- Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
Thank you for feedback... I did my first C# codes in the meantime. I was able to write the battery level of the different trains on the mainboard and to adapt the motor speed depending on the battery level. I did just simple tests, no self driving mode. By doing this I realised that the battery level is not stabil, sometimes it´s a little bit higher then a little bit lower and so on. Okay but in any case it´s possible to set a higher train speed in case of a low battery level and in the opposite way. But if the train is running in the selve driving mode the program itself sets the motor speed and I should not intervene in this. I think it´s the better idea to do it with the speed coeficient! Is there any possibility to set the speed coeficient like I did with the motor speed? For example like Hub[0].SetSpeedCoeficient(0.8)?
- Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
Dear all, In the meantime two trains are running in self driving mode on my track with two switches and a track crossing. It´s working fine as long as I set the speed on a good level. Not to slow, not to fast. But the real speed of the trains is of course depending on the battery level. 1) How can I write a code to bring them (train speed and corresponding battery level) in a good relationship. I guess this should be possible as I see the propertie "Battery Level" and it´s already shown next to the hubs on the screen. By the way for one train it´s currently 98% and for the second one it`s 0%. 98% seems to be corect, but not 0%. Both batterie blocks are fully loaded and both trains are driving fast. Hopefully It´s just a display problem and internal the propertie "Battery Level" will give the correct result. My main problem is that until now I have no experiance with C# and I have to learn the syntax first with some examples. Who can write for me these code lines? I suppose those codelines should be entered in different sections (button "Configure", button "Edit code")? I have in mind to have codes lines which are similar to: Battery level X: Speed level Y: X > 90 => Y= 70 80 < X < =90 => Y= 75 70 < X < =80 => Y= 80 60 < X < =70 => Y= 85 50 < X < =60 => Y= 90 40 < X < =50 => Y= 95 X <= 40 => Y= 100 2) The next level of code lines is of course to do the similar in addition with the speed "danger is ahead" Thank you for your help to learn my first programming steps with C# :-)
Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
Can you please explain in more detail the meaning of the train options 1. Time needed... and 3. Section Speed Coeficient? Regarding 1. the software should know when the train is leaving a section. Its defined by giving the start and end sensor of all section. So what is the function of this option?
- Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
- Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
I did a new test: I placed a sensor 9583 (Wedo 1.0 Motion Sensor + SBrick) and 88807 (PuP new color and distance sensor + new control+ technik hub) next to each other and let a red train passing. At the beginning the display shows: Sensor 9583: Distance 5 Sensor 88807: Color None and Distance 15 Events trigger: Sensor 9583: Distance is below 15 Sensor 88807: Distance is below 15 + color changed to red I let the train passing the sensors. Console: All Sensor Events for Program #1 are active. Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #2 triggered - Technic Hub on port A has a distance below 13 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #3 triggered - Technic Hub sensor detected RED Event #2 triggered - Technic Hub on port A has a distance below 1 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 0 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Sensor Events for Program 'Program #1' are stopped. After the train passed the sensors: Now display shows: Sensor 9583: Distance 5 Sensor 88807: Color Red and Distance 1 But because the train is not next to the sensors anymore the colour should change to none and the distance to 15! I let the train again passing the sensors: Console: Sensor Events for Program 'Program #1' are stopped. All Sensor Events for Program #1 are active. Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 5 Event #2 triggered - Technic Hub on port A has a distance below 13 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 1 Event #3 triggered - Technic Hub sensor detected RED Event #2 triggered - Technic Hub on port A has a distance below 13 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port D has a distance below 9 Sensor Events for Program 'Program #1' are stopped. Display shows now after passing: Sensor 9583: Distance 5 Sensor 88807: Color Red and Distance 1 But the sensor 88807 should should show now again show color none and distance 15 as the train has already passed the sensors. Why is the distance of the Technik hub only below 13? I expect again something like below 1. I hope this info helps you to detect the problem. What about the sensor 45304 (Wedo 2.0). Is this sensor working without problems together with the control+ hub like the sensor 9583 together with the SBrick? Thank you for your help.
- Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
Yes I checked only the display. But I absolutely had not the impression that it is a refresh issue. Specialy because it was reacting when I touch the sensor (so my finger was touching at the sensor), but it was not reacting anymore at a distance of 1 cm or 2 cm where the train was passing. Anyhow I will try to create a trigger event like you say and let you know. Unfortunatelly I am on a trip this week. I took some lego devices in my laguage to test already today evening, but I forgot that my laptop is working with WIN 7 (where the Train project doesn't run) So I cannot continue testing before next weekend or during next week. Are you not able to reproduce my issue? At your side the sensor 88807 is running fine with one of the powered up hubs?
Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
I also have problems with the sensor 88807 and the automation project software. I was not able to test the sensors with the powered up App, because the control+ hub is not connecting with my mobile phone S7. I do not know why, may be to old. When I brought the sensors I got in the lego shop the information that the sensors are not yet working with the powered up App, so I am woundering that you are able to use them. Is there a new app version?
Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
Dear all Is there anybody who can provide me his experiance with the new control+ hub and distance sensors? With the new color and distance sensor 88807 I have the problem mentioned in my last post. Is there anybody who is already using the distance sensor 45304 successful connected to the new control+ hub? What are you using already successful? I use until now only the SBricks together with sensor 9583 successful. Now I need some more sensors in my train project and I like to avoid to buy many devices which will not help me. Thank you very much for your feedback! New remark: I tested the color and distance sensor 88807 in the same way but now with the powered up train hub. With this hub I had the same problem like with the control+ hub. Is anybody using one of the two powered up hubs together with the wedo 2 sensor 45304? Hopefully they are working?
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Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
Hi Cosmic42, I am currently using SBrick and WEDO 1 for distance sensoring. As V1.5 is available I ordered the new control+ hub and the new powered up color + distance sensors 88807 in order to replace the old sensors step by step. Unfortunately my testing failed with the new devices. I connect one control+ hub and two distance sensors. New Hub Found of type POWERED_UP_HUB Hub Technic Hub is connected! Port Connected: B of type BOOST_DISTANCE Port Connected: D of type BOOST_DISTANCE Are they realy BOOST_DISTANCE or is this already wrong? In any case after starting they show color red and distance 15. This is only changing if I touch with my finger the sensor, already in a distance of 1 cm nothing happens (1cm = currently the distance where the train is passing). After I am touching the distance changes from 15 to 1 and stays at 1 even if I remove my finger. If I touch the second sensor then the second sensor changes from 15 to 1 and only then the first sensor changes from 1 to 15. Again these values stay after removing the finger. I have to touch again the first sensor for any changes and so on... What is going wrong? Thank you for your support. New remark: Is there anybody who has already tested the train software with the control+ hub together with the sensor 88807? Is it working fine for other users? Do I have to do something special to get it okay? Or is it better to use the distance sensor 45304 wedo 2 together with the control+ hub? But of course I want to avoid to buy again other sensors as I already brought several 88807.
Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
I have a little bit time today, so I made a test with one train like recommanded. Scenario: 1 trains and 3 sections (0,1,2) and without any switch. To detect the end of my sections I am using 3 wedo 1.0 motion sensors which are linked with several sbricks. The train is runnung with a powered up hub. My sensors are showing always a distance value of about 4. If a train is passing the sensors the value goes down to 0 for a short moment. Afterwards they show again the value about 4. The first train has the start position in sector 0. I defined the path 0, 1, 2 , 0. Now the train drives continuisly from one section to next one. That´s what I expext because in this scenario there can be no collusion with another train. I get the messages below... ... HUB NO.1 - Allowed to move to Section 1 HUB NO.1 has cleared section Section 1 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port C has a distance below 4 Event discarded - Unknown train on Section 0, nothing done Event #3 triggered - SBrick V on port C has a distance below 4 Event #2 triggered - SBrick H on port B has a distance below 4 Event discarded - Unknown train on Section 2, nothing done HUB NO.1 has cleared section Section 2 HUB NO.1 - Allowed to move to Section 2 Event #1 triggered - SBrick R on port C has a distance below 4 Event discarded - Unknown train on Section 0, nothing done Event #3 triggered - SBrick V on port C has a distance below 4 Event #2 triggered - SBrick H on port B has a distance below 4 Event discarded - Unknown train on Section 1, nothing done HUB NO.1 - Allowed to move to Section 0 ... I try now to understand what the messages are meaning... Obviously the programs recognice always in the other two sections an unknown train. Is the reason for this because the distance avalue is below 4? Is value 4 a fix limit value? Below 4 means a train is passing the sensor, higher than 4 means no train is passing the sensor? Is there any possibility to set the limit value on a defined level? In my case is 0 if the train is passing and about 4 if there is no train. With my sensors the maximum value is always 5, I never saw a higher value => ??? Next to this I read somewhere in the forum that I have to define something manuelly in case of using sbricks, but I do not find this anymore. May be this is the reason why it´s not working. In the block of every section there is a window "configure" and excute "customer code". Is this an option to define what shall happen at which event? May be I have strange question, but the reason could be also that I am still trying to understand how it works. Thank you in advance for your help to understand how the software works and to get my trainings running with a self drive mode.
Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software
Okay, I will continue testing with one train hopefully next weekend. I use a transformator and no battery to be sure that the sbricks have never a low voltage level. The motion sensor are working well, I have never wrong values, always 0 if the train passes, always 4 or 5 if there is no train. Obviously the software expects a train also in case of 4. Is there any possibility for example by C# coding to tell the software that 0 means a train is passing and higher than 2 no train is passing? Because I have no idea how to get higher values...
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