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About zz-80

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    Star Wars
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  1. This is fantastic! Looks like a more modern and beefier version of the old B-Wing.
  2. Chainsaw Daves torso in Apocalypseburg screams He-Man! :)
  3. I love the rooms, scenes and the minifigs, esp. Landos cape. The midi Slave I is awesome and a perfect addition to the system Falcon (maybe Boba should sit one brick lower). Despite the wrong color I also like the Cloud Car. The downside for me is that everything stitched together looks rather... rough and unfinished with a strange shape. I also miss a bottom floor in the freezing chamber. Pretty sure I'll be getting this on the inevitable discount. :)
  4. I really like the Conveyex, even thinking of getting two and simply connect them. Does anyone remember if there was also a train engine at the end of the conveyex? I don't exactly remember but would say there was just a wagon at the end?
  5. Yeah, maybe a bit too optimistic and happy, maybe he does not know Vaders coming... ;) I ordered some blasteres via Bricklink from a german store (X0B16), they are being advertised as 'The Little Arms' Products and are quite cheap.
  6. This is my take on the Rebel Scouts / Navy Troopers: Just a simple update with the T-16 Skyhopper head: 3626cpb1341; cheaper than most other SW chin strap options.
  7. This is awesome!! 100% must buy label! :D
  8. Awesome!! *y*
  9. Wow a very cool collection, but you should really be careful with the weight your shelves can carry. Regarding the last pic, they don't seem to be very stable... The right shelf with the gunship looks a bit like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. :-D
  10. Cool! We all know that the best place to store confidential data is still the 2x6 lego memory stick built into an awesome moc. :-D
  11. Heyheyheay, another on einterested in the stock market. Thats cool! :-P
  12. lol, guess who ordered a king and a princess two weeks ago... Yeah might be, but somehow I do believe that it's true. Same photograph technique, some weird ideas like the small poles (or whatever) the dwarfs are standing on (I already thought that it could be magnetic :-D) only TLC could come up with. I guess time will tell... Anyone with good eyes spotting parts that have not yet been released? ;-) PS: take a closer look at the pic and follow the url. Somehow looks authentic too me.
  13. I doubt that we Europeans will get this for the standard 50
  14. Batbrick, I think I just followed you. How great is that?! You even got a lifted baseplate with accessories on the 4 sides... Dwarfs, Orcs, thrones, towers, yay! *wub* I think in december, after also including the new advent calender, I will end up with 200+ castle minifigs. :-D
  15. Very good work Dillon! I love the detailed engines. :-)
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