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Arjan de Jong

Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Arjan de Jong

  1. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.brickfanatics.com%2Flego-technic-2023-sets-450-liebherr%2Famp%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR15tIHkQ4dTaBxcJvQVy0tJfmbcOOAzkzwZ2gVw9s-D-qN96JpvFIJbBQI&h=AT0C9z1EWkbdQJguI3IRktuDOicFd23dIlq9GBgWzMqRK2GqvfXCEF21SGVDqxZT5B1sfuJT_bIbUyogHkilbvb4Z8gto1_NgYAybNp1H_TpsEmT3_KRwzoTizl0H8lVxc7effVNoctX-LBiHSP8&__tn__=H-R&c[0]=AT3CWbxrVIOvzY4NAkJbSKycinBaZ2732hTWZMjaUywB96quRkWJbnIiDbSvyNoQbVpKAFKX4RFCvXV-s8bx2TNjxzgyaK2jxC1fO6S998HJng_CosV5wHgrsfsRPPMbObfKnC0asQymbbeiZT5Mq84-ZGBkk1mDjf6N49S_NwUKXaA2IcVyZ6Iov-URlwrZo-lSbTgyQssTjZ3ZIMr2cuM
  2. Here is my versiom. I used the Efferman instructions and made some modifications Some more details
  3. Any news about the instructions for the 42100?
  4. Some details. After about 140 houres work the crane is almost ready. The beasic model has around 2600 pieces. My version is abot 4300 pieces.
  5. Putting the boom into place Cilinder to lift the boom manualy
  6. Still changing details to make it look like the real crane Making the boom... Some more details ladder and tilting cab Hookblock, not 100% Lego but it fits well Mirrors at the drivingcab Some details on the front Details on the back Extra steps and warning stripes
  7. Now the cabin has legal connections Some details on the back Looks like a crane already Comparrising to the original model 42009 Still changing details to make it look like the real crane
  8. Upperstructure with ballast and batterybox Put some details on the crane: mirrors and walkways
  9. Building the upperstructure I put the winch to the back of the uppertcarrier The cabin Putting things together The ballastplate with the batterybox
  10. Here is the base of the crane with the right wide and the right axle distances. There wil be more details.
  11. By the way i need some help to post bigger foto's. This was the first difficult part. I had to make the base smaller.
  12. Changing the axle distance By the way i need some help to post bigger foto's.
  13. The first step was to discover the scale. With the measures of the tyres the scale was around 1:24. So i had to change the axle distance and the wide of the undercarriage.
  14. I started to build my Liebherr LTM 1200-5-1 on base of the Lego model 42009. If anyone is interested i will post here foto's and info,
  15. Hello, i'am new here. I have made some modifications om my mercedes arocs. I lowered the crane, i changed the front wheels. I made the driving and steering rc- controlled en changed the rear and front of the truck. Hope you like the picrures.
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