Hello "BlueBill" e.a !
I think the makecode environment for EV3 is absolutely fantastic and exactly what I have been looking for my 9 yr old son.
This is because the standard coding environment is not very intuitive for youngsters (He does not want to learn it and is completely addicted to Scratch)
Although Scratch also has the ability to communicate with EV3, there are hardly any sensors and its extremely limited in its possibilities.
Makecode has all the sensors with a very comprehensive environment, the emulator and ability to switch to text Javascript is just what he needs to get to the next level.
Unfortunately I have been unable to upload any code to our EV3 brick through USB ( its the only way!)
I have gone through it all, latest firmware v1.10e, cables are fine, installed device manager etc....
On both my two laptops (windows 10 and 7) the EV3 not showing up in windows explorer as separate drive
I think it has something to do with the RNDIS protocol, refer: http://www.monobrick.dk/guides/firmware-guides/setting-up-a-usb-connection-for-use-with-monobrick-firmware/
Also according to this link https://www.ev3dev.org/docs/tutorials/connecting-to-the-internet-via-usb/ EV3 is supposed to show up as "Remote NDIS Compatible Device"
NDIS protocol this is missing on both my laptops and have not been able to install a driver that works, I suspect I need a windows update/fix.
Also found another link with the same problem https://forums.usfirst.org/forum/general-discussions/first-programs/first-lego-league/the-challenge/programming-ab/85807-ev3-makecode-brick-no-longer-connects-via-usb
It seems that EV3 users have not yet woken up to the fact that this COULD be(COME) a great alternative to the Mindstorms standard because there is almost nothing when surfing the net.
I hope somebody is able to point me in the right direction because I really would like this to work for him