Warner Brothers planning CGI/live action LEGO film
Found this on NEWS Warner Bros. is Building a LEGO Movie Source: Variety August 12, 2009 Warner Bros. Pictures is developing a movie around LEGO and its popular building blocks, reports Variety. Dan and Kevin Hageman are writing the script for the family comedy that will mix live action and animation. The studio is keeping the plot tightly under wraps, but it's described as an action adventure set in a LEGO world. Dan Lin (upcoming Shorts and Sherlock Holmes) will produce the movie through his Lin Pictures, which is also behind a Tom and Jerry film that will put the feuding animated characters in a live-action setting. LEGO sparked to Lin and the Hageman brothers' embrace of core values LEGO wanted to include in a film, especially "a fun factor, creativity and that imagination has no boundaries," Lin said.
Lego Star Wars Weekend 2009!
Star Wars Weekend at LEGOLAND California is on June 13 and 14th. Hopefully it is better than last years. The first year I went, they had new sets to view, fan creations on exhibit, and a question and answer with one of the designers, but last year wasn't to exciting. 501st are always there so thats cool.
2008 Picture thread
I would take pics if they were worth taking. The pics are tiny. I will try next time i'm there but i doubt they will come out. And im not trying to act like im better, im just saying that since i don't have pics, you're going to have to take my word for it. And if you sceptical, thats just fine, i don't blame you. But when pics come out, then you can say "hey Bricks0937 was right". Im not trying to gain credibility. Ive known this stuff for over two months now. I'm just trying to be nice and share.
2008 Picture thread
"Pics or it didn't happen. Bring em' out... And why would some clueless Lego Store rep confirm the Endor Battle set when we haven't even seen pics of a set(Palps' Office) which was confirmed months ago?" LEGO stores get a list telling them what sets they will be recieving and when. LEGO also informs them to changes in the list like release dates and when they are to put certain items on sale. They also let them know as the list grows. So Ahsokas fighter and Dookus Solar Sailor are pictured and Endor was added with no pic yet. So these clueless lego reps confirmed it because they got it straight from lego. Like i said, believe me or not, it doesn't matter to me. But i will be laughing when we get pics.
2008 Picture thread
Ive already seen pics of Ahsokas fighter AND the Solar Sailor. It didnt show and actual sail though, more like a large geonosian fighter. It was a tiny pic from a LEGO store. It had Dooku, what im guessing was a pilot droid, and two magna gaurds. Im sure plenty of you wont believe me but when it comes out next year I will be saying "i told you so". Oh and they confirmed the Endor battle set.
2008 Picture thread
You can see the chrome/gold print on the picture we have of the battlepack. And if we get new pics of Ahsokas fighter than we will most likely see Dookus Solar Sailor as well because they are coming out at the same time. And about the pink, I saw more dark red than pink.
Unreleased Troll Impulse
Thanks guys. I couldn't remember if the cart thing was different in the prelim. Seems its the same, but they switched out the crossbow for a wonderful flick fire and took away his armor.
Unreleased Troll Impulse
Hello everyone. I was looking through old posts trying to find a picture of the preliminary troll impulse set, the one where the troll had armor and couldn't find any pics. I was wondering if anyone still has a picture. I searched brickshelf and didn't come across any. If anyone could help, it would be great.
- Star Wars sets anyone?
2008 Picture thread
Sorry if its off topic, but what display case with new pirates?
2008 Picture thread
Well seeing that we are talking about the Republic Fighter Tank which is an 08 set, it's seems pretty much on topic to me. Also a "chat" is a "discussion".
2008 Picture thread
So you're sying that if we do that enough times, that the fighter tank will become available?
2008 Picture thread
One thing I love about the release of new sets, is that all the old ones go on sale! I picked up the AT-ST, Y-Wing, and Imperial Landing Craft all for cheap. Plus at my local LEGO store they had buy one get one for the Droid Battle Pack and it was already marked down to $4.95.
- Star Wars sets anyone?
2008 Picture thread
How much is the Homing Spider Droid and the Twilight?
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