my stormtroopers now, because I now own almost all of the chiefs but almost none of the indians. It was really great to come home and find this in my mailbox, thanks to all of you who made it possible! Cheers, C*
  13. Thank you all for your kind compliments, I'm glad you guys like it! It's Brickforges Tribal Spear. I would really like to build it into a complete tree, but at the moment I'm a little scare about static. I'm not really good in physics, but since the whole construction is hollow and the top section (albeit sturdy) is pretty heavy already, AND its only half a tree,so the weight isn't spread out equally around it, I don't really know how much more weight the bottom can take without tipping forward or crumbling into itself. If anybody out there has experience with this kind of problem, I would be glad for any hint you could give me, I could upload a shot from the back if it helps. The trans-green cheese-slopes were more of a coincidence, I just grabbed a handfull at the Lego Store when they didn't have any plants aside from flowerstems. And having not as many "real" plants I added them to give the leaves more substance. I think the next thing I'll have to add is a thinner tree on the left hand side, since the platform tends to bend a little under its own weight. Happy new year to all of you! Cheers, C*
  14. I was so fixed on uploading my pictures, that I forgot to post the link here. Anyway: Here we go. Cheers, C*
  15. Hello all! On the last day of the latest Community Build I would like to present my entry to you. Truth to be told, I was already into the process of designing in LDD when ACPin made the official call for entries. As it turned out this was my luck, since I started into a new job in 12/11, with 10 hour shifts on six days a week and all. So this didn't turn out as big as I would have liked, but I managed at least one tree with house and platform and all, so please, enjoy! The whole thing from top down, complete with minifigs. A little closer now, unfortunately not very sharp. I still need to setup a little Photo-studio to fit my needs and create the proper atmosphere. A shot of the top, this one without figs: This one with different lighting and figs, but not a good background unfortunately. Wait, whats going on below? This is what keeps the whole thing upright: And this is how it looks set up on a very narrow shelf right up to the wall: As I mentioned before I didn't have the time I wanted this month, but I won't stop now and keep building on it in future. Hope you like it! C&C welcome! Have a good start into 2012! Cheers, C*
  16. Good Morning! I didn't check all 200 pages of this thread, but there are still no Euro-Prices on page 1, and I just found some confirmation on amazon.de: Battlepacks (Endor BP: 77 pcs.)16.99 € X-Wing (560 pcs.) 69.99 € Tie Fighter (413 pcs.) 49.99 € Geonosian Cannon (132 pcs.) and Droid Escape (137 pcs.)each 26.99 € Anakins Jedi Interceptor (300 pcs.) 39.99 € All available from Feb. 4th and on pre-order now. edit: piece count Couldn't find any information on Y-Wing or the planet sets. All in all bad news for my wallet. Hope this helps! Cheers, C*
  17. hohesC replied to CopMike's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    First thing I do every morning is check the advent calendar, so when I got up today, I couldn't believe my eyes, thank you so very much, this is going to be one hell of a day, whatever happens! I only have one little problem: Since I'm a daily reader, but not a very active writer/talker, I still can't send PM's to other members, because I still lack the necessary 10 posts I guess. Could you or another official please unlock me for PMing so I can PM my adress to CopMike? Thank you all so very much and have a wonderful day! Cheers, C*
  18. hohesC replied to CopMike's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Them rebels even organized a keg of Old Corellian Ale. We managed to chip in fresh fruit and meat. Say on thing about Lord Vader, say he keeps an eye on everybody getting his vitamins. Only thing left to do is keeping an eye out for those people that want to bring peace to the galaxy by killing everybody else, i.e. officers... Merry x-mas everyone, and good luck in the raffle! C*
  19. I would like to take part too, please. I'm working on parts of an ewok village, which is supposed to nicely support the display of ROTJ-sets without taking up too much space. Kind regards, C* p.s.: feeling really excited now that I have signed up
  20. Thats exactly what I was thinking when I saw the pictures just now. Imagine all the possibilities using the Planets, then the death star, which is a lot smaller than a planet I think, followed by the midi scale, then mini sets, the minifig scale, all shot from an "over the shoulder" perspective of an UCS. I wonder who will be able to pull that one off! And even the board game comes in useful, since we finally have an almost up to scale crew for the recent AT-AT
  21. hohesC posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Hello! First of all: I wasn't sure where to post this, and I didn't want to bump an old review, so I started a new topic. While LEGO ran the May the 4th campaign this year I finally decided to buy this great set, and left it standing on a shelf in my flat, waiting for the day when it just felt right to start building. This happened last sunday. Rainy outside, dog lazy as hell, nothing on tv an girlfriend meeting other girls for coffee and chattering. Perfect day (for LEGO )! So I finally opened the box and started to build the AT-OT right away. The first thing that got me annoyed was the DSS, which started to curl in about 2 minutes after being removed from the instructions-hull. Then, after I finished the build and took a good long look at the model and thought: "Wait theres something wrong here." Took me a little to realize, but then I discovered, that I had two different sorts of light bley 6x6 inverted dishes covering the hip(?)joints. Of the 8 dishes used, I had 6 with closed studs and 2 with open studs, as seen on the box art. I started to reread the instruction and took a look at the dishes used for the feet of the model, but after counting it added up to 14 of the 16 dishes being closed-studded and only two of them open-studded. I probably would never have realized it, if I had used the two open ones for the feet, but since I didn't, I feel the model's somehow flawed. Plus, some of the stickers already start to peel off by themselfs, even though I wash my hands regularly when building to keep the surfaces clean.... What do you think, should I applie to customer service, or just put the open-stud ones to the feet? I know I shouldn't feel to bad about it, but in a set this expensive I feel a little disappointed that they somehow used it to get rid of leftovers. Feedback welcome! Cheers, C*
  22. hohesC replied to hohesC's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thank you guys for your kind comments and the warm welcome! @ Mr Man: I think I've just found the correct term on one of my paint-pots. Looks like one calls it semi-gloss in English, opposit to the semi-flat in German.
  23. hohesC posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Since this is my first post, let me introduce myself: My name is Claas, I'm a 33 year old german, and two years ago I turned out to be an AFOL. I started building Lego when I was about 8 years, and I've kept all the sets from back then, which where castle mostly. I got back to Lego when I was on a rather rainy vacation in Denmark and I decided to buy an on-sale 7676 gunship to kill some time. Well as you can see, I got stuck to the theme. Now to my post: I wasn't sure where to post it. It fits in the StarWars Forum, but certainly into the minifig customization or even into the home-display topic as well. So please mods, if you think that this has to go somewhere else, feel free to move it. But lets get to the diorama/moc/display/whatever: As you can see, I mixed classic Lego elements with Arealight helmets, Brickforge equipment: Vambraces, Kamas, Pauldrons, TheLittleArmsShop Rifles and, last but not least, some paint. The Idea for StarCorps Airborne troops had, in the beginning, some pure practical reasons: plain Phase II Torsos were hard to come by, I yet did not try to work with decals, and the printed Cody helmet was sold out at Arealight's, making 212th airborne troops somewhat incomplete. So I went for Bly and the StarCorps, which I Didn't regret, because the decision leaves a lot of room for my own imagination when it comes to helmet design. But enough explaining, lets get back to the pics: The simple troopers feature a plain handpainted Arealight beehive, BF pauldron and LAS rifle. Bly and Deviss (see top pic on the far right) feature the printed Arealight helmets equipped with that scope thing attached. To Blys left and right are two Troopers, to which I added some yellow colour. Since I couldn't decide which I Like more I stopped at that point and left the other troopers plain and simple. If anyone wonders why I'didn't add any diagonal slashes, as seen on the "classic" airborne troopers: these are very hard to paint decently with a fine brush, and they wouldn't look half as good as decals would, so I left them out. As you can see, I added BF printed pauldrons and kamas to those three, to somewhat highlight them further. Oh, and Bly has BF Vambraces attached. The trooper on blys right also features a silk-flat (this would be the direct translation from the german term, I'm not sure about the correct english term) protective coating, which makes the helmet somewhat less shiny. I'm not sure if I like it though. Finally, there is a trooper with a painted AT-RT Driver helmet, which was actually just a try on a boring evening, and I'm not as happy with the result, as the lines on the helmets cheeks will never be as straight as printed or decaled one would be. Thats about it for now, I hope you like it! C+C very welcome, cheers C*
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